Creek). Then, the next/ nearest named RWB would be Grove Creek. If the site’s stormwater discharges drain
to multiple waterbodies, then list all such waterbodies. The classications of the RWB are found in S.C.
Regulation 61-69 (http://www.scdhec.gov/environment/water/regs/r61-69.pdf). If a RWB is unnamed, then
search the document for the nearest named RWB. If the nearest, named RWB is not listed, then continue
searching the document for the next, named waterbody, proceeding downstream from the site. For example,
a site in Anderson County drains to a tributary of Hornbuckle Creek, then to Hornbuckle Creek, then to Middle
Branch, and then to Brushy Creek/ Big Brushy Creek. First, search the document for Hornbuckle Creek, then
Middle Branch, then Brushy Creek until one of the RWB appears. In this example Brushy Creek is the rst
classied waterbody and has the classication of “FW—Freshwaters.” Therefore, the classication of the
tributary to Hornbuckle Creek is FW. Use attachment 1, if necessary.
For C.4. see the following website for the most current 303(d) List for Impaired Waters and related
information: http://www.scdhec.gov/environment/water/tmdl/index.htm - 303d. The 303(d) list is available
in Microsoft Excel and Adobe Reader formats. Maps showing WQMS locations are available for each
watershed at this website as well. To search the 303(d) List to determine whether a WQMS is listed, select
“Edit” from the top toolbar of your web browser. Then, select “Find.” Enter the WQMS exactly as listed on
the map and hit enter. If none of the WQMS(s) are found, then put “Not Applicable” in C.4.a. If a WQMS is
found, list the cause(s) of the impairment (see last column labeled “CAUSE”) in C.4.c. Use attachment 1, if
For the impairment “bio,” DO NOT answer C.4.d. An impairment of the macroinvertebrates or biology of any
given waterbody is an effect based on other pollutants. As referenced in of the IGP, until an EPA
approved/established Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) species the pollutant(s) of concern, there is no way
to denitively answer C.4.d.
For C.5. see the following website for a list of Approved S.C. TMDLs:
http://www.scdhec.gov/environment/water/tmdl/tmdlsc.htm The TMDLs are categorized on this site
alphabetically, by pollutant of concern, and by watershed for ease of searching. As in item C.4 above, to
search these lists, select “Edit” from the top toolbar of your web browser. Then, select “Find.” These lists
are updated roughly every two years and should be reviewed for changes periodically. Use attachment 1, if
For C.8. refer to Part 8 of the IGP or Appendix D for a tabular summary. If you are unable to determine your
SIC code(s), refer to the following link:(http://www.osha.gov/pls/imis/sic_manual.html)
Section D:
A South Carolina registered Professional Engineer is NOT required to complete this NOI or to prepare the
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The NOI Preparer can be the same as the Facility Contact
as requested in A.4.
Section E:
DO NOT SIGN IN BLACK INK! The NOI submitted to DHEC must have original signatures. If the Operator
is a company, print the name of the person who is signing the NOI. A person with signatory authority for the
Operator must sign the application. The SWPPP Preparer cannot sign the application for the Operator. See
below for a summary and §122.22 of S.C. Reg. 61-9 for complete information about signatory authority
Corporation: A responsible corporate ofcer (e.g., president, vice-president, certain managers)•
Partnership or Sole Proprietorship: A general partner or the proprietor, respectively•
Municipality, State, Federal or Other Public Agency: Principal executive ofcer or ranking elected•
DHEC 2611 (01/2011)