A. Primary Permittee Name - Provide the complete, legal name of the person or entity (company) that will be the
Primary Permittee (Owner/Operator, O/O) for the project. If a person, provide the Title or Position. If a
company, provide the complete, legal name of the company. Do not list the D/B/A (Doing Business As) name.
NOTE: If S.C. Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is the O/O, this NOI form (Form 2617) should NOT be used.
Provide the complete mailing address of the person/company identified in II.A as the Primary Permittee.
B. Contact/ODSA Name – Complete if different from II. A or O/O is a company. Provide the complete legal name
of the person identified as the Contact or Operator of Daily Site Activities (ODSA) for the project. This can be
someone other than the person that has signatory authority for the company. Often the Contact person is also
referred to as the ODSA. Provide the complete mailing address for the person, other than the permittee, the
Department may contact. This address can be different from the mailing address entered for the O/O.
C. Property Owner Name – If different from II.A or B, list the complete, legal name of the current Property Owner(s)
of the site. Enter the complete mailing address for the Property Owner. NPDES coverage will be issued to the
Primary Permittee identified in Section II.A, not the Property Owner, unless same entity. If there are multiple
Property Owners, attach additional sheets with all information requested in Section II.C.
III. Comprehensive Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (C-SWPPP) Preparer Information
A. C-SWPPP Preparer Name – Provide the name of the C-SWPPP Preparer for this project.
B. Registered Professional – Identify whether the C-SWPPP Preparer is a Registered South Carolina Professional
Engineer, Tier B Surveyor, or Landscape Architect. For projects disturbing more than 2 acres, the C-SWPPP
preparer must be one of the listed professionals or federal government employee as described in Title 40,
Chapter 22,and as required and allowed by the qualified individual’s respective act and regulations. In the
SCCZ, projects that are located within ½ mile of a CRW and that involve greater than 0.5 acres of land
disturbance, the C-SWPPP preparer must be one of the listed professionals or federal government employee
as described in Title 40, Chapter 22, and as required and allowed by the qualified individual’s respective act
and regulations.
C. Company/Firm Name - Provide the complete, legal name of the company and S.C. Certificate of Authorization
(S.C. COA number). Enter the complete mailing address. DHEC may contact the C-SWPPP Preparer via
email. See the following websites for information about COA requirements for Landscape Architecture firms
http://www.dnr.sc.gov/land/LandscArch/LAlicense.html and Engineering and Surveying firms
http://www.llr.state.sc.us/POL/Engineers/. Enter N/A for S.C. COA if the firm is not required to have a COA.
IV. Project/Site Information
A. Type of Construction Activity (ies) - Select ALL activity types that best describe the development proposed for the
site. “Institutional” includes schools and other publicly owned projects, except linear projects. “Site Preparation”
includes clearing, grubbing, and grading only; no new impervious areas should be proposed if this activity type is
selected. If none describe the development, then select “Other” and list the activity.
B. Site Address/Location - List the site address. If the site address is unknown, list the road name(s) on which the site is
located, the nearest intersection, or other detailed description of the site location. List a city/town only if the site is
within the city/ town limits. List zip code (if known). Provide the latitude/longitude and tax map numbers. See the
following website for assistance in obtaining latitude/ longitude coordinates:
. Latitude (from 32° to 35°) and longitude (-78° to -83°) should
be for the center of the site. Minutes (’) and seconds (”) should be from 0 to 59. Identify the lat/long data source.
C. Indian Lands – Identify if this site is located on Indian lands.
D. Proposed Start Date/Completion Date – Provide proposed project start and completion dates.
E. Disturbed Area/Total Area - Enter the disturbed area for the project and the total area for the site. The disturbed
areas must be rounded to the nearest tenth of an acre. For subdivisions, if the exact build-out is not known, the
disturbed area can be estimated using the following equation:
Disturbed area= 2(Maximum Footprint of House)(# of lots) + Road/ Right-of-Way areas + Other easements/
disturbance. NOTE: Provide written notification if the actual disturbed area exceeds the disturbed area on the approved NOI.
F. Modification Only: Change to Disturbed Area – If your modification to a prior approved project will increase or
decrease the disturbed area, complete this section and see Section I of the Instructions. Enter the current
approved disturbed area and proposed increase (+) or decrease (-) to the disturbed area. If no change, enter
0.0. Enter the new total disturbed area (after change). Round each entry to the nearest tenth of an acre.
G. Larger Common Plan for Development or Sale (LCP) - The plan in LCP is “broadly defined as any announcement
or piece of documentation (including a sign, public notice or hearing, sales pitch, advertisement, drawing, permit
application, zoning request, computer design, etc.) or physical demarcation (including boundary signs, lot stakes,
surveyor markings, etc.) indicating construction activities may occur on a specific plot.” [63 Federal Register No.
128, July 6, Page 6 1998, p. 36491] For example, if master calculations have been prepared and/ or submitted for
an entire site, then all phases and parcels at that site would be considered part of an LCP. If the site is part of a
subdivision, industrial park, commercial park, etc., then it is considered to be part of an LCP. List a unique,
distinguishing LCP/ Overall Development name. This name should not reference a specific phase. This LCP/
Overall Development name should also be listed on all NOIs for future projects that are part of this LCP, including
subsequent phases. Check the box if this is the first phase of the LCP. List the previous state permit/ file number
and previous NPDES coverage number if applicable. (DO NOT en
ter SCR100000). If not known, contact the
Department for assistance.
DHEC 2617 (10/2012)