HomesteadAbatement Unit
Non-Occupant Co-Owner / Relative Form
Only Non-Occupant Owners or Relatives need to complete this form.
This form MUST be accompanied by a Homestead application
roperty ID:
Property Address:
Minnesota Statutes, section 273.124, requires the County Assessor obtain the name and address of each
owner who does not occupy the property, along with their relationship to the occupant(s).
Non-Occupant Owner Name:
Non-Occupant Owner Address:
Non-Occupant Owner Phone Number:
Occupant Name:
Relationship to Occupant:
Non-Occupant Owner Signature: Date_
Non-Occupant Owner Name:
Non-Occupant Owner Address:
Non-Occupant Owner Phone Number:
Occupant Name:
Relationship to Occupant:
Non-Occupant Owner Signature: Date_
Non-Occupant Owner Name:
Non-Occupant Owner Address:
Non-Occupant Owner Phone Number:
Occupant Name:
Relationship to Occupant:
Non-Occupant Owner Signature: Date_
Non-Occupant Owner Name:
Non-Occupant Owner Address:
Non-Occupant Owner Phone Number:
Occupant Name:
Relationship to Occupant:
Non-Occupant Owner Signature: Date_
Mail completed form to:
Ramsey County Assessor Homestead Unit, P.O. Box 64097, Saint Paul, MN 55164-0097
Call 651-266-2040 or email
Making false statements on this form is against the law. Minnesota Statutes, section 609.41, states
that anyone giving false information in order to avoid or reduce their tax obligations is subject to a
fine of up to$3,000 and/or up to one year in prison.