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© 2019 –Civil Law Self-Help Center
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the residential rental premises you occupy were transferred or sold to a new owner, as
evidenced by the Deed dated
(insert date) ___________________________ and attached to this notice, which was recorded
with the Clark County Recorder as Document No.
(insert recording number) ______________________________________,
(insert date recorded) ____________________________________________.
PLEASE BE ADVISED that, under Nevada law, you continue to have the rights, obligations, and liabilities under chapter
118A of NRS and under your lease or rental agreement with the previous owner or landlord, which remains in effect through
the period of the lease term. The contact information for the new owner is listed above. Please remit rent due to
(insert name of
new owner or authorized agent to whom rent should be paid)
__________________________________________________, in the
following method or to the following address
(insert how rent should be paid, e.g., a website, a payment app, a mailing address):
Failure to pay rent or to comply with any other term of your rental agreement or applicable law constitutes a breach of the
lease or rental agreement and may result in eviction proceedings, including, without limitation, proceedings conducted
pursuant to NRS 40.253 and 40.254.
PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that the new owner has the rights, obligations, and liabilities under chapter 118A of
NRS and of the previous owner or landlord under the lease or rental agreement. The previous owner was obligated to transfer
the remaining security deposit to the new owner, and the new owner holds the following amount in security
(insert amount
transferred in security to the new owner)
YOU CAN OBTAIN MORE INFORMATION at the Civil Law Self-Help Center, located at the Regional Justice
Center, downtown Las Vegas, or on its website,
On (insert date of service) _____________________________, I served this notice in the following manner (check only one):
By delivering a copy to the tenant(s) personally.
Because the tenant(s) was absent from tenant's place of residence, by leaving a copy with
(insert name or physical description
of person served)
____________________________________________, a person of suitable age and discretion, AND
mailing a copy to the tenant(s) at tenant's place of residence.
Because neither tenant nor a person of suitable age or discretion could be found there, by posting a copy in a
conspicuous place on the property, AND mailing a copy to the tenant(s) at the place where the property is situated.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Nevada that the foregoing is true and correct.
_______________ _________________________ _______________________ ___________________________
(Date) (Server’s Name) (Server’s Badge/License #)
(Server’s Signature)
This notice must be provided within 30 days after the date of the transfer or sale.
A server who does not have a badge or license number may be an agent of an attorney licensed in Nevada. Notices served by agents must also include an
attorney declaration as proof of service.