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Section 8: Application Process and After Retirement
I can submit my Service Retirement Application as early as six months before my retirement date. Resigning with my employer is a
separate process.
The Windfall Elimination Provision can reduce but will not eliminate my earned Social Security benet.
The Government Pension Offset can reduce or eliminate my spousal/widow(er) Social Security benet.
I have a separation-from-service requirement. If I return to CalSTRS-covered employment within 180 calendar days of retirement,
my benet will be reduced dollar for dollar by the amount I earn.
After the rst 180 days of retirement, I can work in CalSTRS-covered employment up to the annual postretirement earnings limit.
The limit is $ _______________ for __________________ /____________________ .
My Action Items
Submit my Service Retirement Application as early as six months before my retirement date
Verify my resignation process with my employer.
Contact the Social Security Administration for more information on benet reductions.
Track my gross earnings to avoid exceeding the earnings limits.
Section 9: Benefit Inflation Protection
I will receive an increase in my monthly benet each September after the one-year anniversary of my retirement. The increase is
equal to 2 percent of my initial benet and is not compounded.
If the purchasing power of my current benet falls below a certain percent (currently 85 percent) of the purchasing power of my initial
benet, I will receive a supplemental benet payment.
My Action Items
View the Member Handbook for more information.
Financial Awareness Workshops
Save for Your Future—budgeting basics, savings and investing, credit and debt
Plan for Your Future—retirement lifestyle, expenses, income and obstacles
Protect Your Future—retirement distributions, maximizing and protecting income
CalSTRS and Your Retirement—personalized benet estimates, electing
an option, application process and after retirement
Action Items
Visit for more information.
Contact CalSTRS to schedule a CalSTRS and Your Retirement group session.
Send an online message using myCalSTRS or call 800-228-5453 if I have
Section 10: Learn More
My Retirement Decisions
Learn more about choosing my retirement date, benefciary options,
and how to receive my beneft once I retire.
Section 1: Membership Information and Resources
My benet structure determines how my retirement benet is calculated.
I am a CalSTRS 2% at member.—access information on my benets, forms and publications, videos and calculators.
myCalSTRS—view and update account information, submit forms and messages, and access my
Retirement Progress Report.
Retirement Progress Report—track my membership and benet information, service credit and account balances, and other
information reported by my employer.
My Action Items
Verify my benet structure on my Retirement Progress Report, if needed.
Read the Your Retirement Guide booklet at
Register for myCalSTRS and update my contact information and communication preferences at
Review my Retirement Progress Report each September and contact my employer immediately if there are discrepancies.
Section 2: Choosing a Retirement Date
I can retire as early as age 55 with ve years of service credit.
CalSTRS does not offer health benets. I am responsible for my own coverage. My employer may offer special benet packages or
incentives if I retire within a certain time period.
Once I am eligible for retirement, I can retire as early as the day after my last day of work, vacation or compensated approved leave.
My benet may depend on my retirement date.
My Action Items
See the Your Retirement Guide booklet for more information on retirement eligibility.
Check with my employer about health benefits and retirement incentives for retirees.
Verify my last day of work with my employer when I intend to retire and ask about forms my employer may require.
Section 3: CalSTRS Hybrid System
My membership includes the Dened Benet and Dened Benet
Supplement programs.
The CalSTRS Pension2® program is a voluntary dened
contribution plan.
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Section 5: Defined Benefit Decision
The Member-Only Benet is the highest benet I
can receive and ends when I die. Any remaining
account balance is paid to my one-time death
benet recipient.
The Modied Benet is a reduced benet that
provides a lifetime monthly benet to one or
more beneciaries when I die. The reduction is
based on the option I elect and my age and the
age of my beneciaries when I make the election.
I can choose to leave my beneciary 100%, 75%
or 50% of my reduced benet.
Once eligible to retire, I can make a preretirement
election of an option to secure an option benet
if I should die before retirement.
Section 6: Defined Benefit Supplement Choices
The Dened Benet Supplement Program is a cash balance plan with a guaranteed benet based on contributions and credits.
I can choose between the following distributions at retirement:
Lump Sum
Return of account balance
• Lifetime—separate monthly payment for my lifetime or for my lifetime
and the lifetime of my option beneciary if I elect the Modied Benet
• Period Certain—separate monthly payment for three to 10 years
Lump-sum payment and annuity based on remaining account balance
My Action Items
View my account balance on myCalSTRS and watch the video series on to review funding sources, distribution
choices and tax considerations.
Consider working additional extra-pay assignments to increase my account balance.
Review your choices and tax considerations with a tax professional.
Section 7: CalSTRS Pension2
CalSTRS Pension2, a voluntary dened contribution plan, provides additional income in retirement. It offers 403(b), 457(b), Roth
403(b) and Roth 457(b) accounts with low fees and a variety of investments.
My Action Items
Visit or call 888-394-2060 for more information, educational videos and contribution calculators.
Research supplemental savings plans offered by my employer at
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RR 1858 (rev 10/19)
100% 75% 50%
My Action Items
View the Benefciary Options video on
Use the Retirement Benefts Calculator on to estimate your modied benet.
Learn about the Compound Option in the Member Handbook.
Attend a benets planning session or obtain an estimate before electing an option.
Section 4: Retirement Benefits
My retirement benet is based on the following formula:
Service Credit x Age Factor x Final Compensation = Monthly Retirement Benefit
What it is How to increase it
Service Credit
Time worked for which contributions were paid
Work longer or purchase eligble
Age Factor
Percentage based on age at retirement
We add 0.20 percent up to the maximum of 2.40 percent for
CalSTRS 2% at 60 members with 30 or more years of service credit
at retirement
Work longer or wait to retire
Final Compensation
Highest average annual compensation earnable
We use the highest average 36 consecutive months for CalSTRS
2% at 62 members and CalSTRS 2% at 60 members with less than
25 years of service credit
We use 12 consecutive months for 2% at 60 members with 25 or
more years of service at retirement
Work at higher pay rates
My Action Items
Review the Understanding the Formula fact sheet and video on
Track my service credit balance on my Retirement Progress Report and transfer my unused sick leave balances if I
change employers.
View the complete age factor tables in the Member Handbook.
Use the Retirement Benefts Calculator at to generate estimates.
Read the Purchase Additional Service Credit booklet.
Calculating Jake’s Retirement Benefit
Calculate Jake’s retirement benet assuming the following:
Jake is a CalSTRS 2% at 60 member who wants to retire at 63.
He is 48 years old with 12 years of service credit and plans to work full time for 15 more years.
His one-year monthly nal compensation is $5,208.
Service Credit
x Age Factor
x Final Compensation
Jake’s Monthly Beneft =
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Section 4: Retirement Benefits
My retirement benet is based on the following formula:
Service Credit x Age Factor x Final Compensation = Monthly Retirement Benefit
What it is How to increase it
Service Credit
Time worked for which contributions were paid
Work longer or purchase eligble
Age Factor
Percentage based on age at retirement
We add 0.20 percent up to the maximum of 2.40 percent for
CalSTRS 2% at 60 members with 30 or more years of service credit
at retirement
Work longer or wait to retire
Final Compensation
Highest average annual compensation earnable
We use the highest average 36 consecutive months for CalSTRS
2% at 62 members and CalSTRS 2% at 60 members with less than
25 years of service credit
We use 12 consecutive months for 2% at 60 members with 25 or
more years of service at retirement
Work at higher pay rates
My Action Items
Review the Understanding the Formula fact sheet and video on
Track my service credit balance on my Retirement Progress Report and transfer my unused sick leave balances if I
change employers.
View the complete age factor tables in the Member Handbook.
Use the Retirement Benefts Calculator at to generate estimates.
Read the Purchase Additional Service Credit booklet.
Calculate Jake’s retirement benet assuming the following:
Jake is a CalSTRS 2% at 60 member who wants to retire at 63.
He is 48 years old with 12 years of service credit and plans to work full time for 15 more years.
His one-year monthly nal compensation is $5,208.
Service Credit
x Age Factor
x Final Compensation
Jake’s Monthly Beneft =
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Calculating Jake’s Retirement Benefit
Section 5: Defined Benefit Decision
The Member-Only Benet is the highest benet I
can receive and ends when I die. Any remaining
account balance is paid to my one-time death
benet recipient.
The Modied Benet is a reduced benet that
provides a lifetime monthly benet to one or
more beneciaries when I die. The reduction is
based on the option I elect and my age and the
age of my beneciaries when I make the election.
I can choose to leave my beneciary 100%, 75%
or 50% of my reduced benet.
Once eligible to retire, I can make a preretirement
election of an option to secure an option benet
100% 75% 50%
if I should die before retirement.
My Action Items
View the Benefciary Options video on
Use the Retirement Benefts Calculator on to estimate your modied benet.
Learn about the Compound Option in the Member Handbook.
Attend a benets planning session or obtain an estimate before electing an option.
Section 6: Defined Benefit Supplement Choices
The Dened Benet Supplement Program is a cash balance plan with a guaranteed benet based on contributions and credits.
I can choose between the following distributions at retirement:
Lump Sum
Return of account balance
• Lifetime—separate monthly payment for my lifetime or for my lifetime
and the lifetime of my option beneciary if I elect the Modied Benet
• Period Certain—separate monthly payment for three to 10 years
Lump-sum payment and annuity based on remaining account balance
My Action Items
View my account balance on myCalSTRS and watch the video series on to review funding sources, distribution
choices and tax considerations.
Consider working additional extra-pay assignments to increase my account balance.
Review your choices and tax considerations with a tax professional.
Section 7: CalSTRS Pension2
CalSTRS Pension2, a voluntary dened contribution plan, provides additional income in retirement. It offers 403(b), 457(b), Roth
403(b) and Roth 457(b) accounts with low fees and a variety of investments.
My Action Items
Visit or call 888-394-2060 for more information, educational videos and contribution calculators.
Research supplemental savings plans offered by my employer at
RR 1858A (rev 06/20)
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My benet structure determines how my retirement benet is calculated.
I am a CalSTRS 2% at member.—access information on my benets, forms and publications, videos and calculators.
myCalSTRS—view and update account information, submit forms and messages, and access my
Retirement Progress Report.
Retirement Progress Report—track my membership and benet information, service credit and account balances, and other
information reported by my employer.
My Action Items
Verify my benet structure on my Retirement Progress Report, if needed.
Read the Your Retirement Guide booklet at
Register for myCalSTRS and update my contact information and communication preferences at
Review my Retirement Progress Report each September and contact my employer immediately if there are discrepancies.
My Retirement Decisions
Learn more about choosing my retirement date, benefciary options,
and how to receive my beneft once I retire.
Section 1: Membership Information and Resources
Section 2: Choosing a Retirement Date
I can retire as early as age 55 with ve years of service credit.
CalSTRS does not offer health benets. I am responsible for my own coverage. My employer may offer special benet packages or
incentives if I retire within a certain time period.
Once I am eligible for retirement, I can retire as early as the day after my last day of work, vacation or compensated approved leave.
My benet may depend on my retirement date.
My Action Items
See the Your Retirement Guide booklet for more information on retirement eligibility.
Check with my employer about health benets and retirement incentives for retirees.
Verify my last day of work with my employer when i intend to retire and ask about forms my employer may require.
My membership includes the Dened Benet and Dened Benet
Supplement programs.
The CalSTRS Pension2® program is a voluntary dened
contribution plan.
Section 3: CalSTRS Hybrid System
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Section 8: Application Process and After Retirement
I can submit my Service Retirement Application as early as six months before my retirement date. Resigning with my employer is a
separate process.
The Windfall Elimination Provision can reduce but will not eliminate my earned Social Security benet.
The Government Pension Offset can reduce or eliminate my spousal/widow(er) Social Security benet.
I have a separation-from-service requirement. If I return to CalSTRS-covered employment within 180 calendar days of retirement,
my benet will be reduced dollar for dollar by the amount I earn.
After the rst 180 days of retirement, I can work in CalSTRS-covered employment up to the annual postretirement earnings limit.
The limit is $ _______________ for __________________ /____________________ .
My Action Items
Submit my Service Retirement Application as early as six months before my retirement date
Verify my resignation process with my employer.
Contact the Social Security Administration for more information on benet reductions.
Track my gross earnings to avoid exceeding the earnings limits.
Section 9: Benefit Inflation Protection
I will receive an increase in my monthly benet each September after the one-year anniversary of my retirement. The increase is
equal to 2 percent of my initial benet and is not compounded.
If the purchasing power of my current benet falls below a certain percent (currently 85 percent) of the purchasing power of my initial
benet, I will receive a supplemental benet payment.
My Action Items
View the Member Handbook for more information.
Section 10: Learn More
Financial Awareness Workshops
Save for Your Future—budgeting basics, savings and investing, credit and debt
Plan for Your Future—retirement lifestyle, expenses, income and obstacles
Protect Your Future—retirement distributions, maximizing and protecting income
CalSTRS and Your Retirement—personalized benet estimates, electing
an option, application process and after retirement
Action Items
Visit for more information.
Contact CalSTRS to schedule a CalSTRS and Your Retirement group session.
Send an online message using myCalSTRS or call 800-228-5453 if I have
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