Requesters Public Records Request/Report Information
Full Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Last First M.I.
Organization: ____________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Street Address
City State Zip Code
Phone: ________________________________ Alternate Phone: _____________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________________________
I hereby request the following records maintained by the MS Department of Education. (Request shall
be specific enough to allow the Department employees to identify and retrieve records requested)
My Request is to:
_____ 1. Review the records listed above
_____ 2. Receive copy (s) of records listed above
_____ 3. Mail copy (s) of records to address shown above
I understand that appropriate charges for searching, copying and/or mailing shall be paid in full prior to
granting this request. I acknowledge that the Mississippi Department of Education has a minimum of
seven (7) working days from the date of receipt to respond to my request in accordance with MS Public
Records Act § 25-61-1 seq.
Signature of person making request: ____________________________________________________
Title Date
Footprint Number: ___________________ Date Completed:_____________________________
Approved Denied
Office of Public Reporting: ☐ ☐ Initials__________ Date_____________
Legal: ☐ ☐ Initials__________ Date_____________
Cost: $_____________________ Date Payment Received:______________________________
Office of Public Reporting
PO Box 771
Jackson, MS 39205-0771
Email: reporting@mdek12.org
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