MP 7004b 06 14
Copyright, American Alternative Insurance Corporation, 2013
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18. Please indicate the types of legal work that are typically referred by the Organization to outside counsel and any
guidelines governing such referrals. _____________________________________________________________
19. Do you provide any other professional services on behalf of the Organization?
Yes No
If yes, please describe below:
20. Does the organization have an indemnification policy or practice applicable to Employed Lawyers, regardless of
whether the Employed Lawyers are directors or officers of the organization?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details and attach indemnification provisions and relevant limitation of liability provisions in the
certificate of incorporation or corporate bylaws, as well as any other indemnification policies or agreements.
21. Does the organization and/or the legal department have written policies or procedures with regard to the following:
Training of newly hired employed lawyers?
Yes No
Continuing legal education for employed lawyers?
Yes No
Circulation and updating of documents within legal department?
Yes No
Litigation docket control within the legal department?
Yes No
Preparation and approval of legal opinions for the use of entities
other than the organization? Yes No
Organization compliance with federal, state, or local statutes or
regulations? Yes No
Employee hiring, termination, and promotion?
Yes No
22. How do the employed lawyers avoid conflicts of interest? Is a conflicts avoidance system utilized?_____________
23. Specifically, what procedures are in place to:
a) Avoid conflicts between employed lawyers duties to the Organization and any legal services provided to
Directors, Officers, or Employees?_____________________________________________________________
b) Avoid conflicts between employed lawyers duties to the Organization and any legal services provided to
members and clients of the organization?________________________________________________________
24. Is the professional applicant controlled, owned or associated with any other firm, corporation or company, other than
as stated above?
Yes No If yes, please provide full details:____________________________________
25. Have all known potential claims, incidents or suits, if any, been reported to your present carrier?
Yes No
26. Has the applicant, predecessors or any other person for whom insurance is being requested ever been subject of a
reprimand or disciplined by, or refused admission to, a bar association, court or administrative agency?
Yes No If yes, please provide full details:__________________________________________________
27. After inquiry, have any claims or suits been made against any employed lawyer within the past five(5) years arising
out of his or her provision of legal services, whether or not such claims or suits arose out of work performed for the
Yes No If yes, please provide a complete Claim Summary for each such claim or suit.