MP 7004a 06 14
Copyright, American Alternative Insurance Corporation, 2013
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17. Have the accountants or organization had any quality peer review of accounting and review services? Yes No
If yes, indicate when, who performed peer review and the outcome._______________________________________
18. Have all known potential claims, incidents or suits, if any, been reported to your present carrier? Yes No
19. Has the applicant, predecessors or any other person for whom insurance is being requested ever been subject to
disciplinary action or reprimand by any state board of accountancy (or equivalent thereof), the S.E.C. , any other
governmental regulatory agency, federal , state, local court, or any state or national accounting society?
Yes No If yes, please provide full details:__________________________________________________
20. Is the professional applicant controlled, owned or associated with any other firm, corporation or company, other than
as stated above?
Yes No If yes, please provide full details:____________________________________
21. Have you ever been convicted of a crime or felony? Yes___ No___
22. Provide information on your in-force professional Liability insurance. (if none exists, please indicate “none”)
a. Insurance Company Name ________________________________Expiration date _________________
b. Limits of Liability $______________________________________Policy # ______________________
c. Does your policy cover you while performing work for the agency/organization? Yes___ No___
d. Retroactive Date _______________________________________
Financial Advisor/Investment Manager:
1. What are the professional qualifications of the Financial Advisor(s) applying for coverage?
Licenses Held:_________________________ Professional Organizations:_____________________________
Length of time working as an Advisor :______________________________________________
Length of time working with the Organization:_________________________________________
2. Is the professional applicant registered with the SEC as an investment advisor?
Yes No
If yes, please provide full details:______________________________________________________________
3. Is the applicant registered with any other regulatory agency, commission or association?
Yes No
If yes, please provide full details:______________________________________________________________
4. Does the professional applicant contract with any Outside Service Providers?
Yes No
If yes, please provide full details:______________________________________________________________
5. Do you manage investment funds or advise the strategy for the management of investment funds?
Yes No
If yes, please attach a separate page providing names of funds and fund asset sizes managed.
6. Please provide on a separate page a list of your three(3) largest clients and any involving over 10% of your total
7. Are the investment and management fees charged fully disclosed to investment participants at least annually?
Yes No If No please explain.____________________________________________________________
8. Do you provide an investment strategy document as part of the client disclosure statement indicating the portfolio
mix planned for the client, the relative risk levels of the investment types and obtain client signoff?
Yes No
If No please explain._________________________________________________________________________
9. For marketable investments, do clients receive monthly statements showing the current market valuation of
Yes No If No please explain.__________________________________________________