Medina County Commissioners
County Administration Building
144 North Broadway Street
Medina, Ohio 44256
Medina County Request for Public Records
Request Date: ____________________
Requester Information (Please provide enough contact information so that your request can be delivered):
Name (optional): ____________________________________________________________________________
Phone number: _________________Email: ____________________________________________________
Street Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________ State: ______________________ Zip: _______________
Oce/Department Records Requested from: ____________________________________________________
Date range of records requested: _____________________________________________________________
Please describe in detail the description of records requested.
Format requested (Select one): Paper* Electronic Other: _____________________
*Please note that paper copies are 5 cents per page.
Requested Method of Delivery
(Select one):
Email Mail Pickup in person Other: ____________
Forms can be submitted via email, mail or in person to:
Medina County Board of Commissioners
144 N. Broadway Street, Room 201,
Medina, OH, 44256
Email: rbeck@ohmedinaco.org • Phone: 330-722-9208
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