_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Request to Increase Single Class of Work Limit
Submit one completed project per class of work
Name of Company:__________________________________________________________________________
City:____________________________________________________ State:_______Zip:__________________
Contact Person:___________________________________________ Vendor Code:______________________
Phone Number:___________________________________E-mail Address:_____________________________
Original Signature, Title, Date Print Name, Title
Select Class of Work
Bridge - Construction Highway - Bike Paths Salt Marsh and Wetland
Bridge - Culverts Highway - Construction Sewer and Water
Bridge - Deck Repairs Highway - Lighting Signing - Non Structural
Bridge - Joints Highway - Sidewalk and Curbing Signing - Structural
Catch Basin Cleaning Impact Attenuators Street Sweeping
Chemical Storage Sheds Intelligent Transportation Systems Traffic Signals
Crack Sealing Landscaping Including Tree Planting Tree Trimming - Maintenance
and Removal
Dam Construction Marine Construction Waterways
Demolition Mowing and Spraying
Drainage Painting - Structural
Drawbridge Maintenance Pavement Markings
Dredging Pavement - Milling and Cold Planing
Drilling & Boring Pavement - Reclamation
Electrical - All Types - Including
Electrical Maintenance
Pavement - Surfacing
Guard Rail & Fencing Pump Stations
Hazardous Waste Remediation &
Recreational Facilities
Approved_________ Denied__________
Email: prequal.r109@dot.state.ma.us
Phone: 857-368-8660
Rev 12/2018 1
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Request to Increase Single Class of Work Limit
Submit one completed project per class of work
Duplicate the project information template as needed to list project experience
Please provide a detailed scope of work for each project. Project listed should be $50K and over.
Do not list contracts completed more than 10 years ago.
1. Class of work:
1a. Other Classes of work performed: Dollar Value:
Project Title:
Owner’s rep:
Telephone#: Email:
Architect / Engineer:
A/ E contact person:
Telephone#: Email:
Original contract amount: $ Original completion date:
Final contract amount: $ Final completion date:
Were you the Prime Contractor or Subcontractor for this project?
Percentage of work completed with own forces:
Value of work completed with own forces: $
Detailed Scope of Work:
Email to: prequal.r109@dot.state.ma.us Phone: 857-368-8660
MASSDOT, Highway Division
Prequalification Department
10 Park Plaza, Room 6260, Boston, MA 02116
Rev 12/2018 2
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