Business Plan 2018-2021
Children and young people in Lincolnshire are effectively safeguarded, properly
supported and their lives improved by all agencies working together.
The Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) Business Plan sets out the
strategic intent of partners to make this vision a reality. It underlines the statutory objectives
of the LSCP, to coordinate and ensure the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements with
priorities set for 2018-21. This will be reviewed and updated following the implementation of
the new multi-agency safeguarding arrangements in 2019-20.
Safeguarding is everybody's responsibility.
To focus our work on safeguarding the needs of vulnerable children and young
people and improving their outcomes.
To promote the idea; that children and young people's behaviours, levels of
vulnerability and levels of resilience, are all informed by their surroundings and the
contexts in which they spend their time.
To have a culture of continuous review and learning with evidence based practice.
To be open to constructive professional challenge.
Business Plan Priorities 2018-21
The LSCP Business Plan 2018-21 is intentionally brief and focused on strategic priorities
that form the basis of the LSCP work, and takes account of the need to implement a new
multi-agency safeguarding arrangement.
Overall Objectives of the LSCP
To coordinate what is done by each person or body represented on the Partnership
for the purpose of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in the area,
To ensure the effectiveness of what is done by each such person or body for these
(Section 14 Children Act 2004)
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