Business Plan 2018-2021
Children and young people in Lincolnshire are effectively safeguarded, properly
supported and their lives improved by all agencies working together.
The Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) Business Plan sets out the
strategic intent of partners to make this vision a reality. It underlines the statutory objectives
of the LSCP, to coordinate and ensure the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements with
priorities set for 2018-21. This will be reviewed and updated following the implementation of
the new multi-agency safeguarding arrangements in 2019-20.
Safeguarding is everybody's responsibility.
To focus our work on safeguarding the needs of vulnerable children and young
people and improving their outcomes.
To promote the idea; that children and young people's behaviours, levels of
vulnerability and levels of resilience, are all informed by their surroundings and the
contexts in which they spend their time.
To have a culture of continuous review and learning with evidence based practice.
To be open to constructive professional challenge.
Business Plan Priorities 2018-21
The LSCP Business Plan 2018-21 is intentionally brief and focused on strategic priorities
that form the basis of the LSCP work, and takes account of the need to implement a new
multi-agency safeguarding arrangement.
Overall Objectives of the LSCP
To coordinate what is done by each person or body represented on the Partnership
for the purpose of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in the area,
To ensure the effectiveness of what is done by each such person or body for these
(Section 14 Children Act 2004)
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Priorities of the Partnership
Based on Lincolnshire's learning and recent external inspections, all of our work is
underpinned by a focus on being effective and delivering high quality best practice services.
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Strategic Priority
Tackling Child
For the LSCP to be clear on the size
and scale of the risks presenting to
children and young people in the
communities around Lincolnshire.
1. Clear Terms of Reference for the
problem and risk profile.
2. Use all relevant data sources
3. Conduct an analysis of the data
4. Keep the profile up to date and
relevant with regular reviews.
Child Exploitation sub-group
Child Exploitation sub-group
Child Exploitation sub-group
Child Exploitation sub-group
The Multi-Agency Child Exploitation
meeting model is robust and fully
operational around the county.
1. There is full and appropriate
attendance and participation at
MACE meetings.
2. Partners work together to deliver
comprehensive, multi-agency
arrangements that tackle identified
safeguarding priorities for individual
and groups of children; and to
evaluate their impact on children
and young people.
3. Partners work together to identify
potential risks and perpetrators of
crime towards children and young
people; and understand escalation
to criminal investigation.
4. Review the procedures, guidance
and paperwork for the MACE
All Partners, Child
Exploitation sub-group to
All Partners, Child
Exploitation sub-group to
All Partners, Child
Exploitation sub-group to
CSE co-ordinator with Child
Exploitation sub-group
To reduce the level of Child
Exploitation in Lincolnshire
1. Understand the prevalence, and
impact on children and young
people, of the following in
a. Children Missing
b. County Lines
c. Trafficking
Child Exploitation sub-group
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d. Modern Slavery
e. Digital Threat.
The LSCP and partner agencies are
focussed on safeguarding children
and young people in the context of
their surroundings and the contexts
in which they spend their time
1. Partners work together to pilot, and
if appropriate, roll-out the Contextual
Safeguarding Model. To deliver
comprehensive, multi-agency
arrangements that tackle identified
safeguarding priorities for individual
and groups of children; and to
evaluate their impact on children
and young people.
a. Pilot to be evaluated
before roll-out across
All Partners, Child
Exploitation sub-group to
Lincolnshire's Child Exploitation
policies, procedures remain up to
date, relevant and based upon the
risks and problems we are aware of
in the county.
1. Review Child Sexual Exploitation
policy and procedure to include
Child Exploitation in its widest
2. Work with Regional and National
colleagues to share expertise and
CSE co-ordinator with Child
Exploitation sub-group
CSE co-ordinator, Children's
Services Lead, and Police
Enhancing the Emotional
Wellbeing of Children and
Young People
Children and young people have
early help and effective support
from the adults in their lives to
promote and maintain their
emotional wellbeing
That where emotional and
psychological distress is ongoing or
heightened, children and young
people have timely access to
specialist emotional wellbeing
practitioners to prevent mental
health problems arising
Lincolnshire children and young
1. The LSCP to facilitate engagement
with children and young people to
explore the main issues that affect
their emotional wellbeing and
develop strategies to effectively
manage these within their peer
groups and local communities
2. Healthy Minds Lincolnshire service
to be embedded and evaluated
3. The LSCP to work with children,
young people & partner agencies to
effectively devise campaigns and
strategies to educate and manage
Policy, Procedures, Education
and Training sub-group
LPFT Lead, Children's
Services Lead
Policy, Procedures, Education
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people have good emotional
wellbeing ensuring that they are
happy, confident and have good
the negative impact of social media
and bullying upon children and
young people’s self -esteem
4. The LSCP to develop information
and good practice guidance on
gender identity for parents and
agencies working with children and
young people
5. That where children and young
people’s emotional wellbeing is
impacting upon their mental health
the transition from Healthy Minds to
Child & Adolescent Mental Health
Services is smooth and effective
and Training sub-group,
Education sub-group and
Policy, Procedures, Education
and Training sub-group and
Education sub-group
Promoting Healthy
Lincolnshire children and young
people understand what a healthy
and equitable relationship is.
1. Create a communications strategy
for children and young people,
parents/carers, professionals and
communities to promote healthy
2. Receive the evaluation of the Sex
and Relationship Education Team
(Public Health).
3. Continue to support the Stay Safe
Partnership in promoting and raising
awareness of consent and equality
in relationships for children of all
4. Work in partnership to develop
innovative ways of reaching children
in unhealthy and dangerous
5. Review training and resources for
partners to support their work with
children and young people at risk of
abuse or in abusive relationships
Business Manager and Policy
and Audit Officer
Public Health Lead
All Partners, Stay Safe
Business Manager and Policy
and Audit Officer, Education
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6. Embed the revised Joint Domestic
Abuse Protocol for Lincolnshire and
continue to provide the multi-agency
7. Understand the digital threat and
impact on the relationships of
children and young people.
LSCP Training and
Development Officers
All Partners, DASMB, LSAB
and LSCP to monitor
Policy, Procedures, Education
and Training sub-group and
Education sub-group
Working Together to
Recognise Risk Making
Lincolnshire children and young
people are effectively safeguarded
and properly supported, with the
community and professionals alike
being alert to risk, being able to
identify it and knowing how to
respond to make sure children are
1. The LSCP supports partners in new
ways of working, including
Children's Services Partners in
Practice (PiP) Programme:
a. Support the further
implementation of Signs
of Safety
b. Support the
implementation of the
Restorative Practice
2. Use findings from national research
and local audits to inform the
development of new models of
intervention and engagement
3. Develop service interventions that
are built on trust and respect and
are solution focused.
4. Understand the digital threat and
impact on children and young
All Partners, Children's
Service Lead (PiP)
Policy, Procedures, Education
and Training sub-group
Children's Service Lead (PiP)
Policy, Procedures, Education
and Training sub-group and
Education sub-group
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To identify and reduce
the impact of neglect on
children and young
Establish common standards of
approach across those agencies
that come into contact with children
and families across Lincolnshire.
That all professionals working with
children and families in Lincolnshire
are able to identify, name and
describe neglect where it is
1. Review the Neglect Strategy
2. Consider evidenced based Neglect
Toolkits and good practice used in
other local authority areas.
3. Decide whether Lincolnshire
requires a common toolkit across all
partner agencies.
4. Agree key principles and
professional values across the
Policy, Procedures, Education
and Training sub-group
Neglect Task and Finish
Neglect Task and Finish
Neglect Task and Finish
To identify and reduce
the impact of Domestic
Abuse on children, young
people and their families.
LSCP is assured by Domestic
Abuse Core Priority Group (DA
CPG) that children and young
people are identified and assessed
as part of the Domestic Abuse
Strategy and services delivered.
1. Assurance from DACPG that
children and young people are
identified and assessed as part of all
Domestic Abuse services delivered.
2. Assurance from DACPG that there
are appropriate interventions for
children and young people.
Domestic Abuse Core Priority
Domestic Abuse Core Priority
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