LMC Pittsburg Office
LMC Brentwood Center Revised 12/04/13
Name (Last) (First) (MI) Student ID Number
Email Address @insite.4cd.edu
Los Medanos College Email Address Telephone Number
A course repeat petition may only be granted based on the conditions below. If none of the conditions apply, the repeat petition will be denied. Indicate
each time you took the course, term and grade (including W’s):
Please check the box next to the condition that applies to you:
Repeating a course in an effort to alleviate a substandard grade; a substandard grade (D, F, NC, or NP) and/or a withdrawal (W) has been earned two times.
The third attempt is the final attempt. Both a substandard grade and/or a W count as an attempt. The previous grade will be disregarded in computing the
student’s grade point average. The substandard grade will remain on the student’s transcript with a notation that the course has been repeated. A withdrawal is
a non-evaluative symbol and does not alleviate a substandard grade.
Repeating a course due to a significant lapse of time (at least 36 months), where a passing grade (CR, P, A, B or C) was previously earned. The most recent
course was completed more than three years ago and one of the following: course content has changed significantly or the institution the student is transferring
to has a recency requirement that is mandated for transfer. All coursework shall remain on the student’s permanent record. Both grades count in the GPA
calculation. Course repetition based on significant lapse of time may only occur once. (Documentation required)
Repeating a course beyond the maximum times allowed. Students with substandard grades may use this reason if they had extenuating circumstances during
the most recent attempt and the most recent attempt was a letter grade. Extenuating circumstances are defined as verified cases of accidents, illness, or other
life changing events beyond the control of the student. The previous grade may be disregarded in computing the GPA. A withdrawal is a non-evaluative
symbol and does not alleviate a substandard grade. Course repetition based on extenuating circumstances may only occur once. (Documentation required)
Repeating a course to meet a legally mandated training requirement as a condition of continued paid or volunteer employment. All grades will be counted in
GPA. Regardless of whether or not a substandard grade (D, F, NC, or NP) was previously earned, the grade and unit credit shall be included each time for the
purpose of calculating the GPA. (Documentation required to certify that course repetition is necessary to complete legally mandated training)
Repeating a course due to a significant change in industry or licensure standards since the student last took the course and the course is required for
employment or licensure. The grade and unit credit will be included each time in GPA calculation. (Documentation required)
Course previously taken at another college. If substandard grade was not adjusted after repetition, or the exact course was successfully completed at a different
school, a petition may be submitted to exclude the substandard grade from the GPA calculation. Official Transcripts must be submitted if the course was
repeated at another regionally accredited college.
BIOSC 40, 45, 50 Repeat. Students who have received two substandard grades or Ws or any combination in the same Biology 40, 45, or 50 course will be
blocked from future enrollment in that course. Students who had extenuating circumstances may petition to repeat the course. Student must pass on this
repeat. If the student has substandard grade(s), the previous grade(s) may be disregarded in the GPA calculation. (Documentation required)
Repeating a course that is currently in progress at Los Medanos College and the substandard grade has not posted.
Student Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________________
Counselor Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________
Discussion with a counselor is recommended
For Office Use Only: Approved Denied
Approval Signature: _______________________________________ Date: SABY
A&R: _____________________________________________Date: