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This Lease Assignment (“Assignment”) made on ___________________, 20____, is by
and between:
Landlord: ___________________ with a mailing address of
______________________________________ (“Landlord”), and
Tenant: ___________________ with a mailing address of
______________________________________ (“Tenant”), and
Assignee: ___________________ with a mailing address of
______________________________________ (“Assignee”.
IT IS KNOWN that the Landlord and Tenant entered into a legally binding arrangement
for a rental arrangement that began on ___________________, 20____ (“Lease
Agreement”) for the property located at:
___________________________________________________________ (“Premises”).
The Tenant desires to transfer the rights, title, and interest given to them in the Lease
Agreement to the Assignee.
NOW THEREFORE, for full consideration, Assignor hereby assigns and transfers the
Lease Agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein, together with all the rights,
title, and interest in and to the Lease Agreement and Premises, subject to all conditions
and terms contained therein, to have and to hold from ___________________, 20____
until the expiration of the Lease Agreement.
The Landlord and Tenant affirm that the Tenant is not in default under the Lease
Agreement and that all payment due under the Lease Agreement as of the date herein
have been made and that there are no other claimants to the Tenant’s interest in the
Lease Agreement.
The Assignee hereby agrees to assume all rental payments due after the date of this
Assignment and to perform all duties and obligations required by the terms of the Lease
Landlord Signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________
Print Name: ____________________________
Tenant Signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________
Print Name: ____________________________
Assignee Signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________
Print Name: ____________________________