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6.1.3 Children who meet the religious practice test who have a sibling at the School at the time
of application or who formerly attended the School for a period of at least three
consecutive terms within the 5 years preceding the proposed date of entry
In this category, a ‘sibling’ means a full sibling (sharing both parents), a half sibling (sharing
one parent), an adopted sibling, a foster sibling, a step sibling (one child's parent married to
the other child's parent), and the child of their parent's cohabiting partner, and in all cases
the sibling must live at the child's home address (as defined by this policy) as part of the same
core family unit. For the avoidance of doubt, a child of a friend or extended family member
(e.g. cousin) will not meet the definition of a 'sibling' even if they live at the same address as
the applicant child.
If you wish to claim priority based on this oversubscription criteria, you should complete a
Supplementary Information Form (SIF), a JFS Certificate of Religious Practice for the School
(CRP) and proof confirming their status. All documents are to be sent directly to the School
by the application deadline no later than the date by which the CAF has to be returned to
your Local Authority. It is not compulsory to complete a SIF or submit the JFS CRP but we
cannot give your child priority consideration without it.
This category does not apply to admission to the Sixth Form.
6.1.4 Children who meet the religious practice test and who at the time of the application attend
the following schools:
26 places will be allocated to children who attend Sinai Jewish Primary School;
9 places will be allocated to children who attend North West London Jewish Day
If you wish to claim priority based on this oversubscription criteria, you should complete a
Supplementary Information Form (SIF) clearly stating the name of their child’s current
primary school on both the SIF and CAF, and a JFS Certificate of Religious Practice for the
School (CRP). All documents are to be sent directly to the School by the application deadline
no later than the date by which the CAF has to be returned to your Local Authority. It is not
compulsory to complete a SIF or submit the JFS CRP but we cannot give your child priority
consideration without it.
This category does not apply to admission to the Sixth Form.
6.1.5 All other children who meet the religious practice test
If you wish to claim priority based on this oversubscription criteria, you should complete a
Supplementary Information Form (SIF) and a JFS Certificate of Religious Practice for the
School (CRP). All documents are to be sent directly to the School by the application deadline
no later than the date by which the CAF has to be returned to your Local Authority. It is not
compulsory to complete a SIF or submit the JFS CRP but we cannot give your child priority
consideration without it.
6.1.6 All other looked after or previously looked after children (as defined above)
If you wish to claim priority based on this oversubscription criteria, you should complete a
Supplementary Information Form (SIF) and provide a signed formal letter from the child's
social worker or former social worker confirming their status. All documents are to be sent
directly to the School by the application deadline no later than the date by which the CAF has
to be returned to your Local Authority. It is not compulsory to submit the JFS CRP but we
cannot give your child priority consideration without it.