1. Establish the reason for the check-in.
This step sets the tone for the conversation.
Explain to the student that you will be meeting with everyone at
some point to check in on their progress. It’s a conversation about
whether or not they have reached their SMART goal and how you
can help them succeed when setting a SMART goal.
2. Reafrm teacher-student rapport.
Positive relationships should already be established between student
and teacher.
This is the time to note a student’s efforts and successes so that they
can succeed in reaching or setting a new SMART goal.
3. Invite the student to share their self-assessment form.
This should be student-driven.
During this time, allow the student to lead the discussion when
sharing their SMART goal. Use questions to prompt discussion
or further explanation as needed.
4. Provide feedback to reinforce effort, then reect and recalibrate on
the SMART goal.
Teacher empathy plays a role in this process. There are a few things
to note, which are your student’s social and emotional needs,
academic levels, and other factors.
Celebrate the student’s efforts and small changes.
Ask questions to guide where the student may want to go next.
5. Have the student revisit their SMART goal plan.
This is also the time for the student to make a new goal or go back
in their SMART goal to revisit any part that they feel they could
Prompt the student to continue to connect their goals with the rules.
Check-In Protocol