Instructions for Completing the Customs Power of Attorney
1. Check the appropriate block indicating the type of organization Individual, Partnership,
Corporation, Sole Proprietor, LLC
2. Enter the companys Federal Tax ID or IRS number in the indicated field
a. Individuals will fill in their social security number
c. Individuals must provide a copy of their social security number and a form of photo
identification (driver’s license or passport)
3. Enter the name of the organization
a. Corporation or LLC Enter the complete legal name of the corporation, as shown in the
Articles of Incorporation. This should exactly match what the IRS has in their records.
b. Partnership or Limited Partnership Enter the full name of each partner and the
business name of the partnership fill in top portion of second page of the POA as it
pertains to Partnerships
c. Sole Proprietorship Enter the full name of the individual operating as a Sole
Proprietorship and the business name under which business is transacted
d. Individual Enter the full name (First, Middle, Last) of the individual
4. Enter the type of business Corporation, LLC, Partnership, etc.
5. Enter the State of Corporation or the state in which the organization holds a business license
6. Enter the physical address of the company or individual this should match IRS records exactly.
PO Boxes are not permitted.
7. Enter the name of the organization as it appears in #3 above
8. Signature of the person executing the Power of Attorney
a. Type or Print the full name of the person who executed the POA next to the signature
b. Corporations must be signed by an Officer of the company with appropriate authority
typically President, Vice President, or Secretary. A manager, general manager, or
supervisor is not an acceptable signature by law.
c. For an LLC an authorized official must sign the Power of Attorney, and by doing so is
certifying that they have been given such authority under the Articles or Bylaws of the
9. Title of the Officer or Authorized Individual who has signed the Power of Attorney
10. Date the Power of Attorney has been executed
b.# US#Customs#will#require#IRS#verifica8on#of#the#information#on#the#Customs#Power#of#
# Attorney#–#please#reference#ou r#document#IRS#Proof#of#Importer#Numbers#available#in#
Intermountain CHB, Inc., 6084 S 900 E, Suite 200, Murray, Utah, 84121
T: 801-433-4677 F: 801-264-9131
Acknowledgement of Terms and Conditions of Service
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That; ________________________________________________________________ doing
(Full name of individual, partnership, corporation, sole proprietorship, or Limited Liability Company) (Identify)
business as a ___________________________________________________ under the laws of the State of _______________________
(Individual, partnership, corporation, sole proprietorship, or Limited Liability Company) (Insert one)
residing or having a principal place of business at __________________________________________________ , hereby constitutes and
appoints Saratoga Forwarding Co., Inc., its officers, employees, and/or specifically authorized agents, t o act for and
on its behalf as a true and lawful agent and attorney of the grantor for and in the name, place and stead of said grantor, from this date, in the United
States (the "territory") either in writing, electronically, or by other authorized means, to:
Make, endorse, sign, declare, or swear to any customs entry, withdrawal, declaration, certificate; bill of lading, carnet or any other documents required
by law or regulation in connection with the importation, exportation, transportation, of any merchandise in or through the customs territory,
shipped or consigned by or to said grantor;
Perform any act or condition, which maybe required by law or regulation in connection with such merchandise deliverable to said grantor; to receive
any merchandise;
Make endorsements on bills of lading conferring authority to transfer title; make entry or collect drawback; and to make, sign, declare, or swear to
any statement or certificate required by law or regulation for drawback purposes, regardless of whether such document is intended for filing with
Sign, seal, and deliver for and as the act of s a i d grantor any bond required by law or regulation in connection with the entry or withdrawal of
imported merchandise or merchandise exported with or without benefit of drawback, or in connection with the entry, clearance, lading, unlading or
navigation of any vessel or other means of conveyance owned or operated by said grantor, and any and all bonds which may be voluntarily given and
accepted under applicable laws and regulations, consignee's and owner's declarations provided for in section 455, Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, or
affidavits or statements in connection with the entry of merchandise;
Sign and swear to any document and to perform any act that may be necessary or required by law or regulation in connection with the entering,
clearing, lading, unlading, or operation of any vessel or other means of conveyance owned or operated by said grantor;
Authorize other Customs Brokers duly licensed within the territory to act as grantor's agent; to receive, endorse and collect checks issued for
Customs duty refunds in grantor's name drawn on the Treasurer of the United States;. if the grantor is a nonresident of the United States, to accept
service of process on behalf of the grantor;
And generally to transact Customs business, including filing of claims or protests under section 514 of the Tariff Act of 1930, or pursuant to other
laws of the territories, in which said grantor Is or may be concerned or interested and which may properly be transacted or performed by an agent
and attorney;
Giving to said agent and attorney full power and authority to do anything whatever requisite necessary to be done in the premises as fully as s a i d
grantor could do if present and acting, hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said agent and attorney shall lawfully do by virtue of these
This power of attorney to remain full force and effect until revocation in writing is duly given to and received by grantee (if the donor of this power
of attorney is a partnership, the said power shall in no case have any force or effect i n the United States after the expiration 2 years from the dates of
its execution);
Grantor acknowledges receipt of Saratoga Forwarding Co., Inc. Terms and Conditions of Service governing all transactions between the Parties.
if the Grantor is a Limited Liability Company, the signatory certifies that he/she has full authority to execute this power on behalf of the Grantor.
I N W I T N E S S W HE R E O F , the said ___________________________________________________________________________
(Full name of company)
caused these presents to be sealed a n d s i g n ed : (Signature) ________________________________________________________
(Capacity) __________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________________
(if required) ___________________________________________________________________________________________
If you are the importer of record, payment to the broker will not relieve you of liability for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) charges (duties,
taxes or other debts owed CBP) in the event the charges are not paid by the broker. Therefore, if you pay by check, Customs charges may be paid
with a separate check payable to the " Customs and Border Protection" which shall be delivered to CBP by the broker. Importers who wish to
utilize this procedure must contact our office in advance to arrange timely receipt of duty checks.
Copyright 1995, National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America, Inc. (Revised 07/04)
Sole Proprietorship
CITY _______________________
COUNTY ____________________ ' SS:
STATE ______________________
On this ______ .day of _________________ , 20 _______ , personally appeared before me .
residing at _____________________________________________________________________ , personally known or sufficiently identified to me, who
certifies that ________________________________________________ (is) (are) the individual (s) who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge
it to be ________________________ free act and deed.
(Notary Public).
(To be made by an officer of other than the one who executes the power of attorney)
I, _____________________________________________ , certify that I am the ______________________________________________ of
_______________________________________________ , organized under the laws of the State of ________________________________ that
_____________________________________________________ , who signed this power of attorney on behalf of the donor, is-the ___________
_________________________________ of said corporation; and that said power of attorney was duly signed, and attested for and in behalf of said
corporation by authority of its governing body as the same appears in a resolution of the Board of
Directors passed at a regular meeting held on
the ________ day of_____________ , 20 ____ , now in my possession or custody. I further certify that the resolution is in accordance with the articles
of incorporation and bylaws of said corporation and was executed in accordance with the laws of the State or Country of Incorporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal' of said corporation, at the City of
this _____ day of ___________________ , 20 ___ .
(Signature) .. (date))