Initial Enrollment Forms
Return Forms Via Campus Mail to EHS USC 135 or
_________________________ _________________________ _______________
Last Name First Name Middle Name Date of Birth
Male Female Department________________________________ Supervisor/BA __________________________
Job Title______________________ Work phone______________ Cell Phone ______________ E-Mail _________________________
Campus Bldg/Office Location ______________________ Room # ___________ My UTT EID #: _______________________________
Vaccination History (Provide dates as accurately as possible)
Hepatitis A ________________________ Hepatitis B _____________________ Influenza ________________________
Rabies (Rabavert) __________________ Tetanus ________________________ PPD (TB Skin Test) ________________
Chickenpox (Varicella) _______________ MMR __________________________
Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis (DPT/Tdap) _________________
Do you work with formaldehyde? ……………………………………………………
No Yes ___________________________________
Do you work with human or non-human primate blood, tissue or cells? ………..
No Yes ___________________________________
Do you work with any infectious agents (i.e., bacterial, viral,fungal, parasitic)?...
No Yes ___________________________________
Do you work with biological toxins (i.e., botulism, conotoxin, tetrodotoxin)? .......
No Yes ___________________________________
Do you work with anesthetic gases (i.e., isoflurane)? ……………………………..
No Yes ___________________________________
Do you work with anti-neoplastic drugs? …………………………………………...
No Yes ___________________________________
Do you work with carcinogens (i.e., benzene, chloroform, dicholormethane)…...
No Yes ___________________________________
Do you work with highly toxic chemicals? …………………………………………..
No Yes ___________________________________
Do you work with heavy metals (i.e., copper, chromium, lead, lithium)? ………
No Yes ___________________________________
Do you work with reproductive hazards (mutagens/teratogens)? ………………
No Yes ___________________________________
Are you exposed to animal waste (carcasses, feces, urine, tissues)? …………
No Yes ___________________________________
Are you exposed to needles/scalpels/sharps? ……………………………………
No Yes ___________________________________
Do you wear a respirator in your work? ..........................................................
No Yes ___________________________________
Do you cut metal by torch or weld > 20 days/year? ……………………………….
No Yes
Are you allergic to latex? ……………………………………………………………..
No Yes
List Animals, Insects or Plants
Do you have close, recurring contact with animals during your work? ………… No Yes ___________________________________
Do you have contact with insects during your work? ……………………………
No Yes ___________________________________
Do you have close, recurring contact with potentially harmful plants or fungi?
No Yes ___________________________________
Acknowledgement and W
aiver Statement – Please read and check items as appropriate prior to signing and dating the form below:
I have reviewed the information concerning the UTT Occupational Health Program in this document and as posted on the website I understand that my recurring animal contact or exposure to biological, chemical or physical hazards may have a health risk
exposure, and I am advised to have a health assessment. I also understand health risks are associated with not accepting the health assessment.
I understand that tests or immunizations for my job function / area may be mandatory for full participation in the OHP and that proof of test or immunizations
are needed to meet program requirements.
In full recognition of the above statements please mark one of the following 3 participation choices:
I accept participation in the UTT OHP Health Assessment and will complete the UTSA OHP Health Assessment.
I decline participation in the UTT OHP Health Assessment, but I will contact my personal physician to meet UTT's recommendation for medical
surveillance and I will provide my personal physician with the UTT OHP Health Assessment for my full program participation.
I decline participation in the UTT OHP Health Assessment.
I have read, understood, and answered all parts of this form truthfully, and to the best of my ability and knowledge.
_____________________________________________ ________________________________________
Signature Date
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