SPLES10786 V03 June 2013 Form 2IP
Information Privacy Personal Information
Amendment Application
Information Privacy Act 2009 (section 44)
................................... denotes Mandatory field.
Contact Details
You are required to supply your name and an address for correspondence. Additional contact details will help us to deal with your application, and to
correspond with you in the manner you prefer. If you are applying on behalf of another person, please complete this section with your contact details.
Title (e.g. Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss) Given name/s Family name
....................................... ................................................................................. ................................................................................................
Postal address
......................................................................................................................................................................... Postcode: .............................................
Preferred method of contact (Please indicate by number in order of preference, your preferred method of contact. If you choose email or post, please
also provide a contact telephone number so that the agency may contact you to clarify aspects of your application.)
Fax Mobile Email Post
Application Details
1. Are you seeking to amend information on someone’s behalf?
Family name ........................................................................ Given name/s ...........................................................................................
Please attach proof of your authorisation to act on the person’s behalf.
(for example: a client agreement if you are a solicitor) or written authorisation from the person concerned.
If you are an eligible family member, and you wish to amend documents on behalf of a deceased relative, you must provide proof of your relationship
to the relative.
Note: Eligible family members include a spouse, adult child of the deceased person (if the spouse is not available), a parent of the deceased person (if neither the spouse
nor the adult child are available) and others as listed in the IP Act. Please contact the RTI officer if you are uncertain as to whether you are an eligible family member.
2. Which agency/s are you applying to?
Please read the following information carefully before proceeding with your application.
Under the Information Privacy (IP) Act 2009 you have a right to amend your own personal information. Many agencies have administrative practices
that allow you to amend your own personal information without entering into a formal application process under the IP Act. lt is recommended you
contact the relevant agency for advice about administrative options available to you before completing and submitting this form.
If you wish to make a formal application to amend personal information under the IP Act, this is the approved form.
Under the IP Act, you may apply to amend documents containing personal information where you believe relevant information is inaccurate,
misleading, out of date or incomplete. There are no fees or charges for the application, but you will be required to provide evidence of your identity.
Great state. Great opportunity.