Gettysburg College IRB Request for Exempt Status Page 8 of 8
Consent Form provided on t
he IRB webpages. If you want to construct your own form,
click here to see a
list of the key components of informed consent.
Are t
here any power dynamics (eg, instructor-student, supervisor-employee) that could potentially hinder RSs’
ability to freely accept or decline to participate in the study?
If y
es, explain the efforts you will make to assure RSs that their participation is entirely voluntary.
B. Broad Consent—click here to learn what this is
*Only researchers applying under Exempt categories 7 & 8 must fill out this section
those applying under Exempt category #7, check both:
I have included a copy of the broad consent form that I will use in this research
I understand that I must keep a record of which research subjects have given broad consent and which
have declined, and I understand that once I have completed the collection of information or
biospecimens, I will provide this record to the IRB (to consult when future researchers apply to use these
data or biospecimens).
For those applying under Exempt category #8, check one:
I have included a copy of the original broad consent form used when the information or biospecimens
were collected, along with the IRB letter of approval for this research. I have also included the original
researcher's records indicating which individuals gave and declined broad consent for their information
or biospecimens to be used in secondary research.
Documentation of broad consent is appropriately waived, and a copy of the IRB waiver is included here.
Section 6: Final Submission
A. If yo
u are a student, has your faculty sponsor reviewed and approved this application?
dents must ask their faculty sponsor to email the IRB (
) on their behalf with the following
statement: “I assume responsibility for ensuring that [student’s(s’) name(s)] is/are aware of their
responsibilities as researcher(s). I have mentored him/her/them in filling out this proposal and have reviewed
the final draft, which I approve. I will oversee this research in its entirety.”
B. Wil
l you contact the IRB if a substantive change occurs in the research methods and ethical
measures proposed here?
C. Hav
e you included all supporting documents (recruitment materials, informed consent materials,
questionnaires/surveys/research instruments, debriefing scripts, letters of permission to conduct
research in institutional settings, photo or video release forms, and broad consent forms or waivers)?
Once you have answered all of the above questions and verified that you have completed this form fully and
accurately, email this application and all necessary attachments, converted to PDF, to the IRB (
Note that the IRB will not review any proposal unless all required fields are checked off or filled in and all supporting
material is attached.