If you are filing as a self-petitioning spouse, have any of your children filed separate self-petitions?
Part 7. Complete only if filing as a Widow/Widower, a Self-petitioning Spouse of an Abuser,
or as a Self-petitioning Child of an Abuser
Section A. Information about the U.S. citizen husband or wife who died or about the U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident abuser
Date of Birth
He or she is now, or was at time of death a (check one):
U.S. citizen through naturalization (Show A #)
U.S. citizen born in the United States.
U.S. lawful permanent resident (Show A #)
U.S. citizen born abroad to U.S. citizen parents.
How many times
have you been married?
Give the date and place where you and the person in Section A were
married. (If you are a self-petitioning child, write: "N/A")
How many times was the person in
Section A married?
When did you live with the person named in Section A? From (Month/Year)
If you are filing as a widow/widower, were you legally separated at the time of the U.S citizens's death?
Yes, (attach explanation).
Give the last address at which you lived together with the person named in Section A, and show the last date that you lived together with that person
at that address:
Yes (show child(ren)'s full names):
Section B. Additional Information about you.
Form I-360 (Rev. 05/27/08)Y Page 3
Part 6. Complete only if filing for a Special Immigrant Juvenile Court Dependent
Answer the following questions regarding the person this petition is for. If you answer "No," explain on a separate sheet of paper.
Is he or she still dependent upon the juvenile court or still legally committed to or under the custody of an agency
Section A. Information about the Juvenile
List any other
names used.
or department of a state?
Does he or she continue to be eligible for long-term foster care?
Part 5. Complete only if filing for an Amerasian (Continued.)
At the time the Amerasian was conceived:
The father was in the military (indicate branch of service below and give service number here):
The father was not in the military, and was not a civilian employed abroad. (Attach a full explanation of the circumstances.)
The father was a civilian employed abroad. Attach a list of names and addresses of organizations which employed him at that time.