Guardian Consent
Return completed form to:
New York-New Jersey Trail Conference
600 Ramapo Valley Road, Mahwah, NJ 07430
Ph: 201.512.9348 email:
This form is confidential
Revision date: September 2019
Full Name of Minor (print):
Full Name of Parent/Guardian (print):
City: State: Zip:
Primary Phone:
We appreciate your child’s interest in volunteering with the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference. While we take every
precaution to ensure a safe, enjoyable work experience for our volunteers, volunteer work on trails can present certain
dangers. The Trail Conference relies on mature, responsible volunteers, capable of working with minimum supervision.
Accordingly, it is our policy to require the execution of this Guardian Consent Form by a parent or guardian of volunteers
under the age of 18. Please acknowledge your consent and agreement to the following by signing below:
I am the parent and/or legal guardian of, _______ _______(please print), who
is __________ years old, and they have my permission to participate in volunteer activities sponsored by the Trail Conference.
I understand that my child may be limited from certain activities, such as operating power tools.
On behalf of said minor, I expressly waive any claim for compensation for work done and hereby release the Trail Conference
from any liability for illness, injury or medical expenses sustained by said minor while volunteering with the Trail Conference
beyond what may be offered freely by the Trail Conference. If injury does occur I give consent for emergency or other medical
treatment to be administered to said minor. I further agree to personally indemnify the Trail Conference and hold the
organization harmless from any loss sustained by reason of any illness or injury to said minor while volunteering for the Trail
____________________________________________________________ _______________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date