Graphic Organizers to Help Kids
with Writing
Graphic organizers are simple yet powerful tools that can help kids with dysgraphia, executive
functioning issues, and other issues that can cause trouble with writing. A graphic organizer not
only helps break an assignment into smaller steps. It also can help kids organize their thoughts in
a very visual way.
ere are many dierent kinds of graphic organizers. e ve downloadable ones here are
commonly used in grade school, but they can help kids through high school. Each one also
comes with an example of what the graphic organizer looks like when it’s lled in.
All you need to do to use these graphic organizers is print them out. (e designs are also simple
enough that you can quickly draw them by hand.) ese graphic organizers are also llable. So if
your child prefers to type, he can type directly on an organizer and then print it out. Choosing the
right topic is another way you can encourage your child to write more.
Try these 5 graphic organizers
• Hamburger Paragraph Graphic Organizer (PDF attached)
• Spider Map Graphic Organizer (PDF attached)
• Persuasion Map Graphic Organizer (PDF attached)
• Pro-Con T-Table Graphic Organizer (PDF attached)
• Sequence Chart Graphic Organizer (PDF attached)
Parent tips for raising strong readers and writers
Brought to you by Reading Rockets, Colorín Colorado and LD OnLine
Reading Rockets, Colorín Colorado, and LD OnLine are national education services of WETA, the agship public broadcasting station in Washington, D.C.
This special edition of Growing Readers was created by Understood,
a free online resource for parents of children with learning and
attention issues.