© 2011 Committee for Children Second Step: Skills for Social and Academic Success Page 19
Grade 1 Unit 1 Home Link
Ask your child: What are the Listening Rules in your class? (Read each rule
below and do the action along with your child.)
Eyes watching: Point to your eye.
Ears listening: Cup your ears with your hands.
Voice quiet: Put your finger to your lips.
Body still: Hug your torso with both arms.
Why is it important to follow the Listening Rules? Possible answers: It
helps you learn. It is respectful.
Practice at Home
Before giving directions for daily activities, such as getting ready for school, setting the table, or getting ready
for bed, remind your child to use the Listening Rules. For example:
You need to use your Listening Rules now. Do the actions for each rule along with your child, then
give the directions: Please put a placemat and a knife and fork on the table for each person.
Go through each of the Listening Rules with your child. en tell your child to use these rules for this activity.
When your child is ready, read the following riddle: I’m round. I’m red. You can pick me off a tree and eat
me. What am I? Have your child write or draw the answer below.
Lesson 1: Listening to Learn
What Is My Child Learning?
Your child is learning rules for how to be a
good listener.
Why Is This Important?
Being good listeners helps children be
better learners. Following the Listening
Rules helps children listen and pay
attention in class.
Listening Rules
Eyes watching
Point to your eye.
Ears listening
Cup your ears with your hands.
Voice quiet
Put your finger to your lips.
Body still
Hug your torso with both arms.
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