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Mobile Communication Device Policy
Policy Number:
AF 01-001
Policy Administrator:
Vice President for Administration and Finance
Policy Initiator:
Vice President for Administration and Finance
Vice President for Administration and Finance
Effective Date:
July 2016
Revised Date:
President Thomas A. Cropper
Approval Signature:
Provide guidelines for mobile communication devices operated by California State University Maritime
Academy (Cal Maritime) employees as part of their university duties.
This policy applies to all employees, regardless of funding source, who have been identified and/or are
required by Cal Maritime to carry a mobile communication device.
The Vice President for Administration and Finance is responsible for administering this policy and
ensuring compliance.
A. Definition
Mobile Communication Device - mobile phones, cell phones, and smartphones.
B. The appropriate President’s Cabinet Officer (President and Vice Presidents) in each division will
determine if an employee has a university business need to carry a mobile communication device.
The President’s Cabinet Officer will determine eligibility for a University owned mobile
communication device or a mobile communication device reimbursement.
C. Cal Maritime (University) will provide an employee one of the following, when employee is
1. University-owned mobile communication device.
a. University-owned mobile communication devices are to be used for business purposes.
b. Employees provided with data service for email will use the campus-provided email system
to conduct Cal Maritime academic and administrative business only (see also Campus Email
Policy IT 01-003).
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2. Mobile communication device reimbursement
a. An employee may be eligible for a mobile communication device reimbursement for the
business use of her/his personal mobile communication device.
b. Only employees who have been identified to carry a mobile communication device so as to
be available to Cal Maritime, generally 24/7, and have been approved by the appropriate
President’s Cabinet Officer in each division may receive a mobile communication device
c. The mobile communication device reimbursement is not intended to fund the cost of the
mobile device nor pay for the employees’ monthly bill. The assumption is that most
employees also use their mobile communication devices for personal business.
D. Mobile communication devices should not be selected as an alternative to other means of
communication when such alternative would provide adequate but less costly service to Cal
E. Renewal and Adjustment:
The President’s Cabinet Officer will review the basis for renewals of the mobile communication
device reimbursement. Adjustments to the mobile communication device reimbursement for
University related business reasons may be requested, however, approval from the division Vice
President must be obtained along with the President’s approval.
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Each division is responsible for completing the mandatory authorization forms for the appropriate
mobile communication device plan.
A. University-Owned Device:
1. The university will provide the appropriate mobile communication device plan from its service
provider (for example: voice and/or data). It is expected that the appropriate administrator will
select a service plan appropriate for the business need of the employee.
2. The use of the device is for business purposes and such use is excludable from the employee’s
income as a working condition fringe benefit.
3. The issuance of the mobile device will be documented on the form titled, "University-Owned
Mobile Device Employee Receipt of Equipment" - (Attachment A).
4. A review will be conducted by the appropriate administrator to determine if the employee
continues to require a University-Owned device and the appropriateness of the selected service
B. Personally-Owned Device:
1. Mobile communication devices under this category are the personal property of the employee.
The employee is responsible to ensure that its mobile service provider plan supports and is
compatible with the use required by the University. The employee chooses the device and/or the
service plan she/he wishes to use. The University is not involved in the contract with the service
provider or purchase of the mobile communication device.
2. The University will provide the approved employee a mobile communication device
reimbursement which is intended to cover the cost of the service required for University
a. The University will provide an annual reimbursement (per fiscal year, i.e. July 1
to June
) to the employee at the end of the academic year for the expected business-required
portion of their monthly mobile communication device service fees. A copy of the
invoice/receipt from the service provider will be required as part of the annual
reimbursement documentation in order to certify that the reimbursement amount does not
exceed the actual cost of service. If the employee’s monthly mobile communication device
service fees are less than the amount listed on the Mobile Device Plan schedule, the
employee will receive a reimbursement according to the monthly mobile communication
device service fees.
b. Each division is responsible for completing the mandatory form titled, Authorization for
Business-Related Mobile Communication Device Reimbursement - (Attachment B),
authorizing the mobile communication device reimbursement.
c. The employee may request the maximum amount of the mobile communication device
reimbursement which is based on the "Mobile Device Plan" schedule (Attachment C). Any
mobile communication device reimbursement amount outside the Mobile Device Plan
schedule will require the approval of the appropriate President’s Cabinet Officer.
d. If the employee is no longer authorized to receive a mobile communication device stipend
(for example but not limited to: separation from the university or no longer authorized to
receive a mobile communication device stipend), she/he must reimburse the university for
the remaining months of the fiscal year (i.e. July 1
to June 30
3. The employee shall make available to the University, upon University request, records of the
business calls necessary to comply with applicable law and regulations, including but not limited
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to, the California Public Records Act. The employee may redact any personal information from
the records provided.
Forms and Instructions:
Attachment A:
University-Owned Mobile Devices-Employee Receipt of Equipment
Attachment B:
Authorization for Business-Related Mobile Device Stipend
Attachment C:
Mobile Device Plan
Date of Request:
Employee Name:
Campus Extension:
Wireless/Cell Phone Number:
a. Mobile device is only for the use of the named employee.
b. Employee will seek approval from her/his administrator prior to incurring overage charges.
c. Employee is prohibited from using mobile device while operating a vehicle.
d. Employee will safeguard the asset against loss or theft.
e. Employee will contact his administrator if mobile device is lost, stolen, or damaged.
f. Employee will return mobile device to administrator prior to separation from the University.
Approval Required by Employee’s Administrator:
Administrator Name:
3. Employee and administrator understand that failure to follow the process and procedures will result in
the immediate revocation of the mobile device.
1. The undersigned employee is being issued a University-owned mobile device to be used to conduct
activities consistent and conducive to the business of the University. The employee and administrator
understand and agree to the following:
2. Employee has read, understands, and agrees to campus "Mobile Communication Device Policy."
The employee shall make available to the University, upon University request, records of the business
use necessary to comply with applicable law and regulations, including but not limited to, the California
Public Records Act; however, the employee may redact any personal information from the records
provided. Employees provided with data service for email will use only the campus-provided email
system to conduct university academic and administrative business.
Attachment A
California State University Maritime Academy
University-Owned Mobile Devices Employee Receipt of Equipment
Describe particular responsibilities that can only be accomplished with this mobile device.
click to sign
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click to sign
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California State University Maritime Academy
Authorization for Business-Related Mobile Communicataion Device Stipend
(Employee Owned Mobile Device)
Employee Information:
Campus Ext.
Mobile Communication Device Reimbursement
Amount Account Fund Dept. ID Class
Authorization (President or Vice President)
Employee Signature
Administrator Signature
Total Authorized Reimbursement Payment: One monthly invoice/bill/receipt must be
attached to this request.
City, State and Zip
Mobile Device Number:
Justification Description:
Describe particular responsibilities that can only be accomplished with this mobile device.
For Fiscal Year
click to sign
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Attachment C
California State University Maritime Academy
Employee Mobile Communication Device Plan
Annual Stipend
Annual Voice/Data Service: $600.00 ($50.00 per month)