A student may challenge a grade under the following conditions: 1) lack of clarity regarding the grading policies in the
syllabus or 2) evidence of grade miscalculation.
The student must submit a Grade Challenge Form (available in the program, school, dean, and academic affairs offices)
within thirty (30) days of the start of the semester that proceeds the semester in which the grade was earned. For
summer sessions, the students are held to the same time period for the following semester.
The faculty must set up a meeting with the student within five (5) business days after the receipt of the challenge form.
If the student is not pleased with the results, then he/she can appeal to the next administrative level (program
coordinator) within seven (7) business days. This process may be repeated (school chair, college dean, Dean of Faculty
and Student Academic Support Services) to the Academic Affairs level at which any decision is final.
Student's Name: ______________________________ ID#_________________________
Course Title: _________________________ Section Number: _________________________
Instructor Name: _________________________
Write a statement explaining the nature of your grade challenge, including any prior actions (use additional sheets if
List the documents that support your challenge (list them here and attach copies. Do not submit originals):
Signature: _________________________________________ Date:__________________
Instructor Review:
Findings (Use additional sheets if needed. Note: List them here and attach copies. Do not submit originals):
Action Taken: