Does this project have town meeting/city council approval? Yes No
If not, what is the scheduled date for the vote?
a. USGS topographic map with an outline of the Project boundary. Include the location,
acreage, ownership and use of other public or quasi-public open space abutting, or close to,
the Project on the topographic map. Show current use of adjacent private lands. If
applicable, show proximity to Priority Development and Preservation Areas as shown on
the South Coast Rail Corridor Plan, 495/MetroWest Development Compact Plan, Central
Massachusetts Land Use Priority Plan, Merrimack Valley Regional Plan, Metro North Land
Use Priority Plan, or other regional plan.
b. Plot plan or survey map showing the Project boundary. The Project area must be
shown in enough detail to be legally sufficient to identify the lands to be protected. A
registered survey plan with deed references or assessor’s map with block and lot number
are acceptable.
c. Documentation of Good Land Stewardship – Applicants should submit
documentation of good land stewardship of past DCS grants or municipal conservation
land. The proof of good stewardship should include examples from three different activities
from the following list: stewardship monitoring report on municipal land, invasive species
control, trail building, educational kiosks, recent surveys outlining the condition of trails or
land boundaries, recent baseline documentation reports, and/or forest or land management
plans. Applicants can submit documentation of other land stewardship activities. Photos of
land stewardship activities are encouraged. Provide a narrative of how your community will
steward the land subject to this LAND grant application if your community does not
currently own any conservation land. Links to web sites that show this information can be
used if appropriate.
d. Draft CR – If your project involves the purchase or conveyance of a CR, please
complete a separate CR application and submit a draft restriction along with this
application. The CR application is available at the DCS website at To obtain
a copy of the Conservation Restriction Handbook, visit the DCS website, or
contact Denise Pires. Submit the draft CR to:
Denise Pires
Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
100 Cambridge St., Suite 900
Boston, MA 02114