Application for Driver School License
Registry of Motor Vehicles Division ● Driver Licensing
P.O. Box 55889 ● Boston, MA ● 02205-5889
IMPORTANT: This application must be completed, signed and dated. An incomplete application will be returned.
A. Professional Driving School Information
Business Name of School
DBA (if applicable
Contact Person
Phone #
Main Business Address
Zip Code
Driving School Website
Email Address
Mailing Address
(if different from above)
Street City/Town
Zip Code
(if different from above)
*Main Classroom Address
Zip Code
*PDS Branch Location/CDL or DSDP Closed Course Location (if applicable)
Zip Code
Phone #
*If classroom is located in a high school Name of School
B. Service Type
1. Type:
Professional Driving School (PDS)
Professional CDL Training School
Driver Skills Development Program (DSDP)
Public/Vocational/Municipal/Regional High School
2. Main Application Fees:
New Application $50
New License $100
Renewal $100
Change of Location $100
3. Branch/Additional Training Site Application Fees:
New Application $50
New License $50
Renewal $50
Change of Location $100
C. Professional Driving School Details
Check One:
List Proprietor, Partners of all Officers, Directors, and Shareholders below:
Name Address Title DOB License #
______________________________ _________________________________________ __________________ _____________ ______________
______________________________ _________________________________________ __________________ _____________ ______________
______________________________ _________________________________________ __________________ _____________ ______________
______________________________ _________________________________________ __________________ _____________ ______________
______________________________ _________________________________________ __________________ _____________ ______________
If additional space is required, please use a separate piece of paper.
Were any of the above individuals previously licensed for a Driving School?
If yes, under what Driver School nam
e and ID# and what dates?
p.2 PDS100_0418
List all licensed instructors employed by the applicant below:
Name Address DOB License #
__________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________ ________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________ ________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________ ________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________ ________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________ ________________
If additional space is required, please use a separate piece of paper.
List all other employees including Clerks, Managers, Agents, or others who will represent the applicant below:
Name Address DOB License #
__________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________ ________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________ ________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________ ________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________ ________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________ ________________
If additional space is required, please use a separate piece of paper.
Are you or any partner, officer,
or Director (if a corporation) currently or have you ever been employed
with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation or Registry of Motor Vehicles? ............................................................................
If yes, where? ___________________________________________________________________________
Do you have any immediate family members (parents, spouse, children, brothers, sisters) employed
with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation or Registry of Motor Vehicles? ............................................................................
If yes, where? ___________________________________________________________________________
*All Proprietors, Partners, Officers, Directors, Shareholders, Instructors, and all additional employees are
subject to a CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) check and driving record check.
List all vehicles used by the applicant for instruction purposes below:
Year Make Registration # VIN #
_________ ___________________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________
_________ ___________________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________
_________ ___________________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________
_________ ___________________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________
_________ ___________________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________
If additional space is required, please use a separate piece of paper.
p.3 PDS100_0418
D. Additional Required Documentation
Professional Driving Schools/CDL Training Schools/Driver Skills Development Programs
New Application
If incorporated: Articles of Corporation (issued by the Office of the Secretary of State)
Current Business Certificate (issued by local municipality)
Current Certificate of Occupancy (issued by local municipality) for the business office and classroom if located at a different location than the
business office
*If not issued by local municipality a letter on official letterhead indicating that no such certificate is issued.
If a high school classroom, branch location, or off-road training site: A copy of a rental agreement or contract from the appropriate authority
authorizing your school to teach driver education at that site.
Original Performance Bond (copies will not be accepted)
If any proprietor, partner, officer, or director listed on the application resides out of state, they must provide an original or certified copy of their
criminal history background from their home state or residence that is no more than 30 days old from the date of issuance
Copy of Proposed Curriculum
CORI Form for all persons on application
CDL Training Schools
Division of Professional Licensure Authorization
Renewal application:
Current Certificate of Occupancy (issued by local municipality) for the business office and classroom if located at a different location than the
business office
*If not issued by local municipality a letter on official letterhead indicating that no such certificate is issued.
If a high school classroom, branch location, or off-road training site: A copy of a rental agreement or contract from the appropriate authority
authorizing your school to teach driver education at that site.
Current Performance Bond or Continuation Certificate
If any proprietor, partner, officer, or director listed on the application resides out-of-state, they must provide an original or certified copy of their
criminal history background from their home state or residence that is no more than 30 days old from the date of issuance
E. Certification and Signature of Applicant
(application not complete without signature)
I agree to ensure that the licensed driving school will comply with all provisions of Massachusetts General Laws (MGL), and all Regulations, policies,
and guidelines established by the Registry of Motor Vehicles for the operation of driving schools and the employment of driving instructors, and
specifically, MGL Chapter 90, Section 32G Licensing for Driver Instruction, MGL Chapter 90, Section 32G½ Advanced Driver Training
Program Certification, 540 CMR 23.00 Licensing, Certification and Operating Requirements for Driving Instructors and Driving Schools,
and the Registry of Motor Vehicles Guidelines for Professional Driving Schools and Driving School Instructors, all as amended from time to
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am _____________________________ (Title) of the above driving school and that the information contained
in this application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Applicant Name: __________________________________________ Signature of Applicant: __________________________________________
(Proprietor, Partner or Officer)
False statements are punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both (Chapter 90, Section 24) Date: __________________________
F. Certification and Signature of Insurance Company or Its Agent
The following is to be executed by your insurance company or its agent:
The company Signatory hereto, hereby certifies that, it has issued to the Motor Vehicle Registrant, herein before indicated, a Policy Bond or Binder, in
conformity with the provisions of Massachusetts General laws, C. 90, Section 1A, C. 175, Section 113A, covering the above described commercially
registered vehicles and that the premium charged thereon is at the rate fixed and established for automobiles used for driving instructions.
Authorized Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date Issued: __________________________
Insurance Company Stamp: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Submit completed application to: Registry of Motor Vehicles, Driver Licensing, P.O. Box 55889, Boston, MA 02205-5889
For Office Use Only
Date Received: _________________ Site Assessment ____________________ Approved: ____________________________________________
Criminal Offender Record Information
(CORI) Acknowledgment Form
Department of Criminal Justice Information Services
200 Arlington Street, Suite 2200, Chelsea, MA 02150
TEL: 617-660-4640 | TTY: 617-660-4606 |
p.4 CORI101_0218
To be used by organizations conducting CORI checks for employment or licensing purposes.
The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles is registered under the provisions of M.G.L. c.6, § 172 to receive CORI for the purpose of screening
current and otherwise qualified prospective employees, subcontractors, volunteers, license applicants, or current licensees.
As a prospective or current employee, subcontractor, volunteer, license applicant or current licensee, I understand that a CORI check will be submitted
for my personal information to DCJIS. I hereby acknowledge and provide permission to the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles to submit a CORI
check for my information to the DCJIS. This authorization is valid for one year from the date of my signature. I may withdraw this authorization at any
time by providing the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles with written notice of my intent to withdraw consent to a CORI check.
I also understand, that the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles may conduct subsequent CORI checks within one year of the date this Form was
signed by me.
By signing below, I provide my consent to a CORI check and affirm that the information provided on Page 2 of this Acknowledgement Form is true and accurate.
__________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
Signature of CORI Subject Date
p.5 CORI101_0218
A. Applicant Information
Please complete this section using the information of the person whose CORI you are requesting. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
*First Name
*Last Name
Middle Name
Former Last Name #1
Former Last Name #2
Former Last Name #3
Former Last Name #4
*Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Place of Birth
*Last SIX digits of Social Security Number (SSN)?
Height (feet, inches)
Eye Color
Driver’s License of ID Number
State of Issue
Father’s Full Name
Mother’s Full Name
Current Address
* Residential Address (Where you actually reside)
Apt. #
Zip Code
B. Notarization Section this section must be completed by a notary public
"On this ___ day of _______________ , 20 __ , before me, the undersigned notary public, ________________________________
(name of applicant) personally appeared, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were
_______________________, to be the person who signed the preceding or attached document in my presence and who swore or
affirmed to me that the contents of the document are truthful and accurate to the best of (his) (her) knowledge and belief.
Seal of Notary Public
Notary Public Signature __________________________________
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
County of _________________________
Commission Expires: ________________