Psychiatric Evaluation Form
Registry of Motor Vehicles ● Medical Affairs
P.O. Box 55889 ● Boston, MA 02205-5889
FAX: 857-368-0018 ● PHONE: 857-368-8020
1 MAB118_0218
I hereby authorize the person completing this form to discuss and release any or all medical records pertaining to its
content with or to representatives of the Registry of Motor Vehicles.
Applicant’s Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ________________________
This form must be fully completed by a physician: a medical doctor who is licensed to practice in the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts or a psychiatric nurse practitioner.
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
The Registry of Motor Vehicles has received information that the patient named above may have a condition which could
affect his/her ability to operate a motor vehicle. Please complete the following so that the RMV can fairly evaluate the
impact of your patient’s condition upon his/her ability to operate a motor vehicle safely:
1. Please describe the patient’s psychiatric condition, using DSM-V or ICD-10 diagnosis:
2. Please describe the extent, frequency, and control of the symptoms of the patient’s condition or disability which may
affect his/ her ability to operate a motor vehicle (i.e., oriented in all spheres, dissociative episodes, etc.):
3. Is
the patient’s psychiatric condition or disability likely to interfere with his/her mental or physical
ability to operate a motor vehicle safely? ................................................................................................... Yes No
4. If condition involves seiz
ure or any type of altered or loss of consciousness, please state type and date of last episode:
5. Is patient on any medication(s)? Yes No If Yes, please list medication(s) with dosage(s):
6. Are these medications, separately or in combination, likely to interfere with his/her ability to operate
a motor vehicle safely? .............................................................................................................................. Yes No