MI-1040X-12, Page 4
Line 21: Amended use tax amounts will not be accepted on the
On line 37, enter the number of exemptions you claimed on your
MI‑1040X‑12. To amend your use tax, write a letter to Michigan
original return and the number of exemptions you are claiming
Department of Treasury, Business Tax Division, P.O. Box 30427,
on this amended return.
Lansing, MI 48909.
Deaf, Blind or Disabled: You qualify for the deaf exemption if
Lines 23 through 26: Enter changes in your property tax
the primary way you receive messages is through a sense other
credit, farmland preservation tax credit, earned income tax
than hearing, for example: lip reading or sign language. You
credit, and/or historic preservation tax credit. Attach the
qualify for the blind or disabled exemption if you are blind,
appropriate amended claim documentation: MI-1040CR, MI-
hemiplegic, paraplegic, quadriplegic or totally and permanently
1040CR-2, Form 5049, MI-1040CR-5, or Form 3581.
disabled. Blind means your better eye permanently has 20/200
vision or less with corrective lenses, or your peripheral eld of
Line 27: Enter the amended tax withheld by your employer.
vision is 20 degrees or less. Totally and permanently disabled
Attach a corrected Schedule W and provide an explanation
means disabled as dened under Social Security Guidelines 42
to support your claim, including the circumstances that
USC 416. Individuals 66 or older may not claim an exemption as
created the corrected Schedule W if it was corrected.
totally and permanently disabled.
If you are claiming a repayment credit for tax paid on income
Qualified Disabled Veteran: A taxpayer may claim an
reported in a previous year, add the amount of the credit to
exemption in addition to the taxpayer’s other exemptions if
the Michigan tax withheld. Write the words “Claim of Right/
(a) the taxpayer or spouse is a qualied disabled veteran, or
Repayments” next to line 27. Attach a schedule showing the
(b) a dependent of the taxpayer is a qualied disabled veteran.
computation of the credit, proof of the repayment, and pages 1
To be eligible for the additional exemption an individual must
and 2 of your U.S. Form 1040 and ScheduleA if applicable.
be a veteran of the active military, naval, marine, coast guard,
Line 28: Enter total Michigan estimated tax payments, amounts
or air service who received an honorable or general discharge
credited forward from prior years, and any payment made with a
and has a disability incurred or aggravated in the line of duty as
request for extension.
described in 38 USC 101(16). This additional exemption may
Line 29: Enter the amount paid with your original return and
not be claimed on more than one tax return. See the instructions
any additional tax paid after you led your original return. Do not
for line 12 on page 3.
include interest or penalty payments.
Line 39: Enter the line reference from page 1 for each line
Line 31: Enter the amount of refund you received from your
where a change is reported and give a detailed explanation of
original return. If you received more than one refund from
the reasons for the change. If an explanation is not provided,
the original return, include the total amount of refunds on this
the processing of your return may be delayed or your
line, also include the amount to be credited to next year. Do not
return may be denied. Attach applicable schedules and
include interest received on your refunds.
supporting documentation of the change(s) including, but not
limited to:
Lines 32 and 33: If line 32 is negative, treat it as a positive
amount and add it to the amount on line 22, column C. Enter the
• copies of your amended federal return and federal schedules
result on line 33. This is the amount you owe. Include interest
• copies of other state return(s)
with your payment. (See “Interest and Penalty” on page 3.)
• copies of your W-2(s), 1099(s), and/or Schedule K-1(s)
Make check payable to “State of Michigan” and write the last
four digits of your Social Security number, the tax year being
• copies of your property tax statement(s) and/or lease
amended, and the words “MI-1040X-12” on the check.
If paying
on behalf of another taxpayer, write the ler’s name and last four
• copies of your heat statements
digits of the ler’s Social Security number on the check.
is not required if the tax due is less than $1. To ensure accurate
When You Are Finished
processing of your return, send one check for each return you are
Refund, Credit or Zero Return. Mail your return to:
Michigan Department of Treasury
Line 34, REFUND: If line 32 is greater than line 22,
Lansing, MI 48956
column C, subtract line 22, column C, from line 32 and enter this
amount as your refund.
Pay amount on line 33. Mail your check and return to:
Michigan Department of Treasury
Lansing, MI 48929
Line 37: Enter the number of federal exemptions and Michigan
special exemptions claimed on your original return and claimed
Do not staple multiple prior year returns together. However,
on this return.
you can mail multiple prior year returns in the same envelope.
Review the instruction booklet for tax year being amended if you
need denitions or more information.
Complete lines 37 and 38 if you are changing the number of
exemptions or exemption allowance you originally claimed.