Wages, salaries, tips, etc.
Interest income
Dividends _______________ Less exclusions _______________ Balance _______________
Business income or loss (attach U.S. Schedules C and F)
Capital gain or loss (attach Schedule D)
Other gains or losses (attach U.S. 4797)
Pension, IRA and annuity (included in Adjusted Gross Income (AGI))
Net rent or royalty income
Income or losses from partnerships, estates, trusts and S corporations (attach U.S. Schedule E)
Miscellaneous income
(e.g. state and local refunds, unemployment compensation). Explain:
Total income. Add lines 1-10
ADJUSTMENTS: Only list adjustments to Michigan source income
a. Payments to a retirement plan as an individual or a self-employed person
b. Deduction for self-employment tax and self-employed health insurance
c. Educator expenses and/or moving expenses
d. Alimony paid and/or penalty for early withdrawal of savings
e. Domestic production activities deduction
f. Other adjustments to income including health savings account deduction
Total adjustments. Add lines 12a - f
Michigan AGI. Subtract line 13 from line 11. (If greater than zero, you do not have an NOL.)
Nonbusiness deductions: Enter total adjustments from
line 13 less amounts listed on lines 12b, 12c and 12e
Nonbusiness income included in line 11
a. Interest income
b. Dividend income
c. Net nonbusiness capital gains
(before any allowable exclusion)
d. Pension and annuities
e. Alimony received
f. Other income
Total nonbusiness income. Add lines 16a - f
Excess of nonbusiness deductions over nonbusiness income, subtract
line 17 from line 15, enter here. If zero or less, enter -0-
Excess capital loss deduction (see instructions, page 2)
Add lines 18 and 19
Net operating loss. Combine lines 14 and 20. (If greater than zero, you do not have an NOL)
PART 1: COMPUTING THE NET OPERATING LOSS (NOL) (see instructions, page 2).
MICHIGAN NET OPERATING LOSS: This Michigan NOL amount may be carried back two years. Any unused balance may be carried forward 20
years. An election to forego the carryback period must be filed in the same manner as required by the Internal Revenue Code. (Attach a statement to
your return for the NOL year.) Any loss in excess of income subject to Michigan tax may be carried forward to the next year.
IMPORTANT: Use your U.S. 1040 to complete this form. Do not consider net operating losses from other years, income and losses
from other states, or income and losses from oil and gas production that is subject to Michigan Severance Tax.
Filer's First Name M.I.
Home Address (No., Street, P.O. Box or Rural Route)
City or Town State ZIP Code
Last Name
Michigan Department of Treasury (Rev. 11-07), Page 1
Application for Michigan Net Operating Loss Refund MI-1045
If a Joint Return, Spouse's First Name M.I. Last Name
Filer's Social Security No. (Example: 123-45-6789)
Spouse's Social Security No. (Example: 123-45-6789)
Issued under authority of P.A. 281 of 1967. Type or print in blue or black ink.
For loss year or for loss year beginning and ending
Year (YYYY) Month/Year (MM-YYYY) Month/Year (MM-YYYY)
0000 2007 73 01 27 3
Reset Form
Application for Refund From
Carryback of Net Operating Loss MI-1045
MI-1045, Page 2
Column A Column B Column C
Enter the year that you are carrying the NOL to
Reported federal AGI
Additions from MI-1040. Explain:
Total. Add lines 23 and 24
Subtractions from MI-1040. Explain:
Balance. Subtract line 26 from line 25
Less Net Operating Loss Deduction (NOLD) from line 21
Balance. Subtract line 28 from line 27
Less Michigan exemption allowance
Taxable balance
Tentative tax. If less than zero, enter zero
Less nonrefundable tax credits
Tax due. If less than zero, enter zero
Less: a. Refundable tax credits
Total of items 35a - d
Tax previously refunded or carried to next year
Balance of tax paid. Subtract line 37 from line 36
Overpayment. Subtract line 34 from line 38
b. Tax withheld
c. Tax paid with prior returns
d. Estimated tax payments
NOTE: The Michigan NOL is generally carried back 2 years. See
instructions, page 4, for exceptions.
Part 1: Computing Net Operating Loss
To complete Part 1, use the entries on your U.S. 1040 for the year the
loss occurred. Do not
consider income and losses from other states or
income and losses from oil and gas.
Line 10: Miscellaneous income includes state and local refunds,
unemployment benefits, alimony received and any other miscellaneous
taxable income.
Line 14: Subtract line 13 from line 11. This amount should equal your
federal AGI if you have no income or losses from other states or
income and losses from oil and gas.
Line 19: The excess capital loss must be calculated on a U.S. 1045
Schedule A, line 21 or 22, then entered on this line.
Part 2: Redetermining Your Michigan Income Tax
Line 24: Include any additions shown on your original return.
Line 26: Include any subtractions shown on your original return.
Line 29: If line 29 is less than zero, enter that amount on line 28 in the
next column. Cannot exceed line 28 of the preceding column.
Line 33: Enter the total of nonrefundable credits claimed on your original
Line 35a: Enter the total of refundable credits for homestead property tax,
home heating and farmland preservation. Any credit entered here must be
adjusted for the NOLD adjustment to household income, if applicable. Be
sure to attach your amended credit form.
Line 35c: For the year listed on line 22, enter total tax paid with the
annual return plus any additional tax paid after original return was filed.
Mail your completed form to:
Line-by-Line Instructions
Filer's Social Security Number
an Department of Treasur
Lansing, MI 48956
Taxpayer Certification. I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this
return and attachments is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Preparer Certification. I declare under penalty of perjury that
this return is based on all information of which I have any knowledge.
Filer's Signature
Spouse's Signature
Preparer's PTIN, FEIN or SSN
Preparer's Business Name (print or type)
Preparer's Business Address (print or type)
0000 2007 73 02 27 1
I authorize Treasury to discuss my return with my preparer.
Yes No
Computation of Federal Modified Taxable
Income (FMTI) for Household Income Only MI-1045
MI-1045, Page 3
Enter the year that you are carrying the NOL to
Reported AGI for year shown on line 40 without NOLD
a. Adjustments to AGI (see instructions)
b. Capital losses, in excess of capital gains ($3,000 maximum)
MODIFIED Federal AGI. Add lines 41 and 42a or 42b
a. Medical (see instructions for limitations)
b. Taxes
c. Contributions
d. Interest
e. Casualty loss
f. Moving expenses
g. Miscellaneous (attach U.S. Schedule A; see inst.)
h. Limit on itemized deductions
i. If you do not itemize, use the standard deduction
Enter the total of 44a - h, or 44i if you did not itemize
FMTI. Subtract line 45 from line 43 (If less than zero enter -0-)
Unabsorbed net operating loss. Enter in column A your
federal operating loss as a positive amount
NOL to be carried to next succeeding year.
Subtract line 46 from line 47. Carry the amount on this line to
the next column, line 47 (cannot be less than zero)
Enter the year the federal NOL occurred
Enter the amount of the original federal NOL as a positive amount
Enter the total of all NOLDs used for previous years
Subtract line 51 from line 50. This is the remaining NOL that can
be carried forward to the year on line 40
Subtract line 46 (FMTI) from line 52. This is the remaining
NOL to carry forward (cannot be less than zero)
Step 1. Figure Your FMTI
Step 3. Figure Your Carryforward
Step 2. Figure Your Carryback (If you are not carrying the loss back, go to Step 3.)
Column A Column B Column C
Line-by-Line Instructions for Part 3: Adjusting Your NOL for Household Income
Line 41: Include NOL carryovers or carrybacks from earlier years.
Line 42a: Adjustments to AGI, such as taxable Social Security benefits
and IRA deductions, must be recalculated based on federal modified
Line 44: Use 44a-h if you itemized. If you didn't itemize, use 44i.
44a: Medical adjustments. The amount of medical adjustments you can
take varies with federal law from year to year. You must recalculate your
medical expense deduction based on modified federal AGI and the
federal limitation in effect for the year entered on line 40.
44c: Percentage limitations on charitable contributions are based on
modified federal AGI.
44g: Miscellaneous deductions are limited to 2 percent of AGI. This
amount cannot exceed 2 percent of modified federal AGI.
44h: If modified AGI exceeds certain amounts, itemized deductions may
be limited. See limitations in effect for the year entered on line 40.
Line 46: This is your FMTI. Your Michigan NOLD will be the amount
on this line or the amount from line 47 (or line 52 for carryforwards),
whichever is smaller. This amount cannot be less than zero.
Line 47: Enter your federal NOL in column A as a positive amount.
Each succeeding year will be the excess portion (if any) from line 48 of
the preceding column.
Line 48: Subtract line 46 from line 47. If the result is more than zero,
this is the excess NOL to be carried to the next year. If it is less than
zero, the NOLD is limited to the excess on line 47. This is the last year
affected by the NOL.
Line 53: If line 46 is less than line 52, subtract line 46 from line 52 and
enter here; then use line 46 as your NOLD to recalculate your credit. If
line 46 is greater than line 52 enter zero here and use line 52 as your
NOLD to recalculate your Michigan credits.
______ ______
0000 2007 73 03 27 9
Filer's Social Security Number
See "How an NOL affects the homestead property tax credit" below.
If you are filing a refund claim from the carryback of a Michigan
NOL, you must also file the appropriate amended credit claim forms
for each year the loss is being carried back. Attach the amended
credit claim forms to your MI-1045 form.
The total amount of the federal NOLD used to arrive at federal AGI
must be added back on your MI-1040. The Michigan NOLD is then
subtracted in its place on the MI-1040. This amount will be the
NOL determined on MI-1045, page 1, line 21 less any of the loss
used in previous years. See the MI-1040 instruction booklet for
specific line references for the years involved.
You must attach a copy of your federal income tax return (U.S.
1040) and any supporting federal tax schedules or forms that support
the NOL. Be sure to indicate the location (city and state) of any
income or loss. If you have income or loss subject to apportionment,
see MI-1040H Schedule of Apportionment.
How an NOL affects the homestead property tax credit
To determine household income for purposes of computing the
homestead property tax credit, the home heating credit, and the
farmland preservation tax credit, an NOLD is allowed. The amount
of the NOLD that is allowed cannot exceed your FMTI in the year
to which it is being carried back or carried forward. Claim the
amount of the allowed NOLD on the “other adjustments line” on
the appropriate credit forms for each applicable year. Caution: To
deduct an NOLD from household income, you
must have a
corresponding federal NOLD. If you have a Michigan NOLD, but
no federal NOLD, you cannot take an NOLD in household income.
Income and losses from other states, income and losses from oil
and gas production, and federal itemized deductions, must be
considered when calculating the NOL and NOLDs used for
household income. The amount of the allowable NOLD for use in
household income is calculated on page 3 of the MI-1045 form for
both carrybacks and carryforwards. The amount of the carryback
deduction will be the smaller of lines 46 or 47, and the amount of
the carryforward deduction will be the smaller of lines 46 or 52.
Example: Your 2004 FMTI is $20,000, and your 2004 federal
NOLD is $50,000. The amount of the 2004 NOLD of $50,000 that
may be used in 2004 household income is limited to $20,000. The
balance of $30,000 will be available for use in 2005 to the extent of
your 2005 FMTI.
For forms or questions
Michigan tax forms are available on Treasury's Web site at
www.michigan.gov/taxes. You may also call toll-free
1-800-827-4000 to have tax forms mailed to you or to ask technical
Application for Net Operating Loss Refund Instructions
MI-1045, Page 4
What is a net operating loss?
A net operating loss (NOL) occurs when a business has losses in
excess of its gains. The Michigan NOL deduction (NOLD) is subject
to allocation and apportionment as required by the Michigan Income
Tax Act. Income and losses attributed to other states, and income
and losses from oil and gas production included in the federal NOL
must be eliminated from the Michigan NOL calculation in the loss
year. The Michigan NOL may be carried back in the same manner
as prescribed in Section 172 of the Internal Revenue Code as in
effect for the year the loss was incurred. If your NOL is not
exhausted in the carryback years, or you elect to forego the carryback,
an NOL carryforward will exist for subsequent years. The carryover
period is limited to 15 years for loss years before 1998. Beginning
with the 1998 tax year, the carryback period is generally limited to
two years for both federal and Michigan taxes, and any unused loss
may be carried forward 20 years. For tax years ending in 2001 and
2002, a 5 year carryback period will apply to most taxpayers.
Exceptions to the general carryback periods for federal purposes
also apply to Michigan.
The Michigan NOL
The Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled in two separate cases,
Preston v Treasury, 190 Mich App 491; 476 NW 2d 455, (1991) and
Beznos v Treasury, 224 Mich App 717; 569 NW 2d 908 (1997), that
the Michigan NOL and NOLD are computed separately and
independently of the federal NOL and NOLD. If you incurred a
federal NOL that you are carrying back to previous years, you must
determine the allowed Michigan NOL, if any, by completing page 1
of the MI-1045. If you incurred a Michigan NOL, but are electing to
forego the carryback, and carry the Michigan NOL forward, you do
not need to file this form until the year you actually use the loss to
offset Michigan income. If you incurred an NOL from Michigan
sources, but did not incur a corresponding federal NOL, you must
complete page 1 of the MI-1045 form, to determine your allowable
Michigan NOL.
When to file your MI-1045
If you are carrying back your NOL to prior years, the MI-1045 form
must be filed within four years after the date set for filing the return
in which the NOL was incurred. For example: If the original NOL
was incurred in 2003, then the original 2003 return was due April
15, 2004. You must file the MI-1045 form by April 15, 2008, to
carryback the 2003 Michigan NOL to a year that is otherwise
outside of the general 4 year statute of limitations.
If your Michigan NOL is carried forward, the MI-1045 form should be
filed in the year it is carried forward to.
How to use the MI-1045 form
Use page 1 of the MI-1045 form to calculate your Michigan NOL for
the year of the loss. If you are carrying the loss back, you must also
complete page 2, Redetermining Your Michigan Income Tax. Page 3
is used to determine the amount of your federal NOLD that may be
used to compute your household income.
NOTE: The Michigan NOL is generally carried back 2 years. Any remaining unused loss after the carryback period may then be carried forward
for 20 years. Certain exceptions to the general 2 year carryback period that apply to federal NOLs (e.g. certain casualty or farm losses) also apply
to Michigan NOLs. See the U.S. 1045 instructions for exceptions to the general carryback rules for federal NOLs.