BS Computer Science - 120 Credits Required
A mi n i mu m of 3 0 credits mu s t be t ak en at WCSU.
A mi n i mu m cumulative GPA of 2 .0 i s required.
Creative Process (CP)
Critical Thinking (CT)
Oral Co mmu n i cat i o n (OC)
Health an d Wellness (HW)
Scientific Inquiry (SI)
Intercultural Competence (IC)
Information Literacy (IL) PHI 227
First Year Experience (FY)
Culminating Experience (CE)
Writing Co u rs e (WRT 1 0 1 )
Writing In t en s i v e II (W2 )
Writing In t en s i v e III (W3 )
Quantitative Reas o n i n g (QR) MAT 141
Part 2: Genera l Educa ti o n Ex pl o ra ti o n
40 credits are required.
WRT 1 0 1 Co mp o s i t i o n I: Hab i t s o f Wri t i n g
PHI 227 Ethics in Computing (IL, W2)
Choose from 1 of the following: MAT
181 or MAT 170 and MAT 171
MAT 170 and 171 Calculus with pre-
calculus (QR)
Choose 2 courses (at least 7 credits) from
the following Lab Sciences. At least one
course must have a Lab Component. AST
150, AST 231, BIO 103, BIO 104, CHE
110, CHE 111, CHE/ENV 205, ES 110, ES
210, MTR 150, MTR 230, MTR 240,
PHY 110, PHY 111, PHY 121, PHY 122
Complete a foreign
language at an elementary II level, above. Students who have completed three years of language in high school with
at least a 'C' average have satisfied this requirement. Consult your advisor. (IC)
Part 1: General Education Competency Requirements
Students must complete each of the competencies listed below. In addition, students must complete 3 of the competencies a second time
excluding First Year (FY), WRT 101 (WI), Writing Intensive Tier II (W2) and Writing Intensive Tier III (W3).
23 CREDITS (20 IF MAT 170/171
Part 3: Major in Computer Science
4 credits are required.
Minimum 2.5 major GPA
A minimum of 32 credits must be taken at WCSU.
CS 140 Intro to Programming
CS 170 Language C++
CS 221 Object,iented Programming and
Data Structures
CS 205 Data Modeling & Database
CS 215 Computer Organization &
CS 240 Software Organization
CS 305, 350 or 360 Software
Engineering Elective
CS 315 Design and Analysis of
CS 355 Programming Languages
CS 450 Operating Systems
MAT 222 Introductory Statistics
MAT 141 Foundational Discrete
Mathematics (QR)
MAT 304 Discrete Mathematics for
Computer Science
CS 359, MAT 359 Introduction to
Theory of Computation
12 Credits in Computer Science
Electives: CS 235, 245, 265, 270, 285,
297, 298, 299, 305, 330, 340, 350, 351,
357, 360, 385, 399, 410, 444, 484, 990,
MAT 182, 272 or 356
Part 4: 16 Credits of General Electives