Pre-requisites are in parentheses; see catalog for details. Class standing by credit: Freshman: 0-29 credits; Sophomore: 30-59 credits; Junior: 60-89 credits; Senior: 90+ credits
The number of Free Electives available will vary based on your initial math & writing placement tests. MAT100 and WRT101 if required, count as elective credit.
SEMESTER 1 (14.5 S.H.) SEMESTER 2 (14.5 S.H.)
Writing Intensive Course
Gen Ed: Math/CS Elective
Gen Ed: Communication Skills 3 Gen Ed: Social & Behavioral Sciences 3
MUS 108 Music Theory I
(qualifying score on theory placement exam) 2 MUS 109 Music Theory II (MUS 108) 2
MUS 113 Convocation, Concert & Recital Repertoire 0 MUS 113 Convocation, Concert, & Recital Repertoire 0
MUS 114 Sight Singing/Ear Training I
(qualifying score on theory placement exam)
2 MUS 115 Sight Singing/Ear Training II (MUS 114) 2
MUS 125 Keyboard Competency I .5 MUS 126 Keyboard Competency II .5
MUS 186 Applied Music 3 MUS 187 Applied Music 1
Performing Groups (at least 2 - see page 3) 1 Performing Groups (at least 2 - see page 3) 1
SEMESTER 3 (17.5 S.H.) SEMESTER 4 (17.5 S.H.)
Gen Ed: GER/FR/IT 162 3 Gen Ed: GER/FR/IT 164 3
Gen Ed: Social & Behavioral Sciences 3 Gen Ed: Science/Math/CS Elective 3
MUS 208 Music Theory III (MUS 109) 2 MUS 209 Music Theory IV (MUS 208) 2
MUS 113 Convocation, Concert & Recital Repertoire 0 MUS 113 Convocation, Concert & Recital Repertoire 0
MUS 210 Sight Singing/Ear Training III (MUS 115) 2 MUS 211 Sight Singing/Ear Training IV (MUS 210) 2
MUS 225 Keyboard Competencies III .5 MUS 226 Keyboard Competencies IV .5
MUS 230 Music History & Literature I (soph. standing) 3 MUS 231 Music History and Literature II (soph. standing) 3
MUS 186 Applied Music 3 MUS 187 Applied Music 3
Performing Groups (at least 2 - see page 3) 1 Performing Groups (at least 2 - see page 3) 1
Soph. Barrier Jury & Proficiency exams (see catalog)
SEMESTER 5 (18 S.H.) SEMESTER 6 (18 S.H.)
Gen Ed: Lab Science
HPX 177 (Lecture & Activity) 2
MUS 103 World Music 3 MUS 213 Diction for Singers II (MUS 212) 1
MUS 113 Convocation, Concert & Recital Repertoire 0 MUS 113 Convocation, Concert & Recital Repertoire 0
MUS 317 Form & Analysis (MUS 209, MUS 211) 3 MUS 118 Music Technology 3
MUS 320 Basic Conducting (MUS 208, 210) 3 MUS 321 Choral Conducting (MUS 320) or MUS 322
Instrumental Conducting (MUS 320)
MUS 392 Applied Music (4 semesters of MUS 180, 181
passing Soph. Barrier Jury & Proficiency Exam)
3 MUS 393 Applied Music (4 semesters of MUS 180, 181
passing Soph. Barrier Jury & Proficiency Exam)
MUS 212 Diction for Singers I 1 MUS 214 Half Recital
(completion of 5 semesters of applied mu-
sic study, at least 3 solo performances at MUS 113 convocation,
and successful completion of a pre-recital jury performance)
Performing Groups (at least 2 - see page 3) 1 Gen Ed: Social & Behavioral Sciences 3
Complete a degree audit and plan for application for graduation Free elective 3
Performing Groups (at least 2 - see page 3) 1
SEMESTER 7 (16 S.H.) SEMESTER 8 (15 S.H.)
MUS 113 Convocation, Concert an Recital Repertoire 0 MUS 113 Convocation, Concert an Recital Repertoire 0
Music History Era Course 3 MUS 380 Senior Capstone Project/Recital (completion of 7
semesters of applied music study and successful completion of
a pre-recital jury performance or project proposal review)
Gen Ed: Social and Behavioral Sciences or Humanities 3 Music Elective (prerequisites vary, see catalog) 3
Music Elective (prerequisites vary, see catalog) 3 Free Elective 3
MUS 392 Applied Music (successful completion of 4 semes
ters of MUS 186, MUS 187 and passing Soph. Barrier Jury &
Proficiency Exam)
3 MUS 393 Applied Music (successful completion of 4 semesters
of MUS 186, MUS 187 and passing Soph. Barrier Jury &
Proficiency Exam)
MUS Repertoire Field 3 MUS Repertoire Field 3
Performance Groups (if not completed in 4 semesters) 1 Performing Groups (at least 2 - see page 3) 1
BM: Performance — Classical Option/Vocal Emphasis (127 S.H. required to complete the degree)
Four-Year Plan This is a sample sequence of courses. Other combinations are possible.