Thank you for considering the Town of East Longmeadow for your event! The Town of East Longmeadow is
pleased to welcome a variety of special events, from community festivals to concerts and athletic competitions. It
is the goal of the Town of East Longmeadow to work with event managers and organizers to help ensure that the
events taking place in our community are both safe and successful, while minimizing the impact on our residents
and businesses. Completing this form is the first step in your application process. This is not your permit.
Completing and submitting this application does not confirm your date or signify any intention by the Town to
approve this application.
A special event is any activity that occurs upon public or private property that affects the ordinary use of parks,
playgrounds, fields, buildings, public streets, right-of-ways or sidewalks. Special Events may include festivals, fairs,
concerts, carnivals, holiday celebrations, parades, athletic tournaments, road or bicycle races, etc.
The Town of East Longmeadow may permit the temporary use of public properties and/or roadways for special
activities. The Town coordinates the review of these events with various Town Departments to ensure that the
events are conducted safely.
Individuals or organizations wishing to hold events on public property, or on private property but with an impact
on public property such as roads within the Town limits, including Town parks, must obtain a Use of Town
Property Permit from the Town of East Longmeadow.
The Authorized User is required to demonstrate that adequate provisions have been made for security, parking,
insurance, set-up, maintenance and clean-up, emergency services, and safety of operations.
Use of Town Property Applications are to be submitted to the Town Manager’s Office not less than 90 days prior
to the event date. All components of the event are subject to approval by the Town Manager’s Office and may
also require approval by and/or permit(s) from other Town agencies/departments and boards. It is the
responsibility of the applicant to secure all necessary Town of East Longmeadow permits, and submit payments
required for permits.
The primary contact for Authorized Users during the review process will be the Town Manager’s Office. Once the
completed application is received, it will be distributed to the necessary Town Departments to be reviewed.
Approval for the use of Town Property for an organized event is required. To determine if a facility is available for
use ON THE DATE OF YOUR EVENT, you should contact the following departments:
□ School Buildings and Athletic Fields/Superintendent of Schools: (413) 525-5450
□ Pine Knoll and Athletic Fields/Recreation Department: (413) 525-5400 ext. 1300
□ Pavilion at Heritage Park/Department of Public Works (413) 525-5400 ext. 1200
□ Public Library: (413) 525-5400 ext. 1500
□ Senior Center: (413) 525-5400 ext. 1400