Floodplain Development
Issue Date:
Permit #
Expiration Date:
* Permit becomes void if there
are changes to the eective
Flood Insurance Rate Maps*
The Floodplain Development Permit is the mechanism by which our community evaluates any and all impacts of activities proposed
within our regulated floodplains. All activities must be in compliance with the Town of Buena Vista Floodplain Ordinance. The National
Flood Insurance Program provides flood insurance to individuals at much lower premiums than could otherwise be purchased through
private insurers, and makes certain federal funds are available to communities. In order for citizens to be eligible for the national flood
insurance rates, or for communities to receive certain kinds of federal funds, the community must agree to meet minimum floodplain
standards. This application packet is a tool to ensure that the activities in our community comply with the Floodplain Damage Prevention
Any party undertaking development within a designated oodplain must obtain a oodplain development permit prior to the work
commencing. FEMA denes development in Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations part 59.1 as: Any man-made change to improved
or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, ling, grading, paving, excavation
or drilling operations or storage of equipment or materials. Other human activities that are considered development include but are
not limited to: alterations of a structure through additions, demolition and remodeling, fences, retaining wall, moving/placement of
remanufactured or mobile homes, campgrounds, storage of equipment, vehicles or materials (storage yards, salvage yards).
General Provision of the Floodplain Development Permit Terms
1. No work may start until a permit has been issued.
2. The permit may be revoked if:
a. Any false statements are made herein;
b. The eective Flood Insurance Rate Map has been revised;
c. The work is not done in accordance with the Floodplain Damage Prevention Ordinance of the presiding jurisdiction or other local,
state and federal regulatory requirements.
d. The work is dierent than what is described and submitted to the community as part of the Floodplain Development
Permit application.
3. If revoked, all work must cease until permit is reissued.
a. If the permit cannot be reissued, applicant acknowledges that they will be responsible to correct the issue which may
require removal of any development that may have occurred.
4. Development shall not be used or occupied until the project has received nal inspection, a nal elevation and approval by the
5. The permit will expire if no work has commenced within 3 months of issuance and by the expiration date noted on the permit.
6. Applicant is hereby informed that other permits may be required to fulll local, state, and federal regulatory requirements and
acknowledges that it is their responsibility to ensure that all necessary permits are obtained.
a. This includes but is not limited to documentation showing compliance with the endangered species act.
7. Applicant hereby gives consent to the local Floodplain Administrator and his/her representative (including state and federal
agencies) to make reasonable inspections required to verify compliance.
8. Applicant acknowledges that the project will be designed to minimize any potential drainage onto surrounding properties and will
be responsible for any drainage issues that may arise.
9. I, the applicant, certify that all statements herein and in attachments to this application are, to the best of my knowledge, true and
accurate. Furthermore, I have read and understand the relevant Floodplain Damage Prevention Ordinance for my community and will
adhere to the ordinance and will or have already obtained all necessary state, federal and local permits for the proposed development.
Floodplain Manager 719.395.8643 RKing@buenavistaco.gov