This form must be attached to form 500CR
Federal Employer Identication Number (9 digits) or Social Security Number
Current Address Line 1 (Street No. and Street Name or PO Box)
Current Address Line 2 (Apt No., Suite No., Floor No.)
City or town State ZIP Code +4
Reason For Waiver Request (Please check one):
A. Do not have access to a computer.
B. Software does not support electronic ling of Form 500CR.
C. Other (explain) _________________________________________________________________________________
Signature Date
Use this form to request a waiver from ling the Form 500CR
electronically. You must include a reason for the waiver
request. If a reason is not checked or an explanation given as
to why you cannot le electronically, the Form 500CR will not
be processed.
The waiver request should be included with the Form
500CR in the ling of your return.
Check here for Identity Theft
Print Using Blue or Black Ink Only
ATTACH TO FORM 500, 502, 505,
OR 510.
Name as shown on Form Taxpayer Identication Number
PART A - ENTERPRISE ZONE TAX CREDIT ** Must Include Required Certification
1. Number of qualified employees. First year Second year Third year
2. Credit for first year (limited to $3,000 of wages paid to each employee) ................. 2
3. Credit for second year (limited to $2,000 of wages paid to each employee) ............... 3
4. Credit for third year (limited to $1,000 of wages paid to each employee) ................. 4
5. Total (Add lines 2, 3 and 4.) ................................................ 5
6. Number of qualified employees eligible for credit not included in PART A-I ................ 6
7. Credit (limited to $1,000 of wages paid to each employee) ........................... 7
8. Number of qualified employees. First year Second year Third year
9. Credit for first year (limited to $4,500 of wages paid to each employee) ................. 9
10. Credit for second year (limited to $3,000 of wages paid to each employee) ...............10
11. Credit for third year (limited to $1,500 of wages paid to each employee) ................. 11
12. Total (Add lines 9, 10 and 11.) ...............................................12
13. Number of qualified employees eligible for credit not included in PART A-III ..............13
14. Credit (limited to $1,500 of wages paid to each employee) ........................... 14
Check here if claiming credit for business located in a RISE zone.
15. Total Enterprise Zone Tax Credit for the current tax year (Add lines 5, 7, 12 and 14.) ........15
PART B - HEALTH ENTERPRISE ZONE HIRING TAX CREDIT ** Must Include Required Certification
For qualified employees hired by a Health Enterprise Zone Employer after December 31, 2012 and before January 1, 2017.
1. Number of qualified employees certified by Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
First year Second year
2. Credit for first year ($5,000 for each qualified employee) ............................ 2
3. Credit for second year ($5,000 for each qualified employee) .......................... 3
4. Tentative amount of Hiring Credit (Add lines 2 and 3.) .............................. 4
5. Enter refund recapture amount .............................................. 5
6. Refundable Hiring Credit (Subtract line 5 from line 4 and enter this amount here and in
PART DD, line 4. If less than zero, enter negative amount.) .......................... 6
1. Number of qualified employees. First year Second year
2. Credit for first year (30% of first $9,000 of wages paid to each employee) ............... 2
3. Credit for second year (30% of first $9,000 of wages paid to each employee) ............. 3
4. Total (Add lines 2 and 3.) .................................................. 4
5. Number of qualified employees. First year Second year
6. Credit for first year (limited to a combined total of $900 in child care and transportation
expenses per qualified employee with a disability) ................................ 6
SEE INSTRUCTIONS Note: **Indicates Certication Must Be Included
Check here if any of the following credits are derived from an entity other than that shown
above. Enter the entity's Federal Employer Identication Number. If from more than one, see
instructions. Include Maryland Schedule K-1 (510) from PTEs or statement from corporate
entity showing your share of the credit. For One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit,
see instructions.
ATTACH TO FORM 500, 502, 505,
OR 510.
page 2
7. Credit for second year (limited to a combined total of $900 in child care and
transportation expenses per qualified employee with a disability) ..................... 7
8. Total (Add lines 6 and 7.) .................................................. 8
9. Total Maryland Disability Employment Tax Credit for the current tax year (Add lines 4 and 8.) .. 9
PART D - JOB CREATION TAX CREDIT ** Must Include Required Certification
1. Total number of qualified positions for the current year ............................. 1
2. Multiply line 1 by $1,000 ................................................... 2
3. Enter 2.5% of wages paid for each position from line 1 ............................. 3
4. Enter the lesser of lines 2 or 3 .............................................. 4
5. Total number of qualified positions for the current year ............................. 5
6. Multiply line 5 by $1,500 ................................................... 6
7. Enter 5% of wages paid for each position from line 5 .............................. 7
8. Enter the lesser of lines 6 or 7 .............................................. 8
9. Total credits calculated for the current year (Add lines 4 and 8.) ...................... 9
10. Enter the lesser of line 9 or $1,000,000 ........................................10
11. Total current year credits available (Multiply line 10 by 50%.) ........................ 11
12. Enter remaining 50% of credits from prior year ..................................12
13. Total Job Creation Tax Credits that may be claimed this year (Add lines 11 and 12.) ......... 13
PART E - COMMUNITY INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT ** Must Include Required Certification
1. Amount of approved contributions ............................................ 1
2. Enter 50% of line 1 ...................................................... 2
3. Enter the amount from line 2 or $250,000, whichever is less ......................... 3
1. Property tax credit (certified by the State Department of Assessments and Taxation) ....... 1
2. Enhanced property tax credit (certified by the State Department of Assessments and Taxation) 2
3. Total (Add lines 1 and 2.) .................................................. 3
** Must Include Required Certification
1. Credit may not exceed $400 per vehicle ....................................... 1
NOTE: If you are claiming more than one investment, see instructions for PART H.
1. Amount of approved investment ............................................. 1
2. Enter 33% of line 1 ...................................................... 2
NOTE: See Special Instructions for Maryland Cybersecurity Companies located in Allegany County,
Dorchester County, Garrett County, or Somerset County.
3. Maximum Credit ........................................................ 3
NOTE: See Special Instructions for Maryland Cybersecurity Companies located in Allegany County,
Dorchester County, Garrett County, or Somerset County.
4. Tentative refund (enter the amount from line 2 or line 3, whichever is less) ............... 4
5. Enter any amount of recapture. See instructions ................................. 5
6. Total Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit (Subtract line 5 from line 4 and enter this
amount here and in PART DD, line 7. If less than zero, enter negative amount.). ........... 6
1. Enter 5% of long-term care insurance costs ..................................... 1
2. Multiply the number of eligible employees by $100 ....................... 2
3. Enter the lesser of line 1 or line 2 ............................................ 3
4. Enter the lesser of line 3 or $5,000 ........................................... 4
ATTACH TO FORM 500, 502, 505,
OR 510.
page 3
1. Enter the amount of Construction and Equipment costs that have been certified by the Maryland
Department of Commerce incurred to construct or renovate SCIFs (Include certification.). .... 1
2. Enter the amount of Security Clearance Administrative Expenses approved by the Maryland
Department of Commerce not to exceed $200,000. (Include certification.) ............... 2
3. Total PART J-I Allowable Security Costs Tax Credit (Add lines 1 and 2.) .................. 3
(For first year leasing costs incurred between 1/1/2017 and 12/31/2017.)
Complete ONLY if you are a Small Business (See Instructions.)
1. Enter expenses approved by the Maryland Department of Commerce incurred for rental payments
owed during the first year of a rental agreement for spaces leased in the State if taxpayer is a small
business that performs security-based contracting not to exceed $200,000. (Include certification.)
PART K - RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT TAX CREDITS ** Must Include Required Certification
1. Basic credit (3%) as certified by the Maryland Department of Commerce ................ 1
2. Growth credit (10%) as certified by the Maryland Department of Commerce .............. 2
3. Total (Add lines 1 and 2.) Enter here and on Line 11 of PART BB. ...................... 3
4. Basic credit (3%) as certified by the Maryland Department of Commerce ................ 4
5. Growth credit (10%) as certified by the Maryland Department of Commerce .............. 5
6. Total (Add lines 4 and 5.) Enter here and on Line 6 of PART DD ....................... 6
NOTE: If you are claiming more than one investment see instruction for PART L.
1. Amount of approved investment ............................................. 1
2. Enter 50% of line 1 ...................................................... 2
NOTE: See Special Instructions for Maryland Biotechnology Companies located in Allegany County,
Dorchester County, Garrett County, or Somerset County.
3. Maximum Credit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
NOTE: See Special Instructions for Maryland Biotechnology Companies located in Allegany County,
Dorchester County, Garrett County, or Somerset County.
4. Tentative refund (Enter the amount from line 2 or line 3, whichever is less.) .............. 4
5. Enter any amount of recapture. See instructions .................................. 5
6. Total Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit (Subtract line 5 from line 4 and enter this
amount here and in PART DD, line 2. If less than zero, enter negative amount.) ............ 6
1. Amount of commuter benefits paid ........................................... 1
2. Enter 50% of line 1 ...................................................... 2
3. Number of employees for which commuter benefits were paid ........................ 3
4. Multiply the number of employee-months by $100 ........................... 4
5. Enter the lesser of line 2 or line 4 ............................................ 5
PART N - CLEAN ENERGY INCENTIVE TAX CREDIT ** Must Include Required Certification
1. Enter the number of kilowatt hours of electricity not co-fired with coal .
Multiply this number by .85 cents (.0085) ....................................... 1
2. Enter one-fifth of the amount stated on the initial credit certificate .................... 2
3. Enter the lesser of line 1 or line 2. Enter this amount in PART DD, line 3 ................. 3
PART O - MARYLAND-MINED COAL TAX CREDIT ** Must Include Required Certification
1. Number of tons of Maryland-mined coal purchased in the current tax year ............... 1
2. Multiply line 1 by $3 ...................................................... 2
ATTACH TO FORM 500, 502, 505,
OR 510.
page 4
Section A
1. Enter your Maryland taxable income (See instructions for PART P-I.). . . . 1
2. Enter your share of Maryland taxable income from the project ........ 2
3. Non-project Maryland taxable income (Subtract line 2 from line 1.
If less than 0, enter 0.) ................................... 3
4a. Enter the number of qualified employees (DO NOT PRORATE.) ...... 4a
4b. Have you maintained at least 25 qualified employees for at least 5 years? Yes No Yes No
4c. Tax year in which the project was put in service:
NOTE: If line 4a is less than 25, and the answer to Question is “No,”
STOP HERE. You may not claim this tax credit.
NOTE: If line 4a is less than 10, STOP HERE. You may not claim this tax credit.
4d. Prorate factor (Enter line 4a divided by 25; if greater than 1, enter 1.000000.) 4d
5. Enter the amount of Maryland income tax required to be withheld
from qualified employees .................................. 5
If PTE, do not complete Section B. Continue to Section C.
Section B
6. Total tax liability:
line 14 of Form 500,
line 21 less any amounts from lines 22 through 24 of Form 502; or,
line 32c less any amounts from lines 33 and 34 of Form 505.
If less than 0, enter 0 ..................................... 6
PTE member: Multiply the highest tax rate calculated on your return by the income on line 1.
7a. Tax on income from the project (See instructions for PART P-I.) ...... 7a
7b. Multiply line 7a by line 4d .................................. 7b
8a. Tax on non-project income (Subtract line 7a from line 6. If less than 0, enter 0.) 8a
8b. Multiply line 8a by line 4d .................................. 8b
Section C
9. Total eligible project costs ($500,000 minimum) ................. 9
10. Enter the lesser of line 9 or $5,000,000 ........................ 10
11. Total eligible start-up costs ................................. 11
12. Enter the lesser of line 11 or $500,000. ........................ 12
13. Multiply line 4a by $10,000 ................................. 13
If you are a PTE, stop here. Do not complete Parts II through IV.
Complete Part P-II to calculate the portion of the credits allowable for this tax year that
will reduce your tax liability.
Section A Project Costs
14. Enter the sum of project cost credits and refunds taken in prior tax years ................14
15. Subtract line 14 from line 10; if less than 0, enter 0. ...............................15
16. Maryland State tax liability on income from the project (Enter the amount from line 7b.) ..... 16
17. Credit against tax on income from the project (Enter the lesser of line 15 or line 16.) ........ 17
Section B Start-up Costs
18. Enter the sum of start-up cost credits and refunds taken in prior tax years ...............18
19. Subtract line 18 from line 12. If less than 0, enter 0 ...............................19
20. Enter the lesser of line 13 or line 19 ...........................................20
21. Remaining Maryland State tax liability after deducting credits taken for project costs in
Section A (Subtract line 17 from line 6. If less than 0, enter 0.) .......................21
22. Nonrefundable portion of the start-up credit. This amount cannot exceed any
remaining tax liability. (Enter the lesser of line 20 or line 21.) .........................22
Column 1
All qualified persons,
but NOT PTE members
Column 2
PTE members only
(enter your pro rata
share from PTE)
All qualified persons
(except for PTEs)
including PTE members
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
ATTACH TO FORM 500, 502, 505,
OR 510.
page 5
PART P-III Refundable Credit
Section A Project costs
23. Credit remaining after deducting credit against tax on income from the project
(Subtract line 17 from line 15. If less than 0, enter 0.) ..............................23
24. Tax on non-project income (Enter the amount from line 8b.) .........................24
25. Tax available for application of credit
(Subtract line 17 and line 22 from line 6. If less than 0, enter 0.) ......................25
26. Credit against tax on non-project income (Enter the lesser of lines 23, 24 or line 25.) .......26
27. Tentative refund (Subtract line 26 from line 23. If less than 0, enter 0.) .................27
28. Maryland income tax required to be withheld during this tax year from qualified employees
(Enter the amount from line 5.) ..............................................28
29. Refund allowable for this tax year. Subtract line 26 from line 28 (If less than 0, enter 0.)
and enter this amount or line 27, whichever is less. ................................29
Section B Start-up costs
30. Tentative refund (Subtract line 22 from line 20. If less than 0, enter 0.) .................30
31. Maryland income tax required to be withheld during this tax year from qualified employees
(from line 5) ........................................................... 31
32. Refund allowable for this tax year (Enter the lesser of line 30 or line 31.) ................32
PART P-IV Summary
33. Total nonrefundable credit for project costs (Enter the sum of line 17 and line 26.) .........33
34. Total nonrefundable credit for start-up costs (Enter amount from line 22.) ...............34
35. Total nonrefundable One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit. (Add lines 33 and 34.) ..35
36. Total refundable credit for project costs. (Enter amount from line 29.) ..................36
37. Total refundable credit for start-up costs. (Enter amount from line 32.) ..................37
38. Total refundable One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit. (Add lines 36 and 37.). ....38
PART Q - OYSTER SHELL RECYCLING TAX CREDIT ** Must Include Required Certification
1. Credit (certified by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources),
may not exceed $750 per taxpayer ........................................... 1
PART R - BIO-HEATING OIL TAX CREDIT ** Must Include Required Certification
1. Credit (certified by the Maryland Energy Administration), may not exceed $500 ............ 1
** Must Include Required Certification
1. Credit (certified by the Maryland Department of Commerce) ......................... 1
PART T - WINERIES AND VINEYARDS TAX CREDIT ** Must Include Required Certification
1. Credit (certified by the Maryland Department of Commerce) ......................... 1
** Must Include Required Certification
1. Credit (certified by the Maryland Department of Commerce) ......................... 1
PART V - ENDOW MARYLAND TAX CREDIT ** Must Include Required Certification
1. Amount of approved donation to a qualified permanent endowment fund ................ 1
2. Enter 25% of line 1 ...................................................... 2
3. Enter the amount from line 2 or $50,000, whichever is less .......................... 3
1. Number of qualified employees .............................................. 1
2. Multiply line 1 by $250 .................................................... 2
3. Maximum Credit ......................................................... 3
4. Tentative refund (Enter the amount from line 2 or line 3, whichever is less.) .............. 4
5. Enter any amount of recapture. See instructions. ................................ 5
6. Total Aerospace, Electronics, or Defense Contract Tax Credit (Subtract line 5 from line 4 and
enter this amount here and in Part DD, line 8) .................................... 6
ATTACH TO FORM 500, 502, 505,
OR 510.
page 6
1. Enter the portion of the total current-year conveyance amount ..................... 1
2. Enter the amount of any payment received for the easement during 2017 ............... 2
3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 ................................................ 3
4. Enter the lesser of line 3 or $5,000 here and on Part BB, line 24 ...................... 4
PART Y - APPRENTICE EMPLOYEE TAX CREDIT ** Must Include Required Certification
1. Total number of eligible apprentices for the current year ........................... 1
2. Multiply line 1 by $1,000 .................................................. 2
PART Z - QUALIFIED FARMS TAX CREDIT ** Must Include Required Certification
1. Credit (Total of Tax Credit Certificates) ....................................... 1
1. Credit (certified by the Maryland Department of Commerce) ........................ 1
1. Total Enterprise Zone Tax Credit from PART A, line 15 ............................ 1
2. Health Enterprise Zone Hiring Tax Credit (See PART DD, line 4.) ...................... 2 XXXXXXXXXXX
3. Total Maryland Disability Employment Tax Credit from PART C, line 9 .................. 3
4. Total Job Creation Tax Credit from PART D, line 13 ............................... 4
5. Total Community Investment Tax Credit from PART E, line 3 ........................ 5
6. Total Businesses that Create New Jobs Tax Credit from PART F, line 3 .................. 6
7. Qualified Vehicle Tax Credit from PART G, line 1 ................................. 7
8. Total Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit (See PART DD, line 7.) .............. 8 XXXXXXXXXXX
9. Total Employer-Provided Long-Term Care Insurance Tax Credit from PART I, line 4 ......... 9
10a. Total Security Clearance Costs Tax Credit, PART J-I, line 3 .......................... 10a
10b. Total First Year Leasing Cost Tax Credit for Small Businesses, PART J-II, line 1 ........... 10b
11. Total nonrefundable Research and Development Tax Credits from PART K-I, line 3 ......... 11
12. Total Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit (See PART DD, line 2.) ............. 12 XXXXXXXXXXX
13. Total Commuter Tax Credit from PART M, line 5 ................................. 13
14. Total Clean Energy Incentive Tax Credit (See PART DD, line 3.) ....................... 14 XXXXXXXXXXX
15. Total Maryland-Mined Coal Tax Credit from PART O, line 2 .......................... 15
16. Total nonrefundable One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit from PART P, line 35;
if more than one project, see instructions ..................................... 16
17. Total Oyster Shell Recycling Tax Credit from PART Q, line 1 ......................... 17
18. Total Bio-Heating Oil Tax Credit from PART R, Line 1 .............................. 18
19. Total Cellulosic Ethanol Technology Research & Development Tax Credit from PART S, line 1 .. 19
20. Total Wineries and Vineyards Tax Credit from PART T, line 1. ........................ 20
21. Film Production Activity Tax Credit (See PART DD, line 5.) .......................... 21 XXXXXXXXXXX
22. Endow Maryland Tax Credit from PART V, line 3. ................................. 22
23. Total Aerospace, Electronics, or Defense Contract Tax Credit (See PART DD, line 8.) ....... 23 XXXXXXXXXXX
24. Total Preservation and Conservation Easements Tax Credit from PART X, line 4 ............24
25. Total Apprentice Employee Tax Credit (See PART Y, line 2.) ......................... 25
26. Total Qualified Farms Tax Credit (See PART Z, line 1.) ............................. 26
27. Total Qualified Veteran Employees Tax Credit (See PART AA, line 1.) ................... 27
28. Total of current year credits (Add lines 1 through 27.) ............................. 28
29. Carryover of excess credits from PART Z, line 7, of tax year 2016 Form 500CR ........... 29
30. Tentative credit. (Add lines 28 and 29.) ....................................... 30
31. Enter amount of any credit recapture. (See instructions for PART D and PART F.) .......... 31
32. Tentative credit after recapture. (Subtract line 31 from line 30.)
If less than 0, enter negative amount ......................................... 32
33. Enter tax from:
line 14 of Form 500;
line 21 less any amounts from lines 22-24 of Form 502; or
line 32c less any amounts from lines 33 and 34 of Form 505. If less than 0, enter 0. ....... 33
ATTACH TO FORM 500, 502, 505,
OR 510.
page 7
34. Allowable credit (Enter line 32 or line 33, whichever is less.)
Also enter this amount on line:
15c of Form 500, 25 of Form 502, or 35 of Form 505. ............................. 34
NOTE: An addition to income is required for credits from Parts A, C, J-I, K-I, K-II, S and V. From PART V add line 1. From
PART BB add lines 1, 3, 10a, 11 and 19. Also add PART DD, line 6. Enter the result on line 7f of Form 500, line 5 of Form 502,
or line 19 of Form 505.
If line 32 is less than or equal to line 33 of PART BB, do not complete this section.
1. Enter amount from line 33 of PART BB ........................................ 1
2. Add lines 7, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 27 of PART BB ................................ 2
3. Subtract line 2 from line 1. (If less than 0, enter 0.) .............................. 3
4. Subtract line 2 from line 32 of PART BB ....................................... 4
5. Tentative excess credit carryover (Subtract line 3 from line 4.) ....................... 5
6. Enter any amount included in line 5 that will expire by the end of this tax year. ........... 6
7. Subtract line 6 from line 5. (If less than 0, enter 0.) This is your credit carryover. ......... 7
1. Total refundable One Maryland Economic Development Tax
Credit from PART P-IV, line 38; if more than one project, see instructions ................ 1
2. Total Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit from PART L, line 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3. Total Clean Energy Incentive Tax Credit from PART N, line 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4. Total Health Enterprise Zone Hiring Credit from PART B, line 6 ........................ 4
5. Total Film Production Activity Tax Credit from PART U, line 1 ......................... 5
6. Total refundable Small Business Research and Development Tax Credit from PART K-II, line 6 . 6
7. Total Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit from PART H, line 6 ................ 7
8. Total Aerospace, Electronics, or Defense Contract Tax Credit from Part W, line 6 ............8
9. Total refundable business income tax credits (Add lines 1 through 8.)
(If less than 0, enter as a negative amount)
If you are filing Form 502 or Form 505, enter this amount on line 9 and on
PART M, line 3 of Form 502CR. If you are filing Form 500 or Form 510, continue to PART EE ... 9
1. Enter the amount from Maryland Form 502S, line 6 ................................ 1
2. Total refundable business income tax credits from PART DD, line 9 ..................... 2
3. Total refundable business income tax credits. Add line 1 and line 2 and enter the amount
here and on Form 500, line 15d. (If less than 0, enter as a negative amount.) ............. 3
NOTE: If you are filing Form 510, enter the distributive or pro rata share of each tax credit on your members
Maryland Schedule K-1 (510).
Electronic Format The paper version of Maryland Form 500CR
is no longer available. You must file your Maryland return
electronically to claim the business income tax credits available
from Form 500CR.
Tax-exempt organizations Organizations that are tax-exempt
under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) may be eligible
to claim certain business tax credits against their withholding
taxes. These qualied organizations no longer will use Form
500CR, but will use Form MW508CR as an attachment to Form
MW508 (Annual Employer Withholding Reconciliation Return). See
Administrative Release 34.
Purpose Maryland Form 500CR is used to claim the following
business tax credits against corporation and individual income tax.
Tax Credit Part
Aerospace, Electronics, or Defense Contract Tax
Apprentice Employee Tax Credit** Y
Bio-Heating Oil Tax Credit** R
Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit** L
Businesses That Create New Jobs Tax Credit F
Cellulosic Ethanol Technology Research & Develop-
ment Tax Credit**
Clean Energy Incentive Tax Credit** N
Community Investment Tax Credit** E
Commuter Tax Credit M
Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit** H
Employer-Provided Long-Term Care Insurance Tax
Endow Maryland Tax Credit** V
Enterprise Zone Tax Credit** A
Film Production Activity Tax Credit** U
First-Year Leasing Costs Tax Credit for Qualied
Small Businesses**
Health Enterprise Zone Hiring Tax Credit** B
Heritage Structure Rehabilitation Tax Credit from
Form 502S
Job Creation Tax Credit** D
Maryland Disability Employment Tax Credit** C
Maryland Employer Security Costs Tax Credit** J-I
Maryland-Mined Coal Tax Credit** O
One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit** P
Oyster Recycling Tax Credit** Q
Preservation and Conservation Easements Tax Credit X
Qualied Farms Tax Credit** Z
Qualied Vehicle Tax Credit** G
Qualied Veteran Employees Tax Credit** AA
Research and Development Tax Credits** K
Wineries and Vineyards Tax Credit** T
**Required Certication must be included with Form 500CR.
Pass-through entities (PTEs) If the business is a PTE, an
electronic Form 510 must be led and the Form 500CR section
must be completed through line 28, Part BB, for the PTE to pass on
these business tax credits to its members. The PTE must provide
a Maryland Schedule K-1 (510) to each partner, shareholder, or
member, or beneciary with a statement showing their share
of each credit in Parts BB, DD, and EE. In addition, if the PTE is
passing on the Heritage Structure Rehabilitation Tax Credit, it must
complete the Form 502S section and enter the amount on line 1
of Part EE. Required certication must be included.
If you are a PTE claiming the One Maryland Economic Development
Tax Credit, refer to the instructions in Part P before completing
the Maryland Schedule K-1 (510) for your members. There are
additional reporting requirements unique to the One Maryland
PTE member Any credit from a PTE ling a scal year return is
considered to be received by the member(s) on the last day of
the PTE’s scal year. The PTE member should claim the credit
on the members tax return for the same year as the PTE’s scal
year end. Even though the K-1 listing the credit may reect the
tax year for the beginning of the scal year, the credit is still
claimed in the year in which the PTE’s scal year ends.
Special Note for PTE Members: If you are a PTE member
receiving a distributive or pro rata share of credits, the required
certication will have a different Taxpayer Identication Number
than you have listed on your return for yourself, or for the
business. Be sure to check the box as you begin to enter Form
500CR information into your return. It is important that you
provide the PTE’s Federal Employer Identication Number (FEIN)
to ensure your credit is not disallowed. Check the box on page
1 of Form 500CR to indicate that credits are from a PTE and
enter the PTE’s FEIN. Include the Maryland Schedule K-1 (510)
from the PTEs showing your share of the credit and any credits
passing through to you.
Note: Some state agencies will only provide certication to the
parent of a corporation, which in turn passes the information
down to its subsidiaries. It is important to identify FEINs and
business names in this situation to avoid processing delays.
If credits are received from more than one entity, include a list
of the other entities with names, FEINs, type of credit and the
amount of credit for each entity providing credit information.
Exception: Credits received from PTEs If you have received
distributive or pro rata share of tax credits reported on a
Maryland Schedule K-1 (510), you do not need to complete the
calculations for the credit. The amount which you enter in each
section should be carried over to the appropriate elds in the
Summary, Parts BB, CC or DD. In addition, PTE members that
are corporations or PTEs should complete Part EE.
Credits claimed by both spouses on a joint return Only one
Form 500CR is completed, which will combine the amounts for
both spouses.
Other Information If a FEIN is to be used and has not been
secured, enter “APPLIED FOR” followed by the date of application.
If you have not applied for a FEIN, do so immediately.
Amended Returns You will need to le an electronic Maryland
amended return to make changes affecting Form 500CR.
General Requirements Businesses located in an enterprise
zone may be eligible for tax credits based upon wages paid to
qualifying employees. For the purpose of claiming the credit,
Enterprise zones include Regional Institution Strategic
Enterprise (RISE) zones as dened in Section 5-1401(e) of
the Economic Development Article. For businesses located in
a focus area (an area within an enterprise zone that is especially
in need) the credit amounts are higher.
Businesses that own, operate, develop, construct or rehabilitate
property intended for use primarily as single or multi-family
residential property are not eligible for the enterprise zone tax
Qualifying employees are those employees who:
1. Are new employees or employees rehired after being laid
off for more than one year;
2. Were employed at least 35 hours per week by the business
for at least six months before or during the business entity’s
tax year for which a credit is claimed;
3. Spent at least one-half of their working hours in the
enterprise zone on activities of the business resulting
directly from its location in the enterprise zone;
4. Earn 150% or more of the federal minimum wage; and
5. Were hired by the business after the later of the date on
which the enterprise zone was designated or the date on
which the business entity located in the enterprise zone.
In addition, an employee may not have been hired to replace an
individual employed by the business in that or the three previous
tax years except an economically disadvantaged employee hired
to replace a previously qualied economically disadvantaged
employee, for whom the business received the corresponding
rst or second-year credit in the immediately preceding tax year.
For information on the location of enterprise zones and focus areas
and the standards which businesses must meet to qualify, contact:
Maryland Department of Commerce
Ofce of Finance Programs, Tax Incentives Group
401 E. Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
410-767-6438 or 410-767-4041
Economically disadvantaged employees are those who are certied
as such by:
Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning
1100 N. Eutaw Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
That office will provide information relating to certification
requirements for such employees.
Specic Requirements
Complete Parts A-I and A-II if the business is located in an
enterprise zone but not in a focus area.
Complete Parts A-III and A-IV if the business is located in a focus
PART A-I - Credit for economically disadvantaged employees
not located in a focus area. A credit is allowed for each new
economically disadvantaged employee for a three-year period
beginning with the year the employee was qualied. The credits are
limited to the following amounts of wages paid to the economically
disadvantaged employee: $3,000 in the rst year, $2,000 in the
second year and $1,000 in the third year. If the employee replaced
a previously qualied economically disadvantaged employee, the
credit for the new employee will be the same as would have been
allowed for the replaced employee.
On line 1, Part A-I, enter the number of economically disadvantaged
qualied employees not located in a focus area in their rst year
of employment on the “First Year” line. Also, enter the number
of these qualied employees on their respective second and third
year lines.
On line 2, Part A-I, enter the credit equal to the wages paid to each
rst year employee up to a maximum of $3,000 per employee.
On line 3, Part A-I, enter the credit equal to the wages paid to each
second year employee up to a maximum of $2,000 per employee.
On line 4, Part A-I, enter the credit equal to the wages paid to each
third year employee up to a maximum of $1,000 per employee.
On line 5, Part A-I, enter the sum of lines 2 through 4.
PART A-II - Credit for other qualied employees not located
in a focus area. A credit is allowed for each new qualied
employee not located in a focus area not provided in Part A-I. The
credit is limited to $1,000 of wages paid and is applicable for only
the rst year the employee was qualied.
On line 6, Part A-II, enter the number of rst-year qualied
employees who are not located in a focus area who were not
claimed in Part A-I.
On line 7, Part A-II, enter the amount of wages for these employees
up to a maximum of $1,000 per employee.
PART A-III - Credit for economically disadvantaged
employees located in a focus area. A credit is allowed for each
new economically disadvantaged employee for a three-year period
beginning with the rst year the employee was qualied.
The credits are limited to the following amounts of wages paid
to the same economically disadvantaged employee: $4,500 in
the rst year, $3,000 in the second year and $1,500 in the third
year. If the employee replaced a previously qualied economically
disadvantaged employee, the credit for the new employee will be
the same as would have been allowed for the replaced employee.
On line 8, Part A-III, enter the number of economically
disadvantaged qualied employees located in a focus area in their
rst year of employment on the “First Year” line. Also, enter the
number of these qualied employees on their respective second
and third year lines.
On line 9, Part A-III, enter the credit equal to the wages paid to
each rst year employee up to a maximum of $4,500 per employee.
On line 10, Part A-III, enter the credit equal to the wages paid
to each second year employee up to a maximum of $3,000 per
On line 11, Part A-III, enter the credit equal to the wages paid
to each third year employee up to a maximum of $1,500 per
On line 12, Part A-III, enter the sum of lines 9 through 11.
PART A-IV - Credit for other qualied employees located in
a focus area. A credit is allowed for each new qualied employee
located in a focus area not provided in Part A-III. The credit is
limited to $1,500 of wages paid and is applicable for only the rst
year the employee was qualied.
On line 13, Part A-IV, enter the number of rst-year qualied
employees located in a focus area who were not claimed in Part
On line 14, Part A-IV, enter the amount of wages for these
employees up to a maximum of $1,500 per employee.
PART A - Summary
Check the box if you are claiming a credit for a business located
in a RISE zone as dened in Section 5-1401(e) of the Economic
Development Article.
Add lines 5, 7, 12 and 14 and enter total on line 15, Part A.
Also the amount on line 15, Part A, becomes an addition
modication. Whenever an Enterprise Zone Tax Credit is claimed,
an addition modication must be made in the amount of the credit
This credit is not refundable and is applied only against the
Maryland State income tax. To the extent the credit is earned
in any year and it exceeds the State income tax, the business is
entitled to an excess carryover of the credit until it is used, or the
expiration of ve years, whichever comes rst.
Business must include certication with the return which shows
the business is located in a Maryland enterprise zone.
Maryland has more than 30 enterprise zones. Counties and
municipalities are responsible for certifying a business as eligible
for the tax credits. Contact the county or municipal enterprise
zone administrator for more information. The Maryland Department
of Commerce has a list of jurisdictions with enterprise zones on
its Web site. Go to to see the list of
Maryland Enterprise Zones by Region.
General Requirements A Health Enterprise Zone (HEZ) Employer
may be eligible for tax credits based on wages paid to qualied
A “Health Enterprise Zone Employer” means a HEZ Practitioner,
a for-prot entity, or a nonprot entity that employs qualied
employees and provides health care services in a HEZ.
A “Health Enterprise Zone Practitioner” is a health care practitioner
who is licensed or certied under the Maryland Health Occupations
Article and who provides:
Primary care, including obstetrics, gynecological services,
pediatric services, or geriatric services;
Behavioral health services, including mental health or
alcohol and substance abuse services; or,
Dental services.
A “qualied employee” is a HEZ Practitioner, community health
worker, or interpreter who:
(1) Provides direct support to a HEZ practitioner; and
(2) Expands access to services in a HEZ.
A qualied position is a full-time position of indenite duration,
which pays at least 150% of the federal minimum wage, is located
in a HEZ, and is newly created as a result of the establishment or
expansion of services in a HEZ and is lled. A qualied position
does not include a position that is lled for a period of less than
12 months.
A HEZ Employer may claim a refundable credit of $10,000 for hiring
a qualied employee in a qualied position in a HEZ, as certied
by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH).
To be eligible for the credit, the HEZ Employer may create one or
more qualied positions within a 24-month period. The $10,000
credit must be taken over a 24-month period, with half of the credit
amount allowed beginning with the rst year certied.
Recapture Provision If the qualied position is lled for a period
of less than 24 months, the tax credit will be recaptured. The tax
credit will be reduced on a prorated basis, based on the period of
time the position was lled.
For information on the location of HEZs and the standards which
HEZ Employers must meet to qualify, contact:
Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Health Systems & Infrastructure Administration
201 West Preston Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Specic Requirements
Complete lines 1 through 6 in Part B of Form 500CR if the HEZ
Employer is located in a HEZ.
Line 1: Enter the amount of qualied employees certied by the
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) on the
appropriate line(s).
Line 2: Enter $5,000 for each qualied employee certied by the
DHMH in their rst year of employment.
Line 3: Enter $5,000 for each qualied employee certied by the
DHMH in their second year of employment.
Line 4: Enter the sum of lines 2 and 3.
Line 5: Enter the refund recapture amount, if applicable as a
positive number.
Line 6: Subtract line 5 from line 4 and enter the result on line 6
and on line 4, Part DD. If the result is less than 0, enter
as a negative amount.
Note: A copy of the DHMH certication must be included with your
tax return when claiming this tax credit.
No credit may be earned for any tax year beginning on or
after January 1, 2017.
A nonrefundable HEZ Practitioner Tax Credit is available on
Maryland Form 502CR, Tax Credits for Individuals. Go to www. to download a copy of that form.
For more information about the HEZ Hiring Tax Credit certication,
contact: DHMH.
General Requirements Businesses that employ persons with
disabilities, as determined by the Division of Rehabilitation Services
(DORS) in the Maryland State Department of Education and/or
by the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
(DLLR), may be eligible for tax credits for wages paid to, and for
child care expenses and transportation expenses paid on behalf
of, qualied employees.
Qualifying employees with a disability are those who are certied
as such by the DORS (or by the DLLR for a disabled veteran). A
copy of the DORS or DLLR certication must be included with your
tax return when claiming this tax credit.
For certication or for additional information, contact:
Maryland State Department of Education
Division of Rehabilitation Services
2301 Argonne Drive
Baltimore, MD 21218
1-888-554-0334 or 410-554-9442
o r,
Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
1100 N. Eutaw St., Room 201
Baltimore, MD 21201
A “Qualied Employee” with a disability means an individual who:
1. Meets the denition of an individual with a disability as
dened by the Americans with Disabilities Act;
2. Has a disability that presently constitutes an impediment
to obtaining or maintaining employment or to transitioning
from school to work; and,
3. Is ready for employment; or,
4. Is a veteran who has been discharged or released from active
duty by the American Armed Forces for a service-connected
An employee must not have been hired to replace a laid-off
employee or to replace an employee who is on strike or for whom
the business simultaneously receives federal or state employment
training benets.
Qualifying child care expenses are those expenses incurred by
a business to enable a qualied employee with a disability to be
gainfully employed.
Transportation expenses are those expenses incurred by a business
entity to enable a qualied employee with a disability to travel to
and from work.
Specic Requirements
PART C-I - Credit for employees with a disability hired. A
credit is allowed for each new employee with a disability for a two-
year period beginning with the year the employee was qualied.
The credit for each disabled employee hired is equal to 30% of
the rst $9,000 of qualied rst year wages and 30% of the rst
$9,000 of qualied second year wages.
The employer is not entitled to claim the credit until employment
has continued for at least one full year unless the employee:
(a) Voluntarily leaves the employer;
(b) Becomes further disabled or death occurs; or,
(c) Is terminated for cause. The credit must be prorated for
the portion of the year the employee worked unless the
employee voluntarily left to take another job.
On line 1, Part C-I, enter the number of qualied employees in
their rst year of employment on the “First Year” line. Enter the
number of qualied employees in their second year of employment
on the “Second Year” line.
On line 2, Part C-I, enter the credit equal to 30% of the rst $9,000
of wages paid to each rst year qualied employee.
On line 3, Part C-I, enter the credit equal to 30% of the rst $9,000
of wages paid to each second year qualied employee.
On line 4, Part C-I, enter the sum of lines 2 and 3.
PART C-II - Credit for Child Care and Transportation
An additional credit is allowed for expenses incurred by the
employer for approved day care services for a child or children
of a qualied employee, or for transportation expenses that are
incurred to enable a qualied employee to travel to and from work.
A credit of up to $900 is allowed for the rst year of employment
and up to $900 for the second year. To verify if a child care center
qualies as an approved provider, contact the Department of
Human Resources, Child Care Administrator for the county or city
in which the child care center is located.
On line 5, Part C-II, enter the number of qualied employees in
their rst year of employment on the “First Year” line. Enter the
number of qualied employees in their second year of employment
on the “Second Year” line.
On line 6, Part C-II, enter the credit equal to a combined total of
$900 in child care and transportation expenses per each rst year
qualied employee with a disability.
On line 7, Part C-II, enter the credit equal to a combined total of
$900 in child care and transportation expenses per each second
year qualied employee with a disability.
On line 8, Part C-II, enter the sum of lines 6 and 7.
PART C - Summary
On line 9, Part C, enter the sum of lines 4 and 8.
Also the amount on line 9, Part C, becomes an addition modication.
Whenever this credit is claimed against the income tax, an addition
modication must be made in the amount of the credit claimed.
This credit is not refundable and is applied only against the
Maryland State income tax. To the extent the credit is earned
in any year and it exceeds the State income tax, the business is
entitled to an excess carryover of the credit until it is used, or the
expiration of ve years, whichever comes rst.
General Requirements Certain businesses that create new
qualied positions in Maryland may be eligible for tax credits
based on the number of qualied positions created or wages paid
for these positions.
The business facility must be certied as having created at least
60 qualied positions, 30 high-paying qualied positions, or 25
qualied positions if the business facility established or expanded
is in a State Priority Funding Area.
A qualied position is a full-time position which pays at least
150% of the federal minimum wage, is located in Maryland, is
newly created as a result of the establishment or expansion of
a business facility in a single location in the state and is lled.
Qualied business entities are those certied as such by the
Maryland Department of Commerce. A qualied employee is an
employee lling a qualied position.
This credit is not refundable and is applied only against the
Maryland State income tax. To the extent the credit is earned
in any year and it exceeds the State income tax, the business is
entitled to an excess carryover of the credit until it is used, or the
expiration of ve years after the credit was earned, whichever
comes rst.
Recapture Provision If, at any time during the three tax years
after the year the credit was earned, the average number of
qualied positions falls more than 5% below the average number
of qualied positions during the year in which the credit was
earned, a portion of the credit will be recaptured for the tax year
in which this occurs.
The amount to be recaptured is the amount originally claimed
multiplied by the percentage reduction in the number of qualied
employees. The credit to be recaptured is reported on line 31,
Part BB of Form 500CR.
Certication must be included with the Form 500CR when claiming
this credit.
For certication or for information on the standards that businesses
must meet to qualify, contact:
Maryland Department of Commerce
Ofce of Finance Programs, Tax Incentives Group
401 E. Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
410-767-6438 or 410-767-4980
Specic Requirements
PART D-I - Credit for employees of a qualied business. A
credit is allowed for each newly created qualied lled position.
The credit is the lesser of $1,000 multiplied by the number of lled
qualied positions during the credit year or 2.5% of the wages
paid for these positions for the credit year.
Part D-I reects the calculation of the credit for employees of a
qualied business that is not located in a Revitalization Area.
Enter the number of qualied positions for the current year on
line 1, Part D-I.
Multiply line 1 by $1,000 and enter the result on line 2, Part D-I.
Enter on line 3, Part D-I, 2.5% of the wages paid for each of the
qualied positions on line 1.
On line 4, Part D-I, enter the lesser of line 2 or line 3.
PART D-II - Credit for employees working in a Facility
Located in a Revitalization Area. A credit is allowed for each
newly-created qualied lled position located in a Revitalization
Area. The credit is the lesser of $1,500 multiplied by the number of
lled qualied positions or 5% of the wages paid for these positions.
Part D-II reects the calculation of the credit for employees of a
qualied business working in a facility located in a Revitalization
Enter the number of qualied positions working in a Revitalization
Area for the current year on line 5, of Part D-II.
Multiply line 5 by $1,500 and enter the result on line 6, Part D-II.
Enter on line 7, Part D-II, 5% of the wages paid for each of the
qualied positions on line 5.
On line 8, Part D-II, enter the lesser of line 6 or line 7.
PART D - Summary
The total credit will be taken over a two-year period. One-half of
the credit will be allowed each year. The amount allowed for any
credit year cannot exceed $1,000,000.
Enter the total credits calculated for the current year by taking the
sum of line 4 and line 8 and entering the result on line 9, Part D.
On line 10, Part D, enter the lesser of line 9 or $1,000,000.
Calculate the current year credits available by multiplying the
amount on line 10 by 50% and entering the result on line 11, Part D.
Enter on line 12, Part D, 50% of the amount of credits from the
prior year.
Add lines 11 and 12 to obtain the amount of Job Creation Tax
Credits that may be claimed this year. Enter the result on line
13, Part D.
No credits may be earned for any tax year beginning on or
after January 1, 2020.
Businesses or individuals who contribute to approved Community
Investment Programs may be eligible for a credit against the
Maryland State income tax. Contributions must be made to a
nonprot organization approved by the Department of Housing
and Community Development (DHCD). The taxpayer must apply
to and receive approval by the DHCD for each contribution for
which a credit is claimed. The credit is limited to 50% of the
approved contributions (including real property) not to exceed
Businesses and PTE members who are eligible to claim the
Community Investment Tax Credit must claim the credit on the
Form 500CR. Individuals who are eligible to claim the Community
Investment Tax Credit and who are not PTE members may claim
this credit on the Form 502CR instead of the Form 500CR.
However, an individual may not claim the credit on both the Form
502CR and the Form 500CR.
Individuals who anticipate having a carryover of the Community
Investment Tax Credit are advised to le using Form 500CR
instead of Form 502CR. Individuals who have an existing
carryover on Part Z of their 2016 Form 500CR may elect to use
Form 502CR, if their excess carryover credit is attributable only
to the Community Investment Tax Credit.
Note: A copy of the required approval from the DHCD must be
included with Form 500CR.
Specic Instructions
Enter the amount of approved contributions on line 1, Part E.
Enter 50% of line 1 on line 2, Part E.
On line 3, enter the lesser of line 2 or $250,000.
Also, enter this amount on line 5, Part BB.
This credit is not refundable and is applied only against the
Maryland State income tax. To the extent the credit is earned
in any year and it exceeds the State income tax, the individual
or business is entitled to an excess carryover of the credit until
it is used, or it expires ve years after the credit was earned,
whichever comes rst.
For more information contact:
Department of Housing and Community Development
Division of Neighborhood Revitalization
2 N. Charles St., Suite 450
Baltimore, MD 21201
To qualify, businesses must be located in Maryland and create new
positions or establish or expand business facilities in the state.
If a property tax credit (or an enhanced property tax credit) as
dened in Section 9-230 of the Tax-Property Article is granted by
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City or the governing body
of a county or municipal corporation, certain businesses may be
entitled to an income tax credit.
These credits are based on percentages of the property tax liability
as certied by the State Department of Assessments and Taxation
Businesses certied by SDAT for the Businesses that Create New
Jobs Property Tax Credit will enter the amount of income tax credit
for which they have been certied on line 1, Part F.
Businesses certied by SDAT for the Businesses that Create New
Jobs Enhanced Property Tax Credit will enter the amount of income
tax credit for which they have been certied on line 2, Part F.
Enter the total of the certied amount by adding lines 1 and 2 and
entering the result on line 3, Part F.
Also enter this amount on line 6, Part BB.
This credit is not refundable and is applied only against the
Maryland State income tax. To the extent the credit is earned
in any year and it exceeds the State income tax, the individual
or business is entitled to an excess carryover of the credit until
it is used, or it expires ve years after the credit was earned,
whichever comes rst.
Recapture Provision If, at any time during the three tax years
after the year the credit was earned, the business fails to satisfy the
thresholds to qualify for the credit, the credit must be recaptured.
The income tax credit to be recaptured is reported on line 31, Part
BB, of Form 500CR and led with the tax return for the tax year
in which the business failed to satisfy the applicable thresholds.
For more information contact:
State Department of Assessments and Taxation
301 W. Preston Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-2395
General requirements A credit is allowed for the expense of
registering a qualied vehicle in Maryland. “Qualied vehicle”
means a Class F (Tractor) vehicle described under § 13-923(a) of
the Transportation Article that is titled and registered in Maryland.
Upon approval of an application by an individual or business,
the Maryland Vehicle Administration (MVA) will issue a tax credit
certicate in the amount of $400 for each qualifying vehicle
registered during the taxable year. The aggregate amount of
the tax credit certicate issued may not exceed $10,000 for any
one taxpayer. An individual or business that obtains a tax credit
certicate may claim credit against the State income tax for the
amount on the tax credit certicate. The credit allowed may not
exceed the State income tax for the taxable year.
The credit is claimed on Part G, line 1, and is also entered on
Business Tax Credit Summary, Part BB, line 7.
Any unused credit amount for the tax year may not be carried
forward to any other taxable year.
Note: A copy of the tax credit certicate from MVA must be included
with your tax return when claiming this tax credit.
No credit may be earned for any tax year beginning on or
after January 1, 2020.
General Requirements A credit is available for an investment in
a qualied Maryland cybersecurity company (QMCC). The credit
is claimed by a QMCC. To qualify, a company can be an entity
of any form (except a sole proprietorship) that is duly organized
and existing under the laws of any jurisdiction for the purpose of
conducting business for prot, and must be engaged primarily
in the development of innovative and proprietary cybersecurity
The QMCC must:
Have its headquarters and base of operations in
Have not participated in the tax credit program for more
than 1 prior scal year;
Have been in active business no longer than 5 years;
Have an aggregate capitalization of at least $100,000;
Own or have properly licensed any proprietary
Have fewer than 50 full-time employees;
Not have its securities publicly traded on any exchange;
Be in good standing;
Be current in the payment of all tax obligations to
Maryland or any unit or subdivision of Maryland;
Not be in default under the terms of any contract with,
indebtedness to, or grant from Maryland or any unit or
subdivision of Maryland; and
Meet any other requirements of the Maryland
Department of Commerce evidencing that the QMCC is
a going concern primarily engaged in the development
of innovative and proprietary cybersecurity technology.
The amount of the credit is 33% of the investment in the QMCC,
not to exceed $250,000. For a QMCC located in Allegany County,
Dorchester County, Garrett County, or Somerset County, the
amount of the credit is 50% of the investment in the QMCC, not
to exceed $500,000. The investment cannot include debt. The
investment must be the contribution of money in cash or cash
equivalents expressed in United States dollars, at risk of loss,
to a QMCC in exchange for stock, a partnership or membership
interest, or any other ownership interest in the equity of the
QMCC, title to which the ownership interest shall vest in the
qualied investor. “Qualied investor” means an individual
or entity that is required to le an income tax return in any
jurisdiction and invests at least $25,000 in a QMCC. However,
the qualied investor may not, after making the investment, own
or control more than 25% of the equity interest in the QMCC.
See § 10-733 of the Tax-General Article.
The QMCC must apply for and receive nal certication from the
Maryland Department of Commerce to claim the Cybersecurity
Investment Incentive Tax Credit.
For questions on application and certication processes or for
additional information on this credit program, contact:
Maryland Department of Commerce
Ofce of Finance Programs, Tax Incentives Group
401 E. Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Specic Requirements
The QMCC may claim the tax credit for the amount provided in
the nal certicate. If the credit exceeds the tax due, then a
refund for the excess amount may be claimed. The credit cannot
be claimed until the date of issuance of the nal certicate. It
must be claimed on the Maryland income tax return for the tax
year in which the investment is made in the QMCC.
The nal certicate received from the Maryland Department of
Commerce is required to be included with your return for the
Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit to be allowed.
Complete Part H using the information provided in the nal
certicate and enter the amount of the approved investment on
line 1.
On line 2, Part H, enter 33% of the approved investment.
For a QMCC located in Allegany County, Dorchester County,
Garrett County or Somerset County, enter 50% of the approved
Line 3, Part H, reects the maximum dollar amount of credit per
investment. Enter $250,000. For a QMCC located in Allegany
County, Dorchester County, Garrett County or Somerset County,
enter $500,000.
On line 4, Part H, enter the lesser of line 2 or line 3.
On line 5, Part H, enter any applicable recapture amount. See
more information below about recapture amounts.
On line 6, Part H, subtract line 5 from line 4. If the amount is less
than zero, enter a negative amount.
Enter the amount from line 6, Part H, on line 7, Part DD.
Note: If you are claiming a credit for more than one investment,
another separate Part H must be completed for each investment.
Total the amounts from line 6 from each separate Part H. Using
only one summary section, combine the total on line 7, Part DD.
To claim the total credit, you must complete a second Part H at
the time you electronically le your income tax return.
Recapture of Credit The applicable recapture amount is
calculated by multiplying the total amount of the credit claimed
(or in the case of a sale, transfer, or other disposition of the
ownership interest, the portion of the credit attributable to
the ownership interest disposed of), by one of the following
100%, if the event requiring recapture of the credit
occurs during the tax year for which the tax credit is
67%, if the event requiring recapture of the credit
occurs during the rst year after the close of the tax
year for which the tax credit is claimed; or
33%, if the event requiring recapture of the credit occurs
more than 1 year but not more than 2 years after the
close of the tax year for which the tax credit is claimed.
The amount of recapture is entered onto line 5, Part H.
The credit may also be subject to a recapture if the certicate
is rescinded by the Maryland Department of Commerce due to
the QMCC failing to provide the required notice to the Maryland
Department of Commerce of having made the investment,
or if the Maryland Department of Commerce revokes the nal
certication due to false representations made in connection with
the application for the certication.
Pass-through Entities If the credit is claimed by a QMCC that
is a PTE, the members of the PTE may claim the distributive or
pro rata shares of the credit amount subject to the $250,000
limitation (or $500,000 for a QMCC located in Allegany County,
Dorchester County, Garrett County or Somerset County). A PTE
that earned the Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit
must electronically le the Maryland Form 510, Form 500CR and
all other required attachments for members to be permitted to
claim the credit. See Form 510 instructions.
For a member of the PTE to be allowed the credit, the member
must complete the Form 500CR section of their electronically-led
Maryland return and include a copy of the nal certication from
the Maryland Department of Commerce and Maryland Schedule
K-1 (510) showing the allocated share of the credit amount.
A credit is allowed for premiums paid by employers to provide long-
term care insurance to their employees as part of their benets
package. The employer may claim a credit of 5% of the premiums
paid during the tax year or $100 for each Maryland employee
covered by long-term care insurance provided, whichever is less,
but cannot be more than $5,000.
Specic Instructions
On line 1, Part I, enter 5% of the long-term care insurance
premiums paid as part of an employee benet package.
On line 2, Part I, enter the number of employees within Maryland
covered under the employee benet package on the line provided.
Multiply this by $100 and enter the result on line 2.
On line 3, Part I, enter the lesser of line 1 or line 2.
On line 4, Part I, enter the lesser of line 3 or $5,000.
Also enter the amount from line 4, Part I, on line 9, Part BB.
This credit is not refundable and is applied only against the
Maryland State income tax. To the extent the credit is earned
in any year and it exceeds the State income tax, the business is
entitled to an excess carryover of the credit until it is used, or the
expiration of ve years after the credit was earned, whichever
comes rst.
A business may be eligible to claim credits against the State income
tax for certain costs related to federal-based security contracting.
For a business to be eligible, it must apply to and be certied by
the Maryland Department of Commerce.
PART J-I – Credits for Sensitive Compartmented Information
Facilities (SCIFs) and Security Clearance Administrative
A business may claim a credit against its Maryland State income tax
for costs related to the construction or renovation of SCIF located in
Maryland. The SCIF must be accredited by the appropriate federal
agency. For costs related to a single SCIF, the credit is equal to
the lesser of 50% of the costs or $200,000. For costs related to
multiple SCIFs, the credit is the amount of costs up to $500,000
per calendar year.
Also, a business may claim a credit against its Maryland State
income tax up to $200,000 per tax year for qualied security
clearance administrative expenses.
Qualied expenses include:
Processing application requests for federal security clearance;
Maintaining, upgrading or installing computer systems in
Maryland that are required to obtain federal security clearance;
Training employees in the State to administer the clearance
application process.
Whenever a credit is claimed against the income tax, an addition
modication must be made in the amount of the credit claimed
in Part J-I, line 3.
Claiming the Tax Credit
To claim the ESCC tax credit, a business must submit an application
to the Maryland Department of Commerce by September 15th
following the tax year in which the related expenses and costs
were incurred. By December 15th of that year, the Maryland
Department of Commerce will certify the approved amount for
which the applicant will be required to le an electronic amended
Maryland income tax return with the Comptroller of Maryland to
claim the credit and include a copy of the Maryland Department
of Commerce certication.
The business will enter the Maryland Department of Commerce-
certied amount of construction and equipment costs incurred to
construct or renovate SCIFs on line 1, Part J-I.
On line 2, Part J-I, the business will enter the amount of certied
Security Clearance Administrative expenses, not to exceed
Line 3, Part J-I, will reect the sum of line 1 and line 2. This amount
also is an addition modication on the tax return.
PART J-II The First Year Leasing Costs Tax Credit for
Qualied Small Businesses
A qualied small business also may claim a credit against its
Maryland income tax up to $200,000 for costs for rental payments
during the rst year of a rental agreement for leasing spaces to
perform security-based contracting work.
In Part J-II, a qualied small business will claim the amount of
First Year Leasing Costs Tax Credit approved by the Maryland
Department of Commerce.
The total ESCC tax credit approved by the Maryland Department
of Commerce may not exceed $2 million for any calendar year. If
the total amount of credits applied for by all businesses exceeds
$2 million, the credits will be approved on a pro rata basis.
Excess credit may be carried forward until the excess amount is
fully used.
No credits may be earned for any tax year beginning on or
after January 1, 2022.
For more information, contact:
Maryland Department of Commerce
Ofce of Finance Programs, Tax Incentives Group
401 E. Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
410-767-6438 or 410-767-4041
Businesses that incur qualied research and development expenses
in Maryland may be entitled to tax credits. The total of research
and development credits for all businesses may not exceed
$12,000,000 per year.
PART K-I Research and Development Tax Credits for
Businesses Not Certied as a “Small Business”
There are two credits. The Basic Credit is 3% of the qualied
Maryland research and development expenses paid during the
tax year, up to a base amount. The Growth Credit is 10% of the
Maryland research and development expenses paid during the tax
year that exceed the base amount.
Certication must be obtained from the Maryland Department
of Commerce before the credit can be claimed. The credit must
be taken for the tax year in which the expenses were incurred.
Therefore, an electronic amended return may need to be led.
A copy of the certication from the Maryland Department of
Commerce must be included with the return.
Whenever this credit is claimed against the income tax, an addition
modication must be made for the tax year in which the research
and development expenses were paid.
Claiming the Tax Credit
The business will enter the Maryland Department of Commerce-
certied Basic Credit (3%) on line 1, Part K-I.
On line 2, Part K-I, the business will enter the amount of the
Maryland Department of Commerce-certied Growth Credit (10%).
Line 3, Part K-I, will reect the sum of line 1 and line 2. This amount
is carried to line 11, Part BB. Also, this amount is an addition
modication on the tax return.
PART K-II Research and Development Tax Credits for
Businesses Certied as a “Small Business”
If a business is certied to claim the Research and Development Tax
Credit as a “Small Business,” the credit is calculated in basically
the same manner, but Part K-II is used.
A “Small Business” is dened as a for-prot corporation, limited
liability company, partnership or sole-proprietorship with net
book value assets totaling at the beginning or the end of the tax
year for which the Maryland qualied research and development
expenses are incurred, as reported on the balance sheet, less
than $5,000,000.
Claiming the Tax Credit
The business will enter the Maryland Department of Commerce-
certied Basic Credit (3%) on line 4, Part K-II.
On line 5, Part K-II, the business will enter the amount of the
Maryland Department of Commerce-certied Growth Credit (10%).
Line 6, Part K-II, will reect the sum of line 4 and line 5. This
amount is carried to line 6, Part DD. Also, this amount is an
addition modication on the tax return.
For certication and further information contact:
Maryland Department of Commerce
Ofce of Finance Programs, Tax Incentives Group
401 E. Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
410-767-6438 or 410-767-4980
General Requirements A credit is available for an investment
in a qualified Maryland biotechnology company (QMBC). To
qualify, a company can be any entity of any form (except a sole
proprietorship) that is duly organized and existing under the
laws of any jurisdiction for the purpose of conducting business
for prot, and must be primarily engaged in, or within 2 months
will be primarily engaged in, the research, development, or
commercialization of innovative and proprietary technology that
comprises, interacts with, or analyzes biological material including
biomolecules (DNA, RNA, or protein), cells, tissues or organs.
QMBC Requirements
The QMBC must:
• Have its headquarters and base of operations in Maryland;
• Have fewer than 50 full-time employees;
• Have been in active business no longer than 12 years;
Have been certied as a biotechnology company by the
Maryland Department of Commerce; and,
Must not have any securities publicly traded on any exchange.
A QMBC includes:
A company that has been in active business for up to 15
years, with the Maryland Department of Commerce approval;
A company that has been in active business no longer
than 12 years from the date the company rst received a
qualied investment under this section; or,
A company that, within 2 months of the receipt of the
investment, has met the of requirements of a QMBC. Failure
to meet the requirements of a QMBC may result in revocation
of the tax credit certicate and recapture of any tax credits
already claimed by the qualied investor.
The investor:
Can be an individual or any entity (except a retirement plan),
and must make an investment of at least $25,000 in a QMBC
(but not own more than 25% of the equity interests in the
company after making the investment);
Must be required to file an income tax return in any
jurisdiction; and,
Must apply for and receive final certification from
the Maryland Department of Commerce to claim the
Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit.
The amount of the credit is 50% of the investment in the qualied
Maryland biotechnology company, not to exceed $250,000. For
a QMBC located in Allegany County, Dorchester County, Garrett
County or Somerset County, the amount of the credit is 75%
of the investment in the QMBC, not to exceed $500,000. The
investment must be the contribution of money in cash or cash
equivalents expressed in United States dollars, at risk of loss,
to a QMBC in exchange for stock, a partnership or membership
interest, or other ownership interest in the equity of the company
title to which ownership shall vest in the qualied investor. The
investment cannot include debt. See §10-725 of the Tax-General
Article and Code of Maryland Regulations 24.05.03.
For questions on application and certication processes or for
additional information on this credit program, contact:
Maryland Department of Commerce
Ofce of Finance Programs, Tax Incentives Group
401 E. Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Specic Requirements
The investor may claim the tax credit for the amount provided in
the nal certicate. If the credit amount exceeds the tax due, then
a refund for the excess amount may be claimed. The credit cannot
be claimed until the date of issuance of the nal certicate. It must
be claimed on the Maryland income tax return for the tax year in
which the investor makes the investment in the QMBC.
Both the nal certicate received from the Maryland Department
of Commerce and a statement of afdavit (see below) as prepared
by the investor are required to be included with your return for
the Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit to be allowed.
Complete Part L using the information provided in the nal certicate
and enter the amount of the approved investment on line 1.
On line 2, Part L, enter 50% of the approved investment. For a QMBC
located in Allegany County, Dorchester County, Garrett County or
Somerset County, enter 75% of the approved investment.
Line 3, Part L, reects the maximum dollar amount of credit per
investment. Enter $250,000. For a QMBC located in Allegany
County, Dorchester County, Garrett County or Somerset County,
enter $500,000.
On line 4, Part L, enter the lesser of line 2 or line 3.
On line 5, Part L, enter any applicable recapture amount. See
Required Statement and Recapture of Credit.
On line 6, Part L, subtract line 5 from line 4. If the amount is less
than zero, enter a negative amount.
Enter the amount from line 6, Part L, on line 2, Part DD.
Note: If you are claiming a credit for more than one investment,
another separate Part L must be completed for each investment.
Total the amount from line 6, from each separate Part L. Using
only one summary section, combine the total on line 2, Part DD.
To claim the total credit, you must complete a second Part L at the
time you le your electronic income tax return.
Required Statement and Recapture of Credit The statement
of afdavit must include the Taxpayer Identication Number and
name of the investor, signature of the investor under penalties of
perjury (or its authorized representative), and date.
The statement of afdavit must stipulate that if, within 2 years
after the close of the tax year for which the credit is claimed, (1)
the investor sells, transfers or disposes of the ownership interest
in the QMBC, for which this tax credit was certied, or, (2) the
QMBC ceases operating as an active business with its headquarters
and base of operations in Maryland, the investor must notify the
Comptroller by reporting the applicable recapture amount on the
investor’s Maryland tax return for the tax year in which the event
causing the recapture occurred.
The applicable recapture amount is calculated by multiplying the
total amount of the credit claimed (or in the case of a sale, transfer
or other disposition of the ownership interest, the portion of the
credit attributable to the ownership interest disposed of), by one
of the following percentages:
100%, if the event requiring recapture of the credit occurs
during the tax year for which the tax credit is claimed;
67%, if the event requiring recapture of the credit occurs
during the rst year after the close of the tax year for which
the tax credit is claimed; or,
33%, if the event requiring recapture of the credit occurs
more than 1 year but not more than 2 years after the close of
the tax year for which the tax credit is claimed. The amount
of recapture is entered onto line 5, Part L.
An investor’s credit also may be subject to a recapture if the
certicate is rescinded by the Maryland Department of Commerce
due to the investor failing to provide the required notice to the
Maryland Department of Commerce of having made the investment,
or if the Maryland Department of Commerce revokes the nal
certicate due to false representations made in connection with
application for the certication. The credit will also be subject
to recapture if the issued certicate is revoked by the Maryland
Department of Commerce because a company failed to satisfy the
requirements of a QMBC within 2 months. See Code of Maryland
Regulations 24.05.03 for rescission and revocation procedures.
Pass-through entities If the credit is earned by an investor that
is a PTE, the members of the PTE may claim the distributive or pro
rata shares of the credit amount subject to the $250,000 limitation
(or $500,000 for a QMBC located in Allegany County, Dorchester
County, Garrett County or Somerset County). A PTE that earned the
Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit must electronically
le the Maryland Form 510, Form 500CR and all other required
attachments for members to be permitted to claim the credit. See
Form 510 instructions.
For a member of the PTE to be allowed the credit, the member
must complete the Form 500CR section of their electronically-
led Maryland return and include the following: copies of the nal
certication from the Maryland Department of Commerce and
statement of afdavit; and Maryland Schedule K-1 (510) showing
the allocated share of credit amount.
A credit is allowed for businesses that conduct or operate a trade
or business in Maryland and provide commuter benets for their
The business must pay a portion of the cost of travel between the
employee’s home and the workplace. Qualied commuter benets
include the cost of transit instruments (tickets, passes, vouchers,
fare cards, smartcards and tokens) used to transport an employee
of the business to or from home and the workplace. The portion of
the cost an employer pays to provide a “Guaranteed Ride Home”
program or for a parking “Cash-Out” program for their employees
also are qualied commuter benets.
Travel must be on a qualied mass transit vehicle or system, or
in a vanpool. The vanpool vehicle must seat at least 6 adults and
be used primarily to transport employees between home and the
The credit is the lesser of 50% of the cost of providing commuter
benets or $100 per month for each employee.
Specic Instructions
On line 1, Part M, enter the amount of qualied commuter benets
paid on behalf of employees.
On line 2, Part M, enter 50% of the amount entered on line 1.
On line 3, Part M, enter the number of employees for which
commuter benets were paid.
On line 4, Part M, calculate the number of months covered by the
employees (employee months) listed on line 3 by $100.
On line 5, Part M, enter the lesser of line 2 or line 4. This is the
credit amount.
Enter the amount from line 5, Part M, to line 13, Part BB.
The amount of this credit is limited to the Maryland State income
tax on the return and is not carried forward to another tax year.
For more information contact:
Mass Transit Administration, Marketing Division
6 St. Paul St., 2nd Fl.
Baltimore, MD 21202-1614
This credit is allowed if a Maryland facility is originally placed in
service or initially began co-ring, during the period of 1/1/2006
through 12/31/2018 and produces electricity during the tax year
primarily using qualied energy resources derived from:
• Wind
• Open and Closed Loop Biomass
• Geothermal
• Solar
• Small Irrigation
• Municipal Solid Waste
• Qualied Hydropower
The credit is 0.85 cents for each kilowatt hour of electricity produced
at a Maryland facility using qualied energy resources during the
ve-year period specied in the initial credit certicate.
You must obtain an initial credit certicate from Maryland Energy
Administration before claiming this credit.
Specic Instructions
On line 1, Part N, enter on the line provided the number of kilowatt
hours of electricity that was not co-red with coal. Multiply this
number by .0085. Enter the result on line 1, Part N.
On line 2, Part N, enter one-fth of the amount stated on the initial
credit certicate.
Enter the lesser of line 1 or line 2 on line 3, Part N. Also enter this
amount on line 3, Part DD.
The credit claimed each year cannot exceed one-fth of the
maximum amount stated in the initial credit certicate. If the credit
amount exceeds the tax due, a refund for the excess amount may
be claimed.
For information concerning qualications for the credit, contact:
Maryland Energy Administration
1800 Washington Blvd, STE 755
Baltimore, MD 21230
Note: A copy of the certification by the Maryland Energy
Administration must be included.
A credit is allowed for a qualied cogenerator, small power producer
or an electricity supplier (as dened under §1-101 of the Public
Utilities Article) for the purchase of Maryland-mined coal. An
electricity supplier may not have been a public utility before July 1,
1999. A cogenerator or an electricity supplier must not be subject
to the public service company franchise tax. The credit is $3 for
each ton of Maryland-mined coal purchased in the current tax year.
Specic Instructions
Enter on line 1, Part O, the number of tons of Maryland-mined coal
purchased in the current year.
Multiply line 1 by $3 and enter the result on line 2, Part O, and
also on line 15, Part BB.
The credit is limited to the amount of Maryland State income tax on
the return. No carryover of excess credits exists for this tax credit.
The amount of this credit must be certied by the State Department
of Assessments and Taxation.
For more information contact:
State Department of Assessments and Taxation
301 W. Preston Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-2395
Note: A copy of the certication by the State Department of
Assessments and Taxation must be included.
General requirements Credits may be claimed for eligible project
costs and for eligible start-up costs incurred to establish, relocate
or expand a business facility in a distressed Maryland county. To
qualify for the credit for project costs, a minimum of $500,000
must be spent on eligible project costs. At least 25 newly hired
qualied employees must be employed for at least one year
at the new or expanded facility.
This credit may also be claimed by tax-exempt nonprofit
organizations that are qualied business entities against their
unrelated business taxable income.
If claiming a credit for multiple projects, complete a separate Part
P for each project.
For information on distressed counties, qualied employees, eligible
costs and other requirements, businesses must satisfy to qualify
for credit, contact:
Maryland Department of Commerce
Ofce of Finance Programs, Tax Incentives Group
401 E. Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
410-767-6438 or 410-767-4980
Pass-through entities (PTEs), ling Maryland Form 510 with eligible
project costs and eligible start-up costs must follow the additional
instructions following Part P–IV Summary.
Note: For tax years beginning after December 31, 2010, a qualied
business entity, which has been certied for the tax credit, may
claim a prorated share of this credit, if: (1) the number of qualied
positions falls below 25, but does not fall below 10, and (2) the
qualied business entity has maintained at least 25 qualied
positions for at least ve years.
Note: Part P-I has two columns. Column 1 is used by all qualied
business entities, except PTE members. Column 2 is used by PTE
members only and should reect a members distributive or pro
rata share of the reported items, except lines 4a through 4d (see
the instructions below for Part P-I, Section A). PTEs complete
only Sections A and C of Part P-I.
Read the Special Instructions-I For Qualied Entities That
Are Pass-Through Entities, following Part-IV Summary.
PTE members must read the Special Instructions-II For Members
Of Qualied Business Entities That Are Pass-Through Entities
BEFORE completing Part P-I.
Section A This section is used to separate the qualied business
entity’s Maryland taxable income from the project (the “project
taxable income”) from the Maryland taxable income not associated
with the project (the “non-project taxable income”). Project taxable
income is the income generated by or arising out of the eligible
economic development project.
For taxpayers that are not PTE members, enter your Maryland
taxable net income from your return on line 1.
For PTE members of a qualied business entity, enter your Maryland
taxable net income from the PTE on line 1.
On line 2, enter your share of the Maryland taxable income from the
project (“project taxable income”) of the qualied business entity.
To calculate the project taxable income, proceed as follows:
1. If the project is a totally separate facility, then project
income is gured by using separate accounting, reecting
only the gross income, deductions, expenses, gains, and
losses directly attributable to the facility and overhead
expenses apportioned to the facility.
2. If the project is an expansion to a previously existing facility,
then gure net income attributable to the entire facility by
using separate accounting reecting only the gross income,
deductions, expenses, gains, and losses directly attributable
to the facility and overhead expenses apportioned to the
facility and net income attributable to the project. Next,
gure the project income by apportioning the entire facility
income to the project.
3. If separate accounting method is shown to be not
practicable, use an alternate method approved by the
Comptroller of Maryland or the Maryland Department of
Enter the non-project Maryland taxable income on line 3. This
result is determined by subtracting line 2 from line 1. If less than
0, enter 0.
Enter on line 4a the number of qualied employees. This number
is not allocated or pro-rated; a PTE would report this same number
on Maryland Schedule K-1 (510) to all PTE members.
A qualied employee is an employee lling a qualied position.
Generally, this is a position that is full-time and of indenite
duration, is paid at least 150% of the federal minimum wage, is
located in a qualied distressed Maryland county, and is newly
created as a result of the establishment of a business facility.
Note: If the number of employees entered on line 4a is fewer
than 10, do not continue. You are not eligible to claim the tax
credit for this year.
Enter a “Yes” or a “No” to the question on line 4b, whether the
qualied business entity had maintained at least 25 qualied
positions for at least ve years. If the answer is “No” AND the
number of employees entered on line 4a is fewer than 25, a credit
may not be claimed for this year.
Enter on line 4c the tax year the project was put into service.
Calculate the prorate factor on line 4d. If line 4a is greater than or
equal to 25, enter 1.000000.
A PTE will report the same numbers and information that appear
on lines 4a through 4d of its Form 500CR to its members using
Maryland Schedule K-1 (510). Do not report the distributive share
of this information on the K-1.
Enter on line 5 the amount of Maryland income tax the qualied
business entity was required to withhold during this tax year from
the wages of qualied employees under §10-908 of the Tax-General
If you are a PTE, skip Section B. Continue to Section C. All
other taxpayers complete Part B.
Section B This section is used to calculate the qualied business
entity’s total State tax liability, and to separate the State tax liability
on project taxable income (the amount computed on line 2, Section
A) and the State tax liability on non-project taxable income (the
amount on line 3, Section A).
Enter on line 6:
The total tax liability from line 14 of Maryland Corporation
Form 500;
The total tax liability from line 21 less any amounts from lines
22 though 24 of Form 502 (if you are not a PTE member
of a qualied business entity); or,
The total tax liability from line 32c less any amounts from
lines 33 and 34 of Form 505 (if you are not a PTE member
of a qualied business entity).
If you are a PTE member of a qualied business entity, multiply the
amount on line 1, Section A, by the highest rate used to calculate
the tax on your Maryland tax return. Enter this amount on line 6.
Enter on line 7a, Section B, the State tax on the amount of income
reported on line 2, Section B. Corporations multiply this income by
8.25%. Individuals may use the highest tax rate used to calculate
tax on their individual returns if they have no other reasonable
basis for determining the tax amount.
PTE members of qualied business entities must multiply the
amount on line 2 by the highest rate used to calculate the tax on
their Maryland tax returns. Enter this amount on line 7a.
This section also reects the application of the prorate factor to
the tax liabilities computed on line 7a and 8a, when a qualied
business entity has between 10 and 24 employees, but has had at
least 25 qualied employees for at least ve years since they have
been eligible for this tax credit.
Multiply the tax amount entered on line 7a by the prorate factor
on line 4d and enter the result on line 7b.
Calculate the tax on non-project income by subtracting line 7a
from line 6 and enter the result on line 8a. If the amount is less
than 0, enter 0.
Multiply the amount of tax calculated on line 8a by the prorate
factor on line 4d and enter the result on line 8b.
Section C
Note: PTE members will enter the distributive or pro rata share
of the total eligible project and start-up costs as stated on their
Maryland Schedule K-1 (510) when completing Column 2.
Project costs Eligible project costs are the costs and expenses that
a qualied business entity incurs to acquire, construct, rehabilitate,
install, or equip the eligible economic development project.
Enter on line 9, the total eligible project costs for the eligible
economic development project.
Enter on line 10 the lesser of the amount reported on line 9
or $5,000,000. The total eligible project costs must be at least
$500,000, and cannot exceed $5,000,000.
Start-up costs Eligible start-up costs to furnish and equip a
new or expanding location for ordinary business functions and
those expenses for moving costs, separation costs, and any other
expenses directly related to a move from an existing non-Maryland
location to a location in a qualied distressed Maryland county.
Enter on line 11, the total eligible start-up costs to establish or
expand a business facility in a qualied distressed county.
Enter on line 12, the lesser of the amount reported on line 11
or $500,000. The total amount of eligible start-up costs cannot
exceed $500,000.
Enter on line 13, the number of qualied employees employed
at the new or expanded business facility (from line 4a, Part P-I)
multiplied by $10,000.
PTEs stop here. PTEs do not complete the remainder of Part P.
Beginning with Part P-II, the computation returns to one column and
is used by all taxpayers eligible to claim this credit except for PTEs.
Part P-II is used to calculate the credits that can be claimed for
the project credit and the start-up credit during nonrefundable tax
years for the One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit.
The nonrefundable tax years consist of the initial tax year and any
carryover years. During this period, these credits are limited up to
a certain amount of the entity’s State tax liability.
A carryover credit may be claimed for the project tax credit against
the State income tax on the project taxable income until the earlier
of the full amount of excess eligible project costs is used, or until the
14th tax year following the tax year in which the eligible economic
project is placed in service. A carryover credit may be claimed for
the start-up tax credit against State income tax until the earlier
of the full amount of the excess eligible startup costs, or until the
14th tax year following the tax year in which the entity locates in
a qualied distressed county.
Part P-II also is used to calculate a certain nonrefundable portion
of the project credit and the nonrefundable start-up credit that
may be claimed during the tax years when these credits may have
refundable portions.
Section A - Project Costs Tax Credit
On line 14, enter the sum of the amount of the project credits
allowed for the eligible project costs in the initial tax year (the
rst tax year in which this credit was claimed), prior carryover tax
years, and any refundable tax year amounts.
On line 15, subtract line 14 from line 10 and enter the result. If
the result is 0 or less, enter 0.
The amount on line 15 is the amount of remaining excess eligible
project costs that are available to be claimed by the qualied
business entity as a project credit for this tax year. The project credit
that may be claimed in Part P-II is limited up to the amount of your
Maryland State income tax liability on the project taxable income.
Enter on line 16 the amount of the Maryland State income tax
liability attributable to income from the project (line 7b).
Enter on line 17, the lesser of line 15 or line 16. This amount is
the “Credit against tax on income from the project.
Section B - Start-up Costs Tax Credit
On line 18, enter the sum of the amount of the start-up credits
allowed in the initial tax year, prior carryover tax years, and any
refunds (these are the amounts claimed as refunds for the start-up
credit during the tax years when this credit becomes a refundable
On line 19, subtract line 18 from line 12 and enter the result. If
the result is 0 or less, enter 0.
The amount calculated on line 19 is the excess amount available
to be claimed by the qualied business entity as a start-up credit.
On line 20, enter the lesser of line 13 or line 19. The start-up credit
is equal to the lesser of the amount on line 19 or line 13 (qualied
employees multiplied by $10,000).
On line 21, subtract line 17 from line 6 and enter the result. If the
result is 0 or less, enter 0.
On line 22, enter the lesser of line 20 or line 21.
The start-up credit that may be claimed in Part P-II is limited to
the qualied business entity’s Maryland State income tax liability.
If a project credit was claimed in Part P-II, then the amount of
the start-up credit on line 22 is limited to the remaining Maryland
State income tax liability after taking the nonrefundable project
credit (line 21).
Generally, at any time after the 4th tax year but before the
expiration of the 15th tax year after the project was placed in
service or the business locates to a qualied distressed county, the
business may apply the excess to the entity’s total Maryland State
income tax liability and may request a refund of any excess credit.
If the majority of the qualied positions are paid at least 250% of
the federal minimum wage, then the refundable years will begin
after the 2nd tax year rather than the 4th tax year.
Section A - Project Costs
The refundable portion of the project credit for the tax year is
calculated after the nonrefundable portions of the credit are
The refundable portion is calculated by subtracting the amount
allowed as the nonrefundable portion of this credit (line 17, Part
P-II) claimed for this tax year from the remaining available project
credit amount (line 15, Part P-II).
Subtract line 17, Part P-II, from line 15, Part P-II, and enter result
on line 23, Part P-III. If the result is 0 or less, enter 0.
This amount is the remaining excess eligible project costs for the
eligible economic development project. This project credit amount
is applied against the remaining, available State income tax liability.
This section is used to calculate the portion of the nonrefundable
tax credit that is allowed against the State income tax on non-
project taxable income during the refundable tax years of the One
Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit.
On line 24, re-enter the amount of the tax on non-project income
that you had previously entered on line 8b, Part P-I.
Subtract line 17 and line 22 from line 6 and enter the result on line
25, Part P-III. If the result is 0 or less, enter 0. This is the amount
of tax available for application of the tax credit.
On line 26, calculate the credit against non-project income by
entering the lesser of lines 23, 24, or 25.
Enter the tentative refund amount on line 27, Part P-III. This
amount is calculated by subtracting line 26 from line 23. If the
result is 0 or less, enter 0.
The tentative refund is the amount, if any, by which any unused
excess project credit amount exceeds the State income tax liability.
The refundable portion is limited to the amount of Maryland income
tax withheld during this tax year from the wages of qualied
employees (line 5).
On line 28, Part P-III, re-enter the amount of Maryland income tax
required to be withheld from the qualied employees. This is the
amount that you entered on line 5, Part P-I.
On line 29, enter the refund from project costs allowable this year.
Calculate this amount by subtracting line 26 from line 28 (if less
than 0, you will use 0) and enter that result or line 27, whichever
is less.
Section B - Start-up Costs
The refundable portion of the startup credit is calculated after the
nonrefundable portion of this credit is claimed.
Subtract line 22 from line 20 and enter the result on line 30, Part
P-III. If the result is 0 or less, enter 0. This is the tentative refund
amount for start-up costs.
On line 31, Part P-III, re-enter the amount of Maryland income tax
required to be withheld from the qualied employees. This is the
amount that you entered on line 5, Part P-I.
The tentative refund is the amount of the remaining excess start-
up credit. The refundable portion of the start-up credit is limited to
the amount of Maryland income tax withheld during this tax year
from the wages of qualied employees (line 5).
Enter the refund from start-up costs allowable this year. Calculate
this amount by entering the lesser of line 30 or line 31.
Complete the summary of credit amounts claimed for the project
credits and start-up credit for the One Maryland Economic
Development Tax Credit.
Enter on line 35 the nonrefundable portions of the project and start-
up costs credits from lines 33 and 34. This is the total nonrefundable
One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit.
This amount should also be entered on line 16, Part BB. Add lines 36
and 37 and enter this amount on line 38. This is the total refundable
One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit.
This amount should also be entered on line 1, Part DD.
Note: A copy of the nal credit certication from the Maryland
Department of Commerce must be included.
A qualied business entity that is a PTE (partnership, LLC, S
corporation, or business trust) must complete the Form 500CR
section of the electronic PTE income tax return, Form 510.
PTEs must provide the following information on Form 500CR if they
are eligible for the One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit:
1. Maryland taxable income;
2. Maryland taxable income from the project;
3. Non-project taxable income;
4. Number of qualied employees;
5. If the number of employees is fewer than 25 employees, a PTE
must state whether or not the qualied business entity had 25
lled qualied positions for at least ve years from the time
they have been eligible for the credit;
6. The tax year the project was put into service;
7. Amount of Maryland income tax required to be withheld from
these qualied employees;
8. Total eligible project costs;
9. $5,000,000 maximum;
10. Total eligible start-up costs;
11. $500,000 maximum.
Therefore, a PTE must complete Sections A and C of Part P-I. The
distributive or pro rata portion of these items must be furnished
to each member of the PTE on the member’s respective Maryland
Schedule K-1 (510). The PTE also must indicate on the Schedule
K-1 whether or not the PTE is a qualied business entity which
would be entitled to pass on a refundable credit or whether the
credit is nonrefundable only. The PTE must provide a copy of the
nal certication to each member.
Based on the Maryland Schedule K-1 (510), a member then may
le the applicable Maryland income tax return, completing the Form
500CR section of their electronic Maryland income tax return, to
claim the One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit. The
member should complete Part P of Form 500CR in its entirety to
compute the credit amounts and claim any of the credits allowed
for the tax year.
For the sections in Part P-I, the member would only complete
Column 2.
The PTE member (the member of the qualied business entity)
must limit the amounts claimed for the project credit and start-up
credit to the distributive or pro rata portion of the PTE’s taxable
income as reported on Maryland Schedule K-1 (510).
The PTE member computes the tax on the member’s share of
the PTE’s Maryland taxable income (line 1) using the highest rate
actually used on the member’s return and enter the result on line
6. The PTE member then will enter on line 7a that portion of line
6 which is attributable to the member’s share of project taxable
income. The tax on non-project income on line 8a is calculated by
taking the tax calculated on line 7a, prorating it further on line 7b,
and then subtracting line 7a from line 6; if the amount on line 8a is
less than 0, enter 0. Line 8a also is further prorated by the factor
on line 4b, to arrive at line 8b.
All amounts (except for line 13) entered in Section C of Part P-I,
should reect the PTE members share of items as reported on the
Maryland Schedule K-1 (510).
For Parts P-II, P-III, and P-IV, the PTE member should follow the
preceding instructions for the respective parts.
Note: The member must include a copy of the PTE’s nal credit
certication to claim the credit.
An individual or corporation may claim a credit against the State
income tax in an amount equal to $5 for each bushel of oyster
shells recycled during the tax year. The credit may not exceed
$750 per taxpayer.
Any unused credit amount for the tax year may not be carried
forward to any other tax year.
To claim the credit, an individual or corporation must submit
certication from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources,
which veries the amount of oyster shells recycled during the year.
This credit is claimed on line 1, Part Q, and also is entered on line
17, Part BB, Business Tax Credit Summary.
No credit may be earned for any tax year beginning on or
after January 1, 2018.
For additional information, contact:
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Tawes State Ofce Building
580 Taylor Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21401
An individual or corporation may claim a credit against the State
income tax in an amount equal to 3¢ per gallon of bio-heating oil
purchased for space or water heating. The credit may not exceed
$500 per taxpayer.
Any unused credit amount for the tax year may not be carried
forward to any other tax year.
To claim the credit, an individual or corporation shall apply to the
Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) for an initial credit certicate
for the number of gallons of bio-heating oil purchased for space
or water heating. This credit is claimed on line 1, Part R, and also
is entered on line 18, Part BB, Business Income Tax Summary.
No credit may be earned for any tax year beginning on or
after January 1, 2018.
For additional information, contact:
Maryland Energy Administration
1800 Washington Blvd
Suite 755
Baltimore, MD 21230
Note: A copy of the certification by the Maryland Energy
Administration must be included.
An individual or corporation may claim a credit against the
State income tax in an amount equal to 10% of the qualied
research and development (R&D) expenses paid or incurred by
the individual or corporation during the tax year. By September
15 of the calendar year following the end of the tax year in which
the expenses were paid or incurred, an individual or corporation
may apply to the Maryland Department of Commerce for the
credit allowed. By December 15 of the same calendar year, the
Maryland Department of Commerce will certify the amount of the
tax credit approved. The total amount of credits approved by the
Maryland Department of Commerce for any tax year may not
exceed $250,000.
To claim the approved credit, an individual or corporation must
le an electronic amended income tax return for the tax year in
which the qualied R&D expenses were paid or incurred.
The amount of the approved credit is entered onto line 1, Part S,
and on line 19, Part BB, Business Tax Credit Summary. Also, this
amount is an addition modication on the tax return.
The individual or corporation must include a copy of the Maryland
Department of Commerce certication of the approved credit
amount to the amended income tax return. Any credit in excess
of the State income tax may be carried forward to succeeding tax
years until the earlier of the full amount of the excess is used, or
the expiration of the 15th tax year after the tax year in which the
qualied R&D expenses were paid or incurred.
No credits may be earned for any tax year beginning on or
after January 1, 2017.
For more information, contact:
Maryland Department of Commerce
Ofce of Finance Programs, Tax Incentives Group
401 E. Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
410-767-6438 or 410-767-4980
Businesses may claim a credit against the State income tax for
qualied capital expenses made in connection with the establishment
of new wineries or vineyards, or the capital improvements made
to existing wineries or vineyards in Maryland.
The business may apply for tax credit in an amount equal to
but not more than 25% of incurred costs. The total amount of
credits awarded to each business depends on the amount of
eligible expenses and costs incurred with a limit of $500,000 for
all businesses that apply. If the total amount of credits applied for
exceeds $500,000 in a year, the credit will be prorated among the
certied applicants.
“Qualied Capital Expenses” are all expenditures made by the
business for the purchase and installation of equipment or
agricultural materials for use in the production of agricultural
products at a vineyard or in a winery. A list of a number of expenses
that may be considered is available on the Maryland Department
of Commerce’s Web site at
Utilities, labor costs, service costs, repair costs, maintenance costs,
construction costs, and general supplies are NOT eligible expenses.
A business must be certied as a qualied business entity that
is eligible for the tax credit. Applications for certication are
available from the Maryland Department of Commerce Web site.
The business must submit an application, report of expenses and
supporting documents to the Maryland Department of Commerce by
September 15 of the calendar year following the end of the tax year
in which the expenses were incurred. The Maryland Department of
Commerce will review the application package and will certify the
amount of tax credit the taxpayer may claim by December 15th
of the same year.
The business must le an electronic amended tax return with the
Comptroller of Maryland for the year in which the expenses were
incurred and include the certication from the Maryland Department
of Commerce.
This credit is claimed on line 1, Part T, and also is entered on line
20, Part BB, Business Tax Credit Summary.
If the Wineries and Vineyards Tax Credits exceed the State income
tax imposed for that year, the credits may be carried forward for
15 years.
No credit may be earned for any tax year beginning on or
after July 1, 2018.
For additional information, contact:
Maryland Department of Commerce
Ofce of Finance Programs, Tax Incentives Group
401 E. Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
410-767-6438 or 410-767-4041
A qualied lm production entity may claim a credit against the
State income tax for lm production activities in the state in an
amount equal to the amount stated in the nal tax credit certicate
approved by the Maryland Department of Commerce.
If the tax credit allowed exceeds the total tax otherwise payable by
the qualied lm production entity for that tax year, the qualied
lm production entity may claim a refund in the amount of the
To claim the credit, before beginning a lm production activity,
a qualied lm production entity shall apply with the Maryland
Department of Commerce for an initial credit certicate for the
estimated production costs. To qualify as a lm production entity,
the estimated total direct costs incurred in Maryland must exceed
$500,000. The credit claimed cannot exceed the amount stated in
the nal certicate.
Enter on line 1, Part U, the amount of tax credit certied by the
Maryland Department of Commerce. This amount is also entered
on line 5, Part DD.
For additional information, contact:
Catherine Batavick, Deputy Director
Maryland Film Ofce
Maryland Department of Commerce
401 E. Pratt St., 14th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
Note: A copy of the certication by the Maryland Department of
Commerce must be included.
A taxpayer who makes a donation to a qualied permanent
endowment fund at an eligible community foundation may be
eligible for a credit against the Maryland State income tax. The
taxpayer must apply to the Maryland Department of Housing
and Community Development (DHCD) for a certication for the
donation. This certication must be attached to the Form 500CR
at the time the Maryland income tax return is led.
Individuals who are eligible to claim the Endow Maryland Tax
Credit, and who are not PTE members may elect to claim this credit
on Part I of Form 502CR, instead of claiming the credit on Form
500CR. However, an individual may not claim this credit on both
Form 500CR and Form 502CR. PTE members who are eligible for
this credit must claim the credit on Business Income Tax Credit
Form 500CR.
Individuals who anticipate having a carryover of the Endow
Maryland Tax Credit are advised to use Form 500CR instead of
Form 502CR. Individuals who have an existing carryover on Part
Z of their 2016 Form 500CR may elect to use Form 502CR, if their
excess carryover credit is attributable only to the Endow Maryland
Tax Credit.
The credit is limited to 25% of the approved donation (in cash or
publicly traded securities) not to exceed $50,000.
Note: A copy of the required approval from the DHCD must be
included with Form 500CR.
Line 1 - Enter the amount of approved donation to a qualied
permanent endowment fund.
Line 2 - Enter 25% of line 1.
Line 3 - Enter the amount from line 2 or $50,000, whichever is
less. Also, enter this amount on line 22 of Part BB
This credit is not refundable and is applied only against the Maryland
State income tax. To the extent the credit is earned in any year
and it exceeds the State income tax, you are entitled to an excess
carryover of the credit until it is used, or it expires ve years after
the credit was earned, whichever comes rst.
Note: The amount of donation shown on line 1 requires an addition
to income. See Instruction 12 in the Resident Instruction Booklet.
For more information contact:
Department of Housing and Community Development
Division of Neighborhood Revitalization
2 N. Charles St., Suite 450
Baltimore, MD 21202
General Requirements Businesses or individuals who operate
an Aerospace, Electronics, or Defense Contract Tax Credit Project
may be eligible for an income tax credit. The income tax credit is
based on the number of qualied positions created or retained for an
Aerospace, Electronics, or Defense Contract Tax Credit Project. The
maximum credit amount is $2,500,000 per Aerospace, Electronics,
or Defense Contract Tax Credit Project.
To qualify for the tax credit, the individual or business must be a
qualied business entity. A qualied business entity is an individual
or business conducting or operating a for-prot trade or business
in Maryland that is certied by the Maryland Department of
Commerce as qualifying for the income tax credit. A government
entity does not qualify for the Aerospace, Electronics, or Defense
Contract Tax Credit.
A business entity operating a project must create or retain at
least 10,000 qualied positions in Maryland and submit a budget
evidencing the business entity will expend at least $25,000,000 in
qualifying expenditures in Maryland during the credit year for the
project to be certied by the Maryland Department of Commerce as
an Aerospace, Electronics, or Defense Contract Tax Credit Project.
A qualied business entity may receive up to three designations
for Aerospace, Electronics, or Defense Contract Tax Credit Projects
in a scal year.
A qualied position is a full-time position of indenite duration with
an annual salary of at least $85,000, including associated benets,
is located in Maryland, is created or retained as a result of the
Aerospace, Electronics, or Defense Contract Tax Credit Project of the
qualied business entity and is lled. A qualied position does not
include a position that is lled for a period of less than 12 months.
Qualied expenditures are capital expenditures that have been
expended or will be expended by a qualied business entity and
that the Maryland Department of Commerce determines have met
the requirements for an Aerospace, Electronics, or Defense Contract
Tax Credit Project.
For questions on application and certication processes or for
additional information on this credit program, contact:
Maryland Department of Commerce
Ofce of Finance Programs, Tax Incentives Group
401 E. Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Claiming the Tax Credit
Line 1 - Enter the number of qualied employees employed during
the credit year.
Line 2 - Multiply line 1 by $250 and enter the result on line 2.
Line 3 – This line reects the maximum dollar amount per project
($2,500,000) and no entry is made on this line.
Line 4 – Enter the lesser of line 2 or line 3.
Line 5 – Enter any applicable recapture amount. See information
about recapture amounts.
Line 6 – Subtract line 5 from line 4. If the amount is less than
zero, enter a negative amount.
Enter the amount from line 6, Part W on line 8, Part DD.
Note: If you are claiming a credit for more than one investment,
another separate Part W must be completed for each investment.
Total the amounts from line 6 from each separate Part W. Using
only one summary section, combine the totals on line 8, Part DD.
To claim the total credit, you must complete a second Part W at
the time you electronically le your income tax return.
Recapture of Credit The credit must be recaptured if, during
either of the 2 years after the credit year, the number of qualied
positions of the qualied business entity falls below a rolling
average over the past 2 years of 10,000. If the credit is required
to be recaptured, the credit is recomputed and reduced on a
proportionate basis, based on the reduction of the rolling average
number of qualified employees over the past 2 years. The
recomputed credit is then subtracted from the amount of credit
previously allowed. If, during any of the 2 years after the credit
year, the rolling average of qualied positions falls below 9,000 for
the past 2 years, all credits shall be recaptured.
Individuals or members of a Pass-Through Entity (PTE) may be
eligible for a credit for an easement conveyed to the Maryland
Environmental Trust, the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation
Foundation, or the Maryland Department of Natural Resources
to preserve open space, natural resources, agriculture, forest
land, watersheds, signicant ecosystems, viewsheds or historic
properties if:
1. The easement is perpetual;
2. The easement is accepted and approved by the Board of
Public Works; and
3. The fair market value of the property before and after the
conveyance of the easement is substantiated by a certied
real estate appraiser.
Individuals who are eligible to claim the Credit for Preservation
and Conservation Easements and who are not PTE members must
claim this credit on Part F of the Form 502CR. PTE members who
are eligible for this credit must claim the credit on Business Income
Tax Credit Form 500CR. PTE members who are duciaries should
see the Form 504CR for instructions on claiming this credit.
The credit is equal to the difference in the fair market values of the
property reduced by payments received for the easement. The
credit amount is limited to the lesser of the State tax liability for
the taxable year or the maximum allowable credit of $5,000. The
sum of all credits claimed by members of a PTE in a taxable year
may not exceed $5,000.
If the allowable credit amount of a PTE member exceeds the
maximum of $5,000, up to $5,000 may be carried forward each
subsequent year until the allowable credit is used up or 15 years,
whichever rst occurs.
Complete lines 1-4 of Part X. For line 1, enter the amount by which
the fair market value of the property before the conveyance of the
easement exceeds the fair market value after the conveyance as
substantiated by a certied real estate appraiser.
For additional information, contact the Maryland Environmental
Trust at 410-514-7900,, or the
Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation at 410-841-
5860 or the Department of Natural Resources at 410-260-8367.
Note: A copy of the approval and acceptance of the conveyance
by the Board of Public Works must be included. Provide a copy of
this approval with Maryland Schedules K-1 (510) and/or Maryland
Schedules K-1 (504) issued to PTE members.
General Requirements Certain taxpayers may be eligible for
an income tax credit for the rst year of employment of eligible
apprentices. The income tax credit is based on the number of
eligible apprentices employed by the taxpayer.
“Eligible apprentice” means an individual who is enrolled in an
apprenticeship program registered with the Maryland Apprenticeship
and Training Council. Eligible apprentices must have been employed
by the taxpayer for at least 7 full months of the taxable year.
Specic Instructions
Line 1 - Enter the number of eligible apprentices in their rst year
of employment.
Line 2 - Multiply line 1 by $1,000 and enter the result on line 2.
Enter the amount from line 2, Part Y on line 25, Part BB.
This credit is not refundable and is applied against only the Maryland
State income tax. Excess credit may be carried forward until the
excess amount is fully used. The excess credit amount is applied
against the Maryland State income tax after the application of all
other business income tax credits on the Form 500CR.
Note: A copy of the proof of enrollment for each eligible apprentice
in a registered apprenticeship program and proof of the duration
of the eligible apprentice’s employment by the taxpayer must be
For more information, contact:
Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
1100 N. Eutaw St., Room 209
Baltimore, MD 21201
Qualied farms that make an eligible food donation may be eligible
for an income tax credit. A qualied farm that makes an eligible
food donation is eligible for a tax credit amount equal to 50% of
the value of the eligible food donation. A qualied farm that makes
a donation of certied organic produce is eligible for a tax credit
amount equal to 75% of the value of the donated certied organic
produce. Certication of the tax credit is issued by an individual or
organization authorized by the State Department of Agriculture to
receive eligible food donations from a qualied farm and to issue
the qualied farm a tax credit certicate. For any taxable year, the
aggregate amount of credits authorized for a qualied farm may
not exceed $5,000 unless the Maryland Secretary of Agriculture
increases the credit limitation for a qualied farm to an amount
not to exceed $10,000. If the allowable credit amount exceeds the
State income tax, the unused credit may be carried forward each
subsequent year until the allowable credit is used up or 5 years,
whichever rst occurs.
“Qualied farms” means a farm business that is located in Anne
Arundel County, Calvert County, Charles County, Montgomery
County, Prince George’s County, or St. Mary’s County.
“Eligible food donation” means fresh farm products for human
consumption. “Certied organic produce” means an eligible food
donation certied under Title 10, Subtitle 14 of the Agriculture
Article as an organically produced commodity.
The credit is claimed on Part Z, line 1, and is also entered on the
Business Tax Credit Summary, Part BB, line 26.
For questions on application and certication processes or for
additional information on this credit program, contact:
Maryland Department of Agriculture
50 Harry S. Truman Parkway
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Note: A copy of all certicates issued by a Tax Credit Certicate
Administrator must be included with Form 500CR.
No credit may be earned for any tax year beginning on or after
January 1, 2020.
A credit may be claimed by a small business for each qualied
veteran employee hired. The credit for each qualied veteran
employee may not exceed 30% of up to the rst $6,000 of wages
paid to the qualied veteran employee during the rst year of
employment. A small business qualifying for this tax credit is
required to apply to the Maryland Department of Commerce for
a tax credit certicate. A copy of the Maryland Department of
Commerce certication must be included with the tax return of
the small business to claim this tax credit.
“Qualied veteran employee” means an individual who:
(1) Is honorably discharged or released under honorable
circumstances from active military, naval, or air service as
dened in 38 U.S.C. § 101; and
(2) Is a qualied veteran as dened under 26 U.S.C. § 51(d) (3)
(a) for purposes of the Federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit.
“Small business” means an individual, a partnership, a limited
partnership, a limited liability partnership, a limited liability
company, or a corporation that employs 50 or fewer full-time
A small business may not claim the credit for more than ve
qualied veteran employees in a taxable year. A small business
may not claim a credit for a qualied veteran employee who is hired
to replace a laid-off employee or an employee who is on strike.
The credit is claimed on Part AA, line 1 and is also entered on
Business Tax Credit Summary, Part BB, line 27.
Any unused credit amount for the tax year may not be carried
forward to any other taxable year.
For questions on application and certication processes or for
additional information on this credit program, contact:
Maryland Department of Commerce
Ofce of Finance Programs, Tax Incentives Group
401 E. Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
410-767-6438 or 410-737-4041
Note: A copy of the tax credit certication from the Maryland
Department of Commerce must be included with Form 500CR.
This part is used to summarize all available nonrefundable tax
credits reported on this form. If the total credits available in a
particular tax year exceed the State income tax developed for that
year, the excess may not be refunded.
Taxpayers will enter their respective current year credits in lines 1
through 27 of Part BB, with the following exceptions:
• No entry is to be made on lines 2, 8, 12, 14, 21 and 23
because the credits to which they relate are refundable credits
and will be claimed on Part DD.
Enter on line 28, the total of the credits listed on lines 1 through 27.
Enter on line 29 the carryover of excess credits unable to be used
on last year’s return. This amount comes from line 7, Part Z, from
2016 Form 500CR.
Add lines 28 and 29 and enter the result on line 30. This is the
tentative tax credit.
On line 31, enter the amount of recaptured tax credits (See
instructions for Parts D and F).
Subtract line 31 from line 30 and enter the result on line 32.
On line 33, Part BB, enter the State income tax from your return.
Corporations will enter line 14 of Form 500 on line 33, Part BB.
Individuals will enter line 21 less amounts from lines 22 through
24 from Form 502 on line 33, Part BB, or line 32c less any amounts
from lines 33 and 34 from Form 505.
On line 34, enter the lesser of line 32 or 33.
An addition to income is required for credits from Parts A, C, J-I,
K-I, K-II, S and V. These additions are comprised of lines 1, 3,
10a, 11 and 19 from Part BB; and line 1 from Part V; and line 6
from Part DD. The totals of these amounts are included on line 7f
of Form 500, line 5 of Form 502, and line 19 of Form 505. Pass-
through entities will report the distributive or pro rata share of any
of these items as additions on the Maryland Schedule K-1 (510)
issued to members.
Most credits may not exceed the Maryland income tax liability, but
may be carried forward for a specied number of successive tax
years or until fully applied. It is your responsibility to maintain a
record of credits for which you qualify, credits that have been taken
in prior years, and the amount of each credit that may be carried
forward. To assist you, we have provided a table with the number
of years for which each credit may be carried forward.
Part DD is used to report the refundable portion of business income
tax credits:
On line 1, enter the One Maryland Economic Development Tax
Credit from line 38, Part P-IV.
On line 2, enter the Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit
from line 6, Part L.
On line 3, enter the Clean Energy Incentive Tax Credit from line
3, Part N.
On line 4, enter the Health Enterprise Zone Hiring Tax Credit from
line 6, Part B.
On line 5, enter the Film Production Activity Tax Credit from line
1, Part U.
On line 6, enter the Small Business Research and Development Tax
Credit from line 6, Part K-II.
On line 7, enter the Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit
from line 6, Part H.
On line 8, enter the Aerospace, Electronics, or Defense Contract
Tax Credit from line 6, Part W.
On line 9, enter the total of all of the business income tax credits
from lines 1 through 8.
If you are ling Form 502 or Form 505, enter this amount on line
9 and on Part M, line 3 of Form 502CR.
If line 9 is less than 0, enter the result on the appropriate return
as a negative number.
If you are ling Form 500 or Form 510, continue to Part EE.
Part EE is used by corporations and PTEs to summarize the re-
fundable portion of business income tax credits.
On line 1, enter the amount from Line 6 of Maryland Form 502S
- Heritage Structure Rehabilitation Tax Credit.
On line 2, enter the refundable business income tax credits from
Part DD, line 9. If this number is less than 0, enter as a nega-
tive number.
Add lines 1 and 2 and enter the amount on line 3. If this number
is less than 0, enter as a negative number. This is the total
refundable business income tax credit. If you are ling Maryland
Form 500, enter this amount on Form 500, line 15d.
Note: If you are ling Form 510, you will not report the total
amount from line 9 to your members.
A PTE will report on Maryland Schedule K-1 (510) the distribu-
tive or pro rata share of each tax credit to its members.
Reminder: One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit
requires additional entries on Maryland Schedule K-1 (510).
Part Credit
A Enterprise Zone Tax Credit X
B Health Enterprise Zone Hiring Tax Credit X
C Maryland Disability Employment Tax Credit X
D Job Creation Tax Credit X
E Community Investment Tax Credit X
F Businesses That Create New Jobs Tax Credit X
G Qualied Vehicle Tax Credit X
H Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit X
I Employer-Provided Long-Term Care Insurance Tax
J-I Maryland Employer Security Clearance Costs Tax
J-II First-Year Leasing Costs Tax Credit for Qualied Small
K-I Research and Development Tax Credit* X
K-II Research and Development Tax Credits for Businesses
Certied as a “Small Business”
L Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit X
M Commuter Tax Credit X
N Clean Energy Incentive Tax Credit X
O Maryland-Mined Coal Tax Credit X
P One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit** X
Q Oyster Shell Recycling Tax Credit X
R Bio-Heating Oil Tax Credit X
S Cellulosic Ethanol Technology Research & Develop-
ment Tax Credit
T Wineries and Vineyards Tax Credit X
U Film Production Activity Tax Credit X
V Endow Maryland Tax Credit X
W Aerospace, Electronics, or Defense Contract Tax Credit X
X Preservation and Conservation Easements Tax Credit X
Y Apprentice Employee Tax Credit X
Z Qualied Farms Tax Credit X
AA Qualied Veteran Employees Tax Credit X
* The carryforward period for unused Research and Development Tax Credits from tax years prior to 2005 remains 15 years. The
same credit cannot be applied against more than one type of tax by the same taxpayer.
** The 14-year carryover for the One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit is calculated within Part P by total credit avail-
able and subtracting prior year credits from the total. An eligible taxpayer has 14 years to use the project and start-up costs as
credits. Therefore, the Excess Credit Carryover calculation is not used to calculate an additional carryover.
Expired Tax Credits
The following credits have expired, but are eligible for the following carryover periods to the extent that the credit exceeds the tax.
Part Credit
Green Building Tax Credit X
Long-Term Employment of Qualied Ex-Felons Tax
Work-Based Learning Tax Credit X