Vardi et al.: Elkhorn coral population model
loss since 2004 (Williams & Miller 2012). Fragmenta-
tion, due primarily to storms, cannot be stopped
(although rescued fragments can be stabilized), and
coral diseases are currently incurable. Snails, how-
ever, can easily be removed from colonies. Corallio-
phila ab bre viata is a known threat to al ready
depressed acroporid populations, capable of destroy-
ing remnant populations in the months and weeks
after a storm (Knowlton et al. 1990, Baums et al.
2003). Indeed, C. abbreviata density (relative to live
tissue area) in creased 4-fold over the course of the
present study, and accounted for 25% of lost live tis-
sue, excluding the 2005 storm season (Williams &
Miller 2012). Snail removal has been shown to pre-
serve 75% more live A. palmata tissue compared
with controls where snails are left in place (Miller
2001). Importantly, this management action can tar-
get SC4 colonies, which have the greatest influence
on population increase, as demonstrated by elasticity
Outplanting is currently the only recovery strategy
being actively pursued by managers. Outplanting
can provide a short-term boost to currently de pressed
demographic rates in a small geographic area, while
long-term strategies to improve environmental con-
ditions are being pursued. We limited these pro -
jections to 20 yr, as models predict short-term trajec-
tories best, and the influx of colonies leads to a
widening of CIs. Unsurprisingly, after 5 yr of plant-
ing, in 2017, abundance is higher and distribution is
dominated by the size class that was planted (Fig. 3b).
Thirteen years after the cessation of planting, in
2030, the size class distribution stabilizes (Fig. 3c). At
this point, mean abundances have decreased relative
to the abundance in 2017; however, mean percent
cover estimations are greater in 2030 than those pro-
jected for 2017.
We found that planting 3000 SC2 colonies (mean
diameter 19 cm) resulted in significantly higher
mean percent cover by 2017 than planting 3000 SC1
colonies (mean diameter 6.5 cm) over the study area
(1.3 outplants m
). Furthermore, although planting
SC1 colonies could increase cover to 60% by 2030
under the best conditions (upper CI boundary),
managers would be wise to focus on the value of the
lower CI boundary, which represents unfavorable
conditions (Fig. 3a). Here, cover could make a more
modest improvement (9%) over current conditions
(4%). In contrast to the SC1 scenario, planting 3000
SC2 colonies results in a worst-case scenario (lower
CI boundary) of 24% cover. Thus, according to our
model, a 5 yr dense SC2 outplanting regime does a
fair job of preventing population collapse in terms of
both percent cover and abundance until at least
2030. Outplanting, however, is a costly endeavor
that many Caribbean nations may not be able to
afford. If Acropora palmata nursery output and costs
were to match those of A. cervicornis, planting 3000
SC2 colonies per year for 5 yr would result in
roughly 30% cover and would cost approximately
US$3M (T. Moore pers. comm.). Due to its cost, out-
planting should be considered as part of a short-
term solution in a limited geographical region,
rather than a comprehensive solution for this basin-
wide problem.
Why does an influx of small individuals only
slightly improve population projections? The first
explanation is that the smaller size classes do not
have a significant influence over population growth
as demonstrated by elasticity analyses. The relatively
slow growth and high mortality of the individuals
limit their demographic potential for the population.
But the more relevant question is, why, even if we
eliminate the possibility of a ‘bad year’ (h = ∞), does
this population seem incapable of recovering? Quite
simply, the probability of shrinking, across all size
classes and years (mean ± SE, 0.089 ± 0.014), is
roughly equivalent but slightly greater, than that of
growing (0.082 ± 0.019). This implies that stressors
causing the loss of tissue (e.g. disease, predation) are
keeping pace with the ability of Acropora palmata to
thrive even in the absence of hurricanes. More
importantly, it implies that present vital rates during
non-hurricane years are fundamentally different
from those of the past, as recovery, even in the
impossible case of no future disturbance, appears
extremely unlikely to occur.
Our findings are somewhat in contrast to Lirman’s
(2003) stage-based population model of Acropora
palmata in the northern Florida Keys, and the differ-
ences could highlight an important aspect of this
organism’s population dynamics and potential for
recovery. Lirman parameterized his model from 1993
to 1997 on Elkhorn Reef, which at the time had a
higher density of colonies than the sites described in
the present study (D. Lirman pers. comm.). In Lirman’s
projections, storms recurring every 5 yr re sulted in a
4-fold increase, from 10 to 50 colonies, after 50 yr. In
contrast, in our study, parameterized a decade later
with storms occurring every 6 yr, abundance de -
creased by 80%, from 270 to 45 colonies (95% CI = 3
to 186 colonies), after 50 yr. The effects of the storms
and/ or the parameterization of storm effects could
account for this difference; however, relative changes
in transition matrix elements, especially in the influ-
ential rate of stasis for the largest colonies, between