Endang Species Res
Vol. 19: 157169, 2012
doi: 10.3354/esr00475
Published online December 20
Corals are a recent addition to endangered species
lists. In 2006, the Atlantic elkhorn coral Acropora
palmata was classified as ‘threatened’ on the US
Endangered Species List
along with its congener A.
cervicornis. Currently, 82 additional corals are con-
sidered candidate species (NMFS 2010). In 2008,
corals were included on the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List for the first
time. Of all reef-building corals, 33% with sufficient
data were listed as threatened (Vulnerable, Endan-
gered, and Critically Endangered), a percentage
rivaled only by amphibians in the animal kingdom
(Carpenter et al. 2008, IUCN 2011).
Like many depleted corals, Acropora palmata was
neither historically rare nor tightly restricted in its
geographic range. Although there are unexplained
gaps in the fossil record (Hubbard et al. 2008), the
persistence, dominance, and sheer abundance of A.
palmata throughout time and space qualified it as the
dominant shallow-water reef builder in the Carib -
bean from the late Pleistocene through at least the
early Holocene (Adey et al. 1977, Jackson 1992, Hub-
bard et al. 2005, 2008). During this time, A. palmata
was dominant on 80% of shallow reefs surveyed
© Inter-Research 2012 · www.int-res.com*Email: tvardi@ucsd.edu
Population dynamics of threatened elkhorn coral in
the northern Florida Keys, USA
Tali Vardi
, Dana E. Williams
, Stuart A. Sandin
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California 92037, USA
University of Miami, Miami, Florida 33149, USA
ABSTRACT: Caribbean elkhorn coral Acropora palmata (Lamarck, 1816) was once so widespread
and abundant that geologists use its fossils to measure sea levels from the Pleistocene through the
Holocene. Now it exists at a small fraction of its former abundance and is listed, along with a con-
gener, as ‘threatened’ under the US Endangered Species Act. We conducted annual demographic
surveys on the northern Florida Keys (USA) population from 2004 to 2010. Percent cover of the
benthos, number of colonies, and dominance by large individuals declined throughout the study
period. We created population matrix models for each annual interval of the study, which included
a severe hurricane year (20052006). Hurricane recurrence was simulated stochastically along
with multiple outplanting scenarios. Population depletion is predicted given a return time for
severe hurricanes of 20 yr or less. Elasticity analysis showed that the largest individuals have the
greatest contribution to the rate of change in population size. Active management through out-
planting can provide a positive population trajectory over the short term, especially if colonies are
reared for several years before transplanting. However, the former abundance of this species sug-
gests that background life history traits, specifically rates of growth versus shrinkage measured
herein, are fundamentally different from what they must have been in the past. Ultimately, recov-
ery of this species will depend on enacting local short-term management solutions while improv-
ing regional and global environmental conditions.
KEY WORDS: Acropora palmata · Caribbean · Demography · Disturbance · Recruitment ·
Stochastic · Matrix model
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On 30 November 2012 NOAA proposed elevating this sta-
tus to ‘endangered’ and proposed listing an additional 66
species of coral
Endang Species Res 19: 157169, 2012
throughout the Caribbean, often forming a monocul-
ture along reef crests and upper reef slopes (Jackson
1992). This percentage dropped to 40% by 1983, and
to less than 20% by 1990 (Jackson et al. 2001).
Although A. palmata is still present throughout its
range (Lang 2003), ecological data reveal a continu-
ing decline in abundance. As of 2005, most popula-
tions were at 2 to 20% of the 1970s baselines (Bruck-
ner & Hourigan 2000, Carpenter et al. 2008).
The Atlantic Acropora Status Review lists the fol-
lowing stressors to A. palmata: disease, temperature
anomalies and bleaching, natural and anthropogenic
branch breakage, competition, predation, excessive
sedimentation and nutrification, boring sponges,
toxic compounds in the water column, loss of genetic
diversity, and others (Acropora Biological Review
Team 2005). Lists, however, are a deceptively simple
presentation of environmental stressors, feedback
loops and synergies lurk between the commas (Kline
et al. 2006). Further, lists present a snapshot of a
dynamic system in which threats can intensify as
population abundance declines. For example, coral
bleaching episodes are frequently followed by dis-
ease outbreaks (Har vell et al. 1999, 2007, Jones et al.
2004). Storms can cause direct physical damage and
inflict longer-term damage by fragmenting large
colonies into smaller colonies that have higher rates
of mortality (Lirman 2003, Williams et al. 2006). Mul-
tiple storms can result in the decrease of asexual
recruitment via fragmentation (Williams et al. 2008).
Also, density of corallivorous snails, particularly
Coralliophila abbreviata, on Atlantic acroporids can
increase dramatically after hurricanes, impeding or
preventing population recovery (Knowlton et al.
1990, Baums et al. 2003, del Mónaco et al. 2011).
Matrix population modeling can offer a glimpse
of the immediate future of a population of Acropora
palmata colonies. Matrix models are constructed
with annual demographic data collected over a
time frame appropriate to the life history of an
organism. Data are converted into a matrix of tran-
sition probabilities, delineating the likelihood of
changing from one life stage or size class to
another. Each year the number of individuals in
each size class is multiplied by the transition
matrix, resulting in a projection of the population
size structure for the following year. Hughes (1984)
developed a size-based matrix model (an adaptation
of the classic age-based matrix model) for organ-
isms with a clonal life history, in which individuals
can not only grow and die, but also shrink and
fragment. For stony corals, shrinking is defined as a
reduction in the extent of the skeleton or a reduc-
tion in the extent of live tissue covering the skele-
ton. Fragmentation is a form of asexual reproduc-
tion wherein a portion of live coral (skeleton and
tissue) breaks off a colony, lands on the substrate,
attaches, and forms a new colony (Fig. 1).
a Grow
b Loop
c Shrink
d New Fragment
Fig. 1. Acropora palmata. Life cycle diagram
and corresponding matrices. Size classes 1 to 4
are represented by increasing circle sizes. (a−c)
Individuals can transition from one size class to
any other; they can grow, g; loop (stay in the
same size class), l; or shrink, s, comprising the
transition matrix, T. Although growing more
than 1 size class during a transition is mathe-
matically possible, in the model presented here
it is biologically possible only through fusion of
clonal fragments. (d) Arrival of new fragments,
represented by the fragmentation matrix, F, is
defined to include new asexually or sexually
derived colonies in any of the 3 smallest size
classes. (e) General form of the matrix model,
A. Subscripts are left off for clarity. Figure
modified with permission from Hughes (1984)
Vardi et al.: Elkhorn coral population model
Disturbance is a governing force in coral population
structure, and during these events, transition proba-
bilities are characteristically different from those dur-
ing background conditions (Hughes 1984, Fong &
Glynn 1998, Edmunds 2010). In the Carib bean, storms
and hurricanes are the major disturbance events on
coral reefs (Gardner et al. 2005) and are thus a critical
component for any coral population model. Although
Acropora palmata is dependent on a moderate level of
wave action for asexual reproduction (Highsmith et
al. 1980) and sloughing off sediment (Rogers 1983,
Acevedo et al. 1989), severe storms can cause high
rates of fragmentation (Lirman 2003) and extreme
damage (Woodley 1981, Lirman & Fong 1997).
We created a size-based matrix model with distur-
bance for the Acropora palmata population of the
northern Florida Keys, USA. We collected demo-
graphic data for 7 consecutive years, from 2004 to
2010, from which we estimated annual transition
rates for 6 annual intervals (20042005, 20052006,
20062007, 20072008, 20082009, 20092010). With
this rich data set, we simulated a stochastic environ-
ment by multiplying the population size structure
each year by a random draw from the 6 matrices.
During our study, the population experienced severe
hurricane conditions in 2005; thus 1 snapshot of these
disturbance dynamics was captured. Mild storms
occurred in the winter of 2004 and summer of 2008,
and were considered background conditions along
with 2006, 2007, and 2009. We used our population
model to determine critical life history stages, predict
future population abundance, explore management
actions, and provide a realistic time frame for recov-
ery planning for this population.
Study site and sampling methodology
A rapid survey conducted throughout the Florida
Keys from 1999 to 2001 found Acropora palmata pri-
marily in high-relief spur and groove reefs and con-
centrated in the northern Keys (off Key Largo; Acro-
pora Biological Review Team 2005). In this area, 5 of
7 reefs were randomly selected for study. Fifteen
non-overlapping, 150 m
permanent plots distributed
among Molasses, French, Elbow, Key Largo Dry
Rocks, and Carysfort Reefs were established in 2004
(see Table S1 in the supplement at www.int-res. com/
articles/ suppl/n019p157_supp.pdf). Each plot was
circular with a radius of 7 m. At the outset of the
study, all plots had a minimum of 12 A. palmata
colonies. Areas of high A. palmata density (thickets)
are no longer typical in this area, and were purpose-
fully excluded so as to manageably track individuals
as defined above. Results are thus applicable only to
A. palmata stands exhibiting moderate density. For
a more detailed description of plot selection, see
Williams et al. (2008).
Individuals in this study were defined as neither
genets nor ramets, as a distinction between the 2
cannot be made in the field (Miller et al. 2007).
Rather, an individual was defined as any continuous
live tissue or patches of tissue on the same underly-
ing skeleton (for a complete definition see Williams
et al. 2006). Fragments, though clones, were consid-
ered reproductive output congruent with the defini-
tions presented by Carpenter et al. (2008) and High-
smith (1982) for all corals. Only ramets attached to
the substrate, as opposed to loose fragments, were
counted as individuals.
Measuring the size of an Acropora palmata colony
is not straightforward. Unlike a boulder coral, it does
not have a consistent shape, and unlike a tree, which
bears a morphological likeness to the prototypical A.
palmata colony, there is no standard measurement
such as diameter at breast height (Fig. 2). Because
corals experience partial mortality, an estimate of the
percentage of live tissue is incorporated into our
metric. We multiplied the longest axis of the colony
(length) and longest perpendicular axis (width) as
viewed from above, by a visual estimate of the per-
centage of live tissue, to estimate 2-dimensional pro-
jected live surface area, or colony size.
Each year, every colony, including any newly
attached individual, was identified and measured (as
described in detail by Williams et al. 2006). Surveys
were conducted in fall 2004, and each spring from
2005 to 2010. The fall survey was between 19 Sep-
tember and 22 October, spring surveys were con-
ducted between 1 May and 1 July, and all surveys
were completed within an average of 4 consecutive
weeks. In Spring 2005, only 6 of the 15 plots were
surveyed, and the remainder were surveyed in the
summer. Data from plots surveyed in the spring were
used for modeling, but both spring and summer data
were used for density estimates (see Table S1 for
these abundance data).
Designation of size classes
We used size, rather than age or stage, to classify
individuals, because size classifications lend them-
selves more easily to estimates of percent benthic
Endang Species Res 19: 157169, 2012
cover of Acropora palmata on the reef, which is ulti-
mately our topic of interest. Further, Hughes & Con-
nell (1987) showed that size has a stronger influence
than age on coral population dynamics, and Lirman
(2000) demonstrated this for A. palmata specifically.
Size is also correlated with asexual recruitment in A.
palmata, because larger colonies have more branches,
and branches fragment to produce asexual recruits.
Further, living surface area is positively correlated
with the amount of gametes a colony produces
(Soong & Lang 1992). We used 2-dimensional pro-
jected surface area, which is directly proportional
with 3-dimensional surface area, as our size metric
(Holmes & Johnstone 2010, T. Vardi unpubl. data).
Four size classes were defined based on details of
the biology and life history of Acropora palmata. Size
class 1 (SC1) was defined to include all individuals
smaller than 100 cm
, and included both young-of-
year sexual recruits and colonies that may have
grown or shrunk into that size range. Given that the
highest linear extension rate measured in the Florida
Keys is 10 cm yr
(Acropora Biological Review Team
2005), a new sexual recruit could grow rapidly for a
year, and still be a member of the smallest size class.
We chose an upper limit of 900 cm
for SC2 because
colonies up to this size typically have a low clonal
fecundity due to a lack of long branches. SC3 individ-
uals were defined with an upper limit of 4000 cm
and as such are more likely than SC2 colonies to
have long branches, leading to a higher probability
of asexual reproduction. SC4 individuals are defined
as those exceeding 4000 cm
, a size at which approx-
imately 90% of colonies produce gametes (Soong &
Lang 1992); SC4 colonies are thus the most likely to
reproduce by both sexual and asexual means.
Model development
Matrix population modeling (Hughes 1984, Caswell
2001) was used to explore Acropora palmata demo -
graphy, using the equation
Fig. 2. Acropora palmata. Examples of colonies in size classes 1 to 4, clockwise from top left. Size classes are defined as 0−100,
100−900, 900−4000, and >4000 cm
, and mean diameters observed were 6.5, 19, 46, and 106 cm for size classes 1 to 4, respectively
Vardi et al.: Elkhorn coral population model
t +1
= An
t +1
in which n
is a vector of the number of individuals in
each size class at time t. A square matrix with dimen-
sions equal to the number of size classes, A, is the
sum of a transition matrix, T, and a fragmentation
matrix, F (Fig. 1).
Each value in T, t
, represents a probability of tran-
sitioning from size class j to i in consecutive time
points. Transition probabilities are estimated by sum-
ming the number of times a particular transition
occurs over a sampling duration and dividing by the
number of individuals in j. Because the abundance
per size class changes each year, each transition is
based on a different sample size (see Abundance in
Table 1). Corals can grow (g), shrink (s), or stay the
same size (l); thus all positions in T can be >0
(Fig. 1a−c). Entries in the fragmentation matrix, f
are based on the number of new individuals that
arrive in the study area during the same time interval
(Fig. 1d). Since sexual and asexual recruits cannot be
distinguished in the field (Miller et al. 2007), we com-
bined these 2 categories.
The F matrix is traditionally known as the fertility
matrix. In corals, a measure of fertility would comprise
the probability of per-colony gamete release, multi-
plied by gamete survival. Recruitment would comprise
those 2 probabilities multiplied by the probability of
larval survivorship in the water column and settlement
survivorship. Here we redefine the fertility matrix as
the fragmentation matrix, F, since asexual reproduc-
tion dominates in Acropora pal m ata. Though critical
for long-term persistence, sexual recruitment events
are extremely rare (Bak & Engel 1979, Edmunds &
Carpenter 2001), and thus can be ignored for short-
term projections of this highly clonal species, as in-
cluding a sexual recruitment term does not affect the
results qualitatively. Therefore, the first row of the
fragmentation matrix, F
, incorporates several sepa-
rate biological processes and their associated proba-
bilities, i.e. the sum of all probabilities of sexual re-
cruitment listed above (since any new colony may
have been derived sexually) plus the probability of
existing colonies fragmenting multiplied by the sur-
vivorship of those fragments until the time of observa-
tion, and combines them.
For the F matrix, we assumed a closed population,
where new fragments arise from the existing stand of
large (SC3 and SC4) colonies and can be of any size
class (although new SC4 fragments were not observed
during this study). New SC3 fragments counted in a
given year were assumed to derive solely from pre-
existing SC4 colonies (see Fig. 1d). New fragments of
SC1 and SC2 were assumed to derive from existing
SC3 and SC4 colonies proportionally, based on the ra-
tio of mean size of SC4 colonies to that of SC3, at the
beginning of the time step. For i = 1 or 2, each year
= (f
× n
) + (f
× n
) (2)
where r
is the number of new i-class fragments at the
end of the time step, f
and f
are the probabilities
that an i-class fragment is produced by an SC3 or
SC4 colony, and n
and n
are the number of SC3 and
SC4 individuals at the beginning of the time step.
Given that q is the ratio of mean size of SC4 to that of
SC3 in a given year, we define:
= q × f
Finally, combining Eqs. (2) and (3), we calculate
the fragmentation rate of SC3 as:
= r
/ [n
+ (q × n
)] (4)
From the 7 surveys, 6 size-structured matrices
were developed, 1 for each time period: 20042005,
Size Observed Observed Abundance Stable size distribution
class size range (cm
) mean size (cm
) 2004
’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’0405
’0607 ’0708 ’0809 ’0910
Min Max Mean SE
1 0.2 100 43 1 22 25 28 94 72 66 87 62 0.19 0.37 0.12 0.22 0.37 0.17
2 100 900 369 9 46 49 31 110 93 98 101 93 0.36 0.22 0.23 0.34 0.33 0.26
3 900 4000 2158 49 33 37 21 66 67 60 50 44 0.29 0.14 0.21 0.16 0.13 0.17
4 4000 47 250 11 171 405 32 31 22 51 55 65 64 70 0.15 0.27 0.44 0.28 0.17 0.40
Total 133 142 102 321 287 289 302 269 λ = 1.05 0.71 1.00 1.05 0.97 1.01
Represents a smaller sample size
Table 1. Acropora palmata. Summary of northern Florida Keys coral size range, mean size, and abundance of individuals per size class, as
well as stable size distributions and population growth rate (λ) based on the respective population matrices in Table 2. In 2005, only 6 of the
15 plots were surveyed in the spring; therefore, transition and recruitment rates for 200405 and 200506 were calculated from colonies in
those 6 plots only. The 2 columns for 2006 show abundance in 6 plots and 15 plots, respectively. Abundances from all plots in 2004, 2005,
and 2006 are presented in Fig. 3b
Endang Species Res 19: 157169, 2012
20052006, 20062007, 20072008, 20082009, and
20092010 (Table 2). Since the first time period was
6 mo, and all others were annual, the first matrix was
squared to make it comparable to the remaining
matrices (Caswell 2001). Performing this calculation
assumes that transition and recruitment from fall to
spring are equivalent to those from spring to fall. Pro-
jections were run without these data from 20042005
and showed the same qualitative output.
Log-linear analyses
We were interested in determining whether sites
differed significantly from one another or were sim-
ilar. If sites were deemed similar, then they could
be combined into a single population of Acropora
palmata in the northern Florida Keys. Using the T
matrices from each year, we built 2 log-linear equa-
tions based on transition counts (as in Caswell
2001). One equation included the effects of all pos-
sible factors (starting size class, ending fate, site,
and year of transition) and their interactions. The
other excluded site effects. If site effects are signifi-
cant, then the first, fully parameterized equation
will fit the data better than the second under-para-
meterized equation.
The saturated equation is written in terms of 4 fac-
tors: S, initial state or size class; F, ending fate, in -
cluding death, growth, or shrinkage to another size
class; X, site; and T, time. The probability that an
individual starts at state i, location k, and time l and
ends up with fate j is the product of the probabilities
that define those variables. The logarithm of the sum
of individuals with particular starting and ending
conditions is the sum of the effects of these variables
Years SC T F A λ
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 0.60 0.07 0.00 0.00 + 0.06 0.28 = 0.60 0.07 0.06 0.28 1.05
2 0.15 0.69 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.30 0.15 0.69 0.16 0.36
3 0.01 0.11 0.74 0.11 0.23 0.01 0.11 0.74 0.34
4 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.83
Mort 0.24 0.13 0.05 0.00
200506 1 0.44 0.14 0.08 0.00 + 0.03 0.19 = 0.44 0.14 0.11 0.19 0.71
2 0.00 0.37 0.19 0.00 0.03 0.16 0.00 0.37 0.22 0.16
3 0.00 0.02 0.43 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.43 0.13
4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71
Mort 0.56 0.47 0.30 0.16
1 0.60 0.12 0.00 0.00 + 0.01 0.05 = 0.60 0.12 0.01 0.05 1.00
2 0.13 0.61 0.11 0.00 0.02 0.11 0.13 0.61 0.13 0.11
3 0.00 0.12 0.79 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.79 0.04
4 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.96
Mort 0.28 0.15 0.01 0.00
200708 1 0.56 0.12 0.00 0.00 + 0.04 0.22 = 0.56 0.12 0.04 0.22 1.05
0.24 0.67 0.07 0.00 0.04 0.20 0.24 0.67 0.11 0.20
3 0.01 0.06 0.70 0.07 0.04 0.01 0.06 0.70 0.11
4 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.93
Mort 0.19 0.15 0.02 0.00
200809 1 0.68 0.12 0.02 0.00 + 0.09 0.41 = 0.68 0.12 0.10 0.41 0.97
2 0.12 0.58 0.22 0.00 0.06 0.31 0.12 0.58 0.28 0.31
3 0.00 0.11 0.54 0.09 0.03 0.00 0.11 0.54 0.12
4 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.91
Mort 0.20 0.18 0.15 0.00
200010 1 0.43 0.11 0.02 0.00 + 0.03 0.15 = 0.43 0.11 0.05 0.15 1.01
2 0.22 0.57 0.16 0.00 0.02 0.12 0.22 0.57 0.18 0.12
3 0.00 0.08 0.54 0.09 0.05 0.00 0.08 0.54 0.14
4 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.91
Mort 0.35 0.24 0.05 0.00
Probabilities based on a 6 mo time interval;
probabilities based on 6 plots;
fragmentation probabilities based on 6 plots
Table 2. Acropora palmata. Annual transition (T), fragmentation (F), and matrix population models (A). Each matrix comprises
transition and fragmentation probabilities, or rates, from one size class (SC; column) to another (row). Size-specific mortality
(Mort), calculated as 1 − (sum of transition probabilities), is presented underneath each T matrix. λ
: annual rate of change in
population size; size classes as in Fig. 2
Vardi et al.: Elkhorn coral population model
(Caswell 2001). This saturated equation can be
written as:
FSXT: log m
= u + u
+ u
F( j)
+ u
+ u
+ u
+ u
+ u
FX( jk)
FT( jl)
+ u
+ u
+ u
+ u
FXT( jkl)
+ u
The under-saturated equation excluding all X and
F interactions is
FST, SXT: log m
= u + u
+ u
F( j)
+ u
+ u
+ u
+ u
FT( jl)
+ u
+ u
where m
is the number of individuals in state i from
location k at time l ending with fate j, u is the log of
the total number of observations in each table, u
the effect of the ith state, and u
is the effect of
the interaction of the ith state and the jth fate, and so
The equations are parameterized using maximum
likelihood and compared using a chi-squared distrib-
uted goodness-of-fit test where:
Model analyses
Long-term rate of change in population abun-
dance, λ, and stable size distribution were calculated
by taking the eigenvalue and right eigenvector of
each matrix. In addition, stochastic growth rate, λ
was estimated from the average growth rate over a
long (50 000 yr) simulation (Caswell 2001, Stubben &
Milligan 2007). Since each matrix captures annual
variation in population dynamics (i.e. a stochastic
environment), λ
yields a more robust estimation of
the long-term rate of change than any annual matrix
or even the mean matrix can provide. In all cases,
simulations matched Tuljapurkar’s approximation for
the same parameter (see Caswell 2001). Several cal-
culations utilize the mean matrix, A
, which is simply
a matrix with dimension equal to that of A, wherein
each element a
is the arithmetic mean of the corre-
sponding a
from each matrix. Elasticity values
= a
/ λ × ∂λ/ a
were calculated to determine the relative contribu-
tion of each matrix element on lambda (Caswell
2001). These calculations utilized the ‘popbio’ pack-
age in R (Stubben & Milligan 2007).
Population projection and scenarios
From a management perspective, it is critical to
explore population projections among likely environ-
mental scenarios. For Acropora palmata, the most
important and variable physical forcings are hurri-
canes, specifically the frequency (defined as 1/h,
where h is the return time in years) of major hurri-
canes affecting a particular population (Gardner et
al. 2005). During the 20052006 interval, 4 major
hurricanes (category 3 or greater) traveled within 200
nautical miles (n miles) of the study area, 3 of which
caused significant damage to the existing population.
Single storms can produce a net gain in terms of pop-
ulation abundance, via branch breaks. However,
consecutive storms can (and did) result in a net loss,
when fragments are swept away before reattach-
ment can occur. Since the majority of the damage in
2005 was inflicted by 2 consecutive storms, we calcu-
lated the return time of 2 or more major storms occur-
ring within a 200 n mile radius of our study. Based on
annual data collected since 1851, this return time, h,
is 20 yr (NOAA 2011). Thus h = 20 represents a rela-
tively realistic scenario for a stochastic simulation. To
bound these results, we explored 2 alternate return
times. As a lower bound, we assumed that our study
period was representative, making the implicit
assumption that a year as severe as 20052006 recurs
every 6 yr (h = 6). As an upper bound, we assumed a
year as destructive as 20052006 would never return
(h = ). We thus simulated a stochastic environment
by randomly selecting 1 of the 6 annual matrices,
where the probability of selecting the hurricane
matrix was 1/h and the probabilities of selecting each
of the other 5 matrices were equal to each other and
defined as [1 − (1/h)] / 5. All hurricane scenarios were
run for 20 yr (until 2030) and for 50 yr (until 2060) to
contextualize the earlier time frame and to show any
potential differences between shorter- and longer-
term dynamics.
One of the few Acropora palmata management
actions available is outplanting colonies reared in
nurseries. We simulated outplanting both SC1 and
SC2 colonies at 3 density levels (1000, 2000, and 3000
outplants over the 2300 m
study area) that match
density levels currently used for Acropora cervicor-
nis (S. Griffin pers. comm.). We did not modify transi-
tion rates for outplants, but rather assumed that the
same rates of growth, shrinkage, and mortality would
apply. Mean rates of mortality measured in our study,
30 and 21% for SC1 and SC2, respectively, roughly
matched that of similarly sized A. cervicornis out-
plants (20%; T. Moore pers. comm.). The 20 yr pro-
2 ×
Endang Species Res 19: 157169, 2012
jection period comprises 2 yr with no planting, 5 yr
with planting, and an additional 13 yr with no plant-
ing. Outplanting was incorporated into the model
explicitly by adding 1000, 2000, or 3000 individuals
to SC1 or SC2, for each time step (year) of the 5 yr
planting period. Results are shown after 5 and 20 yr
(in the years 2017 and 2030). All outplanting scenar-
ios were projected using the same matrices and Mar-
kovian processes as the hurricane scenarios with h =
20 yr. We used size-class specific abundances in 2010
to seed all population projections (see Table 1).
Percent cover was calculated by multiplying the
number of individuals in each size class in the final
year of the projection by the mean size of the corre-
sponding size class (see Table 1), and dividing the sum
of those numbers by the total study area (2309 m
This method assumes that colonies do not overlap,
thereby potentially overestimating total percent
cover for any projection. All calculations were con-
ducted using R (R Development Core Team 2011).
Projected estimates of population size and structure
are based on 10 000 simulations. All confidence inter-
vals (CI) presented are at the 95% level.
Annual surveys
During the course of our study from 2004 to 2010,
Acropora palmata cover decreased 40%, from 6.6 to
3.9%, and abundance decreased 21%, from 340 to
269 individuals (Fig. 3a,b). In addition, mean size
within each size class declined by 13, 19, 1, and 18%
for SC1 through SC4, respectively. The proportion of
individuals classified as reproductively viable (in -
cluding sexual and asexual reproduction, i.e. SC3
and SC4) declined from 52% in 2004 to 42% in 2010
(Fig. 3c).
Log-linear analyses
We used a goodness-of-fit to test the hypothesis
that site (or reef) was an important factor explaining
differences in the number of transitions from a partic-
ular state to a particular fate through time. The null
hypothesis was that the effects of site on fate do not
help explain the variability in the data; in other
words, that an under-saturated equation (FST, SXT ),
which excludes all interactions of site on fate, is suffi-
cient to describe observed transitions. There was
insufficient support to reject the null hypothesis at
the p = 0.05 level, suggesting that accounting for dif-
ferent sites does not significantly improve the power
of explanation. The results from this test (goodness of
fit = 241.622, df = 448, p = 1.00) suggest that variation
in transition rates among reefs was similar.
Mortality was highest for the smallest size classes
and survivability increased with each successive size
class (Table 2). Probabilities of shrinkage from one
size class to the next were as high as 0.22, and rates
of growth from one size class to the subsequent were
as high as 0.24. Growing 2 size classes in 1 yr was un -
common (occurring twice) in comparison to shrinking
more than 1 size class, which happened a total of 8
times. The number of new fragments in a given year
ranged between 10 and 58, with smaller recruits con-
sistently outnumbering larger ones.
Most commonly, individuals tended to remain in
the same size class from one year to the next (Table 2).
Except mortality in SC1 and SC2 in 20052006, the
probabilities of stasis (the loop probabilities along the
main diagonal of the matrix) were larger than any
other probability per size class per year, over all
years and size classes. SC4 had the highest probabil-
ity of stasis, experiencing 0 mortality in all years
except 20052006. In Fig. S1 in the supplement at
www.int-res.com/ articles / suppl/ n019 p157 _ supp .pdf,
we show that e
, the elasticity of SC4 surviving and
not shrinking, was greater than the elasticity of any
other matrix element, e
, across all years, meaning
that adult survival had the largest contribution to
population growth rate, λ, compared with all other
transitions. This was true during background condi-
tions (Fig. S1a,c−f), as well as during severe storm
conditions (Fig. S1b). Elasticity analyses performed
on the mean matrices of the 3 hurricane scenarios
showed similar qualitative results to those emerging
from the deterministic 1 yr matrices shown in Fig. S1.
Thus, we present only the results from the 1 yr, deter-
ministic matrices in order to show the general pattern
of parameter elasticities and the extremes revealed
from these data. Importantly, if more precise elastici-
ties for particular stochastic scenarios are required
for management or other applications, targeted ana -
lyt i cal approaches are available (Tuljapurkar et al.
The dynamics of Acropora palmata during a severe
hurricane year were captured in the 20052006 pop-
ulation matrix (Table 2). Survivorship (1 − mortality)
during 20052006 for all size classes was markedly
Vardi et al.: Elkhorn coral population model
lower than that for all other years (0.44, 0.53, 0.70,
0.84 for –2006 for SC1 to SC4, respectively, versus
mean ± SE, 0.76 ± 0.04, 0.84 ± 0.03, 0.95 ± 0.03, 1.00
± 0.00 for the other 5 years). Similarly, the probability
of growth for all size classes in 20052006 was less
than that of background years by 1 order of magni-
tude (mean ± SE, 0.01 ± 0.00 versus 0.10 ± 0.01, based
on the mean matrix for those years).
Annual population growth rate, λ, calculated from
each matrix ranged from 0.71 to 1.05 (Table 1), and
was 0.96 based on the mean matrix. Thus, for every
100 colonies, an average of 4 died each year. Since
20052006 was an extreme year, stochastic growth
rate, λ
, depends on the probability of its recurrence,
1/h, and was estimated for h = 6 as 0.956 (95% CI =
0.955− 0.957), for h = 20 as 0.999 (95% CI = 0.998−
1.000), and for h = as 1.019 (95% CI = 1.018−1.020).
Thus, assuming a year like 20052006 recurs every
20 yr, the population is slowly declining.
Without intervention by 2060, and under a modest
hurricane recurrence scenario (h = 20), projected
benthic cover of Acropora palmata (mean = 4.5%,
95% CI = 0.9 to 11.2%) is nearly unchanged from
that in 2010 (3.9%; Fig. 3a). Predicted mean abun-
dance in 20 and 50 yr is also nearly equivalent to
starting abundance (Fig. 3b). Note that the estimated
stochastic growth rate for h = 20 was estimated as
slightly less than 1 (0.999), while short-term projec-
SC 4
SC 3
SC 2
SC 1
2017 2030
123123 123123
Density (ind. m
)Size class distribution
Percent cover
Recent past
Outplanting projections
Hurricane projections
× 10
Fig. 3. Acropora palmata. (a) Percent cover, (b) density, and (c) proportional size class distribution, as observed over the course
of the study from 2004 to 2010 (2005 spring and summer surveys combined; left panels), as projected after 5 yr of outplanting
(center panels), and as projected under different hurricane return times: 6, 20, and an infinite number of years (right panels).
The outplanting projections have a 2 yr lag time with no outplanting, followed by 5 yr of outplanting either size class 1 (SC1) or
size class 2 (SC2) outplants at 3 densities (1000, 2000, or 3000 outplants over the 2300 m
study area). Results are shown imme-
diately following 5 yr of outplanting (in the year 2017) and 13 yr after the end of outplanting (2030). The hurricane scenarios
are projected for 20 and 50 yr, to 2030 and 2060. All results are means based on 10 000 simulations. Error bars represent a 95%
confidence interval on percent cover and total abundance. Dotted lines represent (a) percent cover or (b) abundance as meas-
ured in 2010, and (c) 50%
Endang Species Res 19: 157169, 2012
tions (20 and 50 yr) suggest slightly positive growth.
This distinction is due to the time scales of estima-
tion; λ
is calculated over a 50 000 yr simulation,
while these projections were on decadal scales.
Abundance and percent cover change predictably
with h. When h = 6, mean cover is reduced to less
than 2% by 2030 and less than 1% by 2060 (Fig. 3a).
When h = , a modest increase in cover to 5.7% (95%
CI = 4.3 to 7.5%) is projected in 20 yr, and a doubling
of population abundance is projected for 2060
(Fig. 3b). The proportion of individuals in each size
class by the end of any projection of 20 yr or more
(including outplanting projections; Fig. 3c) is equiva-
lent to the stable size distribution derived from the
mean matrix. The convergence to a stable size distri-
bution could occur as early as 8.6 yr, using the
approach for estimating time to convergence from
Doak & Morris (1999).
Finally, size of outplants matters. At the most dense
outplanting scenario (1.3 outplants m
or 3000 out-
plants over the 2300 m
study area), cover using SC2
outplants (mean 47%, 95% CI = 23−61%) is signifi-
cantly higher than that using SC1 outplants (mean
15%, 95% CI = 7−22%) after 5 yr of outplanting
(Fig. 3a). Analogous comparisons of the other SC2
outplanting densities, 0.43 m
and 0.87 m
and 2000 outplants over 2300 m
), revealed a similar
pattern resulting in higher percent cover, although
the CIs overlapped. Even in the worst-case scenarios
(i.e. lower confidence boundaries), 5 yr of SC2 out-
plantings are predicted to increase percent cover
from current conditions, represented by the dotted
line in Fig. 3a. This relationship holds at least until
2030. The same is not true for the SC1 outplanting
scenarios. Interestingly, although abundance is pre-
dicted to decline between 2017 and 2030 for all out-
planting scenarios (Fig. 3b), mean percent cover is
predicted to increase (Fig. 3a). Comparing the pro-
portional size class distribution in 2017, dominated
by SC1 and SC2 individuals, to that in 2030, which
has a more even size class distribution (Fig. 3c), we
see that the increase in percent cover is due to
growth of outplants into bigger size classes over time.
Modeling results
During the 7 yr of our study, we saw declines in
percent cover and mean size of individuals. The
demographic rates we measured reveal that while
this population of Acropora palmata could persist at
or near presently low levels of abundance for the
next 50 yr, without active management the popula-
tion will not recover to former levels of abundance.
Although λ is the standard currency of population
biology, it can be a misleading metric when applied to
the life history of clonal sessile organisms if size struc-
ture is not considered. Our most realistic assessment
of λ is just below 1.00 (at h = 20), not a drastic rate of
decline in population size for a threatened species.
However, we documented a shift in size structure
from the inception of the study, wherein larger, repro-
ductive size classes with high survivorship dominated
(52%), to the end of the study, wherein smaller, pre-
reproductive size classes with lower survivorship
dominated (58%). This trend is confirmed by the sta-
ble size distribution of the mean matrix, which pro-
vides the best estimate of how the size classes ulti-
mately will be distributed. Here, smaller size classes
also dominated (56%). Similarly, Hughes & Tanner
(2000) saw a shift in dominance from largest to small-
est size class in 2 coral species over a 16 yr study pe-
riod. These patterns are slow to emerge, yet are a crit-
ical sign of decline in the overall health of coral
populations, as smaller sizes in general have lower
survivorship and fecundity (Highsmith 1982).
Note that CIs widen as projection intervals lengthen,
a phenomenon common to all stochastic simulations.
The wide CIs on abundance and percent cover esti-
mates can be considered either representative of a
stochastic environment or an artifact of our model
choice. Prior coral simulation models set the return
time of a storm deterministically at varying intervals
and simulated background conditions in the interim
years (e.g. Hughes 1984, Lirman 2003, Ed munds
2010). There is utility in this approach, as it quantifies
the resilience of corals to storms. Further, this is the
only option unless more than 2 demographic surveys
have been conducted. We felt that our time series
was sufficiently long to simulate a stochastic environ-
ment and assign a probability of hurricane recur-
rence. This means that some simulations will have
more ‘bad years’ than others, and the resulting
response variables thus have a wide CI. Here we
present results using a CI of 95%, but from a man-
agement perspective, focusing on the lower limit of a
narrower CI may be more appropriate.
Management recommendations
The top 3 stressors to Acropora palmata in the
northern Florida Keys (fragmentation, disease, and
snail predation) have accounted for 85% of tissue
Vardi et al.: Elkhorn coral population model
loss since 2004 (Williams & Miller 2012). Fragmenta-
tion, due primarily to storms, cannot be stopped
(although rescued fragments can be stabilized), and
coral diseases are currently incurable. Snails, how-
ever, can easily be removed from colonies. Corallio-
phila ab bre viata is a known threat to al ready
depressed acroporid populations, capable of destroy-
ing remnant populations in the months and weeks
after a storm (Knowlton et al. 1990, Baums et al.
2003). Indeed, C. abbreviata density (relative to live
tissue area) in creased 4-fold over the course of the
present study, and accounted for 25% of lost live tis-
sue, excluding the 2005 storm season (Williams &
Miller 2012). Snail removal has been shown to pre-
serve 75% more live A. palmata tissue compared
with controls where snails are left in place (Miller
2001). Importantly, this management action can tar-
get SC4 colonies, which have the greatest influence
on population increase, as demonstrated by elasticity
Outplanting is currently the only recovery strategy
being actively pursued by managers. Outplanting
can provide a short-term boost to currently de pressed
demographic rates in a small geographic area, while
long-term strategies to improve environmental con-
ditions are being pursued. We limited these pro -
jections to 20 yr, as models predict short-term trajec-
tories best, and the influx of colonies leads to a
widening of CIs. Unsurprisingly, after 5 yr of plant-
ing, in 2017, abundance is higher and distribution is
dominated by the size class that was planted (Fig. 3b).
Thirteen years after the cessation of planting, in
2030, the size class distribution stabilizes (Fig. 3c). At
this point, mean abundances have decreased relative
to the abundance in 2017; however, mean percent
cover estimations are greater in 2030 than those pro-
jected for 2017.
We found that planting 3000 SC2 colonies (mean
diameter 19 cm) resulted in significantly higher
mean percent cover by 2017 than planting 3000 SC1
colonies (mean diameter 6.5 cm) over the study area
(1.3 outplants m
). Furthermore, although planting
SC1 colonies could increase cover to 60% by 2030
under the best conditions (upper CI boundary),
managers would be wise to focus on the value of the
lower CI boundary, which represents unfavorable
conditions (Fig. 3a). Here, cover could make a more
modest improvement (9%) over current conditions
(4%). In contrast to the SC1 scenario, planting 3000
SC2 colonies results in a worst-case scenario (lower
CI boundary) of 24% cover. Thus, according to our
model, a 5 yr dense SC2 outplanting regime does a
fair job of preventing population collapse in terms of
both percent cover and abundance until at least
2030. Outplanting, however, is a costly endeavor
that many Caribbean nations may not be able to
afford. If Acropora palmata nursery output and costs
were to match those of A. cervicornis, planting 3000
SC2 colonies per year for 5 yr would result in
roughly 30% cover and would cost approximately
US$3M (T. Moore pers. comm.). Due to its cost, out-
planting should be considered as part of a short-
term solution in a limited geographical region,
rather than a comprehensive solution for this basin-
wide problem.
Why does an influx of small individuals only
slightly improve population projections? The first
explanation is that the smaller size classes do not
have a significant influence over population growth
as demonstrated by elasticity analyses. The relatively
slow growth and high mortality of the individuals
limit their demographic potential for the population.
But the more relevant question is, why, even if we
eliminate the possibility of a ‘bad year’ (h = ), does
this population seem incapable of recovering? Quite
simply, the probability of shrinking, across all size
classes and years (mean ± SE, 0.089 ± 0.014), is
roughly equivalent but slightly greater, than that of
growing (0.082 ± 0.019). This implies that stressors
causing the loss of tissue (e.g. disease, predation) are
keeping pace with the ability of Acropora palmata to
thrive even in the absence of hurricanes. More
importantly, it implies that present vital rates during
non-hurricane years are fundamentally different
from those of the past, as recovery, even in the
impossible case of no future disturbance, appears
extremely unlikely to occur.
Our findings are somewhat in contrast to Lirman’s
(2003) stage-based population model of Acropora
palmata in the northern Florida Keys, and the differ-
ences could highlight an important aspect of this
organism’s population dynamics and potential for
recovery. Lirman parameterized his model from 1993
to 1997 on Elkhorn Reef, which at the time had a
higher density of colonies than the sites described in
the present study (D. Lirman pers. comm.). In Lirman’s
projections, storms recurring every 5 yr re sulted in a
4-fold increase, from 10 to 50 colonies, after 50 yr. In
contrast, in our study, parameterized a decade later
with storms occurring every 6 yr, abundance de -
creased by 80%, from 270 to 45 colonies (95% CI = 3
to 186 colonies), after 50 yr. The effects of the storms
and/ or the parameterization of storm effects could
account for this difference; however, relative changes
in transition matrix elements, especially in the influ-
ential rate of stasis for the largest colonies, between
Endang Species Res 19: 157169, 2012
background and storm matrices, were comparable in
the 2 studies. Alternatively, A. palmata could exhibit
positive density dependence, as some observations
suggest (Baums et al. 2003, Williams et al. 2008),
wherein denser stands retain fragments and recover
more quickly from storms than less dense stands.
This hypothesis could be explored in a theoretical
modeling exercise, for example, or using a model
parameterized in an experimental outplanting design,
with various densities of outplants in replicate plots.
Further research in this area is critical, as a density-
dependent model may demonstrate that percent cover
could increase more quickly than our projections
Despite being protected under the US Endan-
gered Species Act and being contained within no-
take marine reserves, our results show that without
intervention, Acropora palmata in the Florida Keys
will likely become functionally extinct in the near
future. With intervention, population projections are
highly variable, but active management offers the
only positive prospect in the short term. Removing
snails would likely have a net positive effect on
population trajectories, although this process is
resource intensive. Outplanting is projected to bol-
ster demographics in the short term, but should be
employed only in concert with the hard work of im -
proving environmental conditions over the medium
term (e.g. removing excess nutrients from sea water,
restoring herbivorous fishes and invertebrates that
remove macroalgae) and long term (e.g. reducing
sea surface temperature and ocean acidification to
pre-industrial age levels). Preserving and restoring
the A. palmata population of northern Florida will
undoubtedly be challenging, but will ensure the
livelihood of untold numbers of shallow reef fish
and invertebrates that depend on the complex habi-
tat it provides. Sixty-six coral species are currently
proposed for inclusion on the US Endangered Spe-
cies List, none of which has demographic data com-
parable to that of the A. palmata population studied
herein. As coral reefs face significant global threats,
the much studied and cared for reefs of Florida will
make an excellent example of how to bring a clonal,
sessile, endangered organism back from the brink
of extirpation. We hope that the model presented
here will provide context in the potential listing and
recovery planning of those candidate species as
Acknowledgements. The authors thank Margaret Miller,
Brice Semmens, Nancy Knowlton, Jeremy Jackson, George
Sugihara, and Sach Sokol for helpful guidance and critical
thinking; and Jennifer Moore and NOAA's Coral Reef Con-
servation Program for generous funding.
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Editorial responsibility: David Hodgson,
University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus, UK
Submitted: November 23, 2011; Accepted: November 2, 2012
Proofs received from author(s): December 12
, 2012