Below are instructions for applying for a Public Hearing for a Map Amendment (Rezoning),
Text Amendment, Variance and/or Board of Zoning Appeals
What is a Map Amendment (Rezoning)?
A map amendment (rezoning) is an amendment to the official zoning map which rezones
property from one zoning classification to another.
If you are applying for a map amendment, complete pages: 3, 5, 11, and 12
What is a Text Amendment?
A text amendment is an amendment to change or add text to the Unified Development Ordinance
If you are applying for a text amendment, complete pages: 3, 6, 11, and 12
What is a Variance?
A variance is a request for a deviation form the strict application of the provisions in the UDO.
If you are applying for a variance, complete pages: 3, 7, 11, and 12
What is the Board of Zoning Appeals?
The Board of Appeals listens to and makes decisions on appeals from applicants that are not satisfied
with the final decisions rendered from: City Staff, ARB and/or Planning Commission
If you are applying for an appeal, complete pages: 3, 9, 11, and 12
How to apply:
Submit a completed Public Hearing Application Packet from the Richmond Hill Planning and
Zoning Department located at 85 Richard Davis Drive, Richmond Hill, Georgia. The Zoning
Administrator will schedule dates for the request to go before the Planning Commission and/or
City Council. For more detailed information on the Public Hearing Process see page 2.
Application Fees:
The application fee for a map amendment (rezoning) is based on the acreage of the property
requested for the amendment. The other requests are flat fees. Listed below are the fees you will
have to pay for your application to be processed. Fees are non-refundable.
MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) $500 + $10 per acre ($2500 Max)
Where do Public Hearings take place?
Public Hearings for map/text amendments are held during Planning Commission meetings on the 2
Mondays of the month at 7:00 pm. Public Hearings for a variance request are held by the Board of
Zoning Appeals. The City Council acts as the Board of Zoning Appeals and holds their meetings on the
and 3
Tuesdays of the month at 7:30pm. All meetings are held in the council chambers of City Hall.
Notification of Public Hearing:
Upon receipt of completed application, a legal ad will be placed in the local newspaper not less than (15)
days prior to the Public Hearing, a sign will be placed on the affected property not less than (15) days
prior to the Public Hearing, and property owners within 300 feet of the affected property will be notified
by mail not less than (7) days before the public hearing.