Received by
the Swedish mission abroad
Received by
the Swedish Migration Agency
To be filled out by the authority
Case number Signature
Application for a residence card
Use this form if you are not an EU/EEA citizen but you are a family member of an EU/EEA citizen. If the Swedish
Migration Agency grants your application, you will be issued a residence card which confirms your right to reside in
Submit one form per person. If all of the information in the application is completed in full and all necessary
documents are enclosed, your waiting time will be shorter. Do not forget to sign the form.
More information can be found at www.migrationsverket.se.
I am applying for a residence card
The application concerns
Taking up residence
Temporary period of residence, from and including
up to and including
1. Personal details
Surname (family name)
First name(s)
Date of birth/Personal ID No. (YYYYMMDD-NNNN)
2. Relation to your family member in Sweden (Give the name of family member in Sweden and state what
relation you are to him/her
Surname (family name)
First name(s)
Date of birth/Personal ID No. (YYYYMMDD-NNNN)
Husband, wife or cohabiting partner (Q3) Child under the age of 21 (Q3)
Financially dependent child over the age of 21 (Q4)
Other: indicate relation:
3. Entry into Sweden
Are you presently in Sweden?
If yes, indicate your date of entry into the country (YYYY-MM-DD)
MIGR145011 2022-02-10
4. Address in Sweden
Postal code
E-mail address
Telephone number (home)
Telephone number (work)
Mobile number
5. Address in home country
Postal code or equivalent
Telephone number
Mobile number
6. Husband/wife/cohabiting partner – personal information (NOTE! An accompanying
husband/wife/cohabiting partner must submit their own individual application.)
Surname, first name(s)
Date of birth/Personal ID No. (YYYYMMDD-NNNN)
Civil status
Married Cohabiting, since
7. Child(ren) under the age of 21 – personal information (Provide information for all children; if you have
more than three children, enter the children’s personal information in the Additional Information section. NOTE! Accompanying
children must submit their own applications.)
Surname, first name(s)
Date of birth/Personal ID No. (YYYYMMDD-NNNN)
Surname, first name(s)
Date of birth/Personal ID No. (YYYYMMDD-NNNN)
Surname, first name(s)
Date of birth/Personal ID No. (YYYYMMDD-NNNN)
8. Legal guardian(s) – personal details (To be completed only if you are under 21 years of age)
First name(s)
Date of birth/Personal ID No. (YYYYMMDD-NNNN)
First name(s)
Date of birth/Personal ID No. (YYYYMMDD-NNNN)
9. If the application concerns a child under the age of 18 (To be completed only if the child applying is
under 18)
All children with the ability and desire to do so have the right to speak and be heard regarding their case at the
Swedish Migration Agency. Children may express their views themselves, or allow a representative (such as a parent,
custodian or legal guardian) to do it for them. The child and the child's guardian (parent) must decide whether the child
wants to be heard and if so, in what way. It is important that it is the child's views that come forward and not the
adult’s. If the child's parents are interviewed verbally, the child will also be interviewed verbally.
Does the child have additional reasons to be granted a permanent residence card?
If yes, please state the reasons.
Does the child want to express their views on his or her case?
If yes and the child wants to express their views in writing, please write here or attach a
separate sheet of paper.
If the child wants to express their views verbally, please write to the Swedish Migration Agency at
migrationsverket@migrationsverket.se. You will find contact information at www.migrationsverket.se.
Does the child need special support? (for example, for physical or mental reasons)
If yes, please describe in what way the child needs special support.
10. I am applying for a residence card as a ... (tick the box that applies to you)
Husband/wife/cohabiting partner/child under the age of 21 to an EU/EEA citizen or child
under the age of 21 of an EU/EEA citizen’s husband/wife/cohabiting partner. (Q1)
You must enclose copies of the following documents:
If you are a husband or a wife:
the pages of your passport showing your personal information and the period of validity of
your passport
marriage certificate.
If you are a cohabiting partner, i.e. if you permanently live together in a relationship and have a
joint household:
the pages of your passport showing your personal information and the period of validity of
your passport
documents which confirm that you have cohabitated, either in Sweden or abroad
For example:
o extracts from the civil registry or other documentation showing that you both have been
registered at the same address,
o documents which show shared utility accounts or insurance policies,
bills issued to you jointly or bills that were issued individually but were sent to your
shared address; i.e. telephone bills.
Use the Additional Information section to indicate where you have cohabitated and for how long.
If the application concerns a child:
the pages of your child’s passport showing the child’s personal information and the period of
validity of the passport
birth certificate or another document on which the names of the parents appear.
If the application concerns a child under the age of 18 years:
optionally a separate sheet of paper with the child's views.
Parents who are financially dependent on an EU/EEA citizen or their husband, wife or
cohabiting partner residing in Sweden (Q2)
Enclose copies of:
the pages of your passport showing your personal information and the period of validity of
your passport
document which demonstrates that you are related to the EU/EEA citizen or their husband,
wife or cohabiting partner; e.g. a birth certificate
documents which demonstrate the way in which you are dependent on your family member
for essential needs.
Use the Additional information section to describe the way in which you are dependent of the
person residing in Sweden.
Child over the age of 21 who is financially dependent on an EU/EEA citizen or their
husband, wife or cohabiting partner residing in Sweden (Q2)
Enclose copies of:
the pages of your passport showing your personal information and the period of validity of
your passport
document which demonstrates that you are related to the EU/EEA citizen or their husband,
wife or cohabiting partner; e.g. a birth certificate
documents which demonstrate the way in which you are dependent on your family member
for essential needs.
Use the Additional Information section to describe the way in which you are dependent of the
person residing in Sweden.
11. Your family member’s right of residence
You must also demonstrate that your family member has a right of residence in Sweden. The Swedish Migration
Agency requires different documents depending on the grounds your family member’s right of residence are based.
Indicate below the grounds forming the basis for your family member’s right of residence in Sweden.
If you and your family member are applying at the same time, the documents only need to be sent as part of your
family member’s application.
My family member is employed in Sweden
Enclose copies of the following documents:
your family member’s passport or national ID card (which clearly states the nationality)
certificate of employment. If the certificate of employment is more than three months old, a
payslip for the most recent month must also be attached.
The certificate of employment must include the following information:
o employer’s name and contact information (address and telephone number)
o employer’s corporate ID number
o wages
o duration of the employment (permanent or temporary employment)
o scope of the work, number of hours per week.
If your family member has part-time employment or temporary employment, you must enclose
payslips for the last three months showing the number of hours worked.
Use the form,
Anställningsintyg för personer med ställning som varaktigt bosatta i annan EU-
no. 227021(in Swedish only). The certificate must be signed by the employer.
My family member is self-employed in Sweden
Enclose copies of the following documents:
your family member’s passport or national ID card (which clearly states the nationality)
F-tax certificate and certificate of registration for the company
latest VAT return submitted to the Swedish Tax Agency or an extract from the tax account
proving that your family member runs his or her own business; e.g. customer invoices,
receipts for purchased materials, rental agreement for commercial premises, etc.
If your family member has purchased a business in Sweden, you must also enclose copies of
the transfer agreement and the most recent annual report.
If your family member is in the process of setting up his or her own business in Sweden but
does not yet have a business, you must enclose copies of:
documents which state the plans that are in place for the company and the preparations that
have been made
service contracts, customer contact information or a rental agreement for commercial
My family member is a student in Sweden (Note that SFI studies are not covered)
Enclose copies of the following documents:
your family member’s passport or national ID card (which clearly states the nationality)
evidence of acceptance to an education programme at the upper secondary level or higher
European health insurance cards (EHIC) for both you and your family member.
If you are ineligible for such a card, you must take out a comprehensive health insurance
policy which covers you during your time in Sweden, and you must enclose a copy of the
policy. The copy must clearly state what is covered by the policy.
I confirm that my maintenance is secured for myself and my family during my course of studies in Sweden.
Signature of the family member
My family member has access to sufficient funds (also includes pensioners)
Your family member’s funds must be sufficient to support the entire family.
Always enclose copies of the following documents:
your family member’s passport or national ID card (which clearly states the nationality)
documentation confirming that you are covered by the social insurance system of another
EU/EEA country
o the document must be issued by the authorities of the respective country
o if you are unable to obtain such documentation, you must take out a comprehensive health
insurance policy which covers you during your time in Sweden, and you must enclose a
copy of the policy. The copy must clearly state what is covered by the policy.
information on your housing costs in Sweden:
o rental agreement showing rental costs or
o document confirming the purchase of a condominium or property. If you own your
property, indicate the monthly costs associated with your residence.
If your family member’s support consists of a salary or other form of compensation from
abroad, you must submit
a pension statement if he or she is a pensioner
a copy of a valid employment contract and payslip from the employer for the last three months
if he or she is employed
receipts for costs incurred commuting to a foreign country. Attach a copy of your
monthly/weekly commuter card or similar
documentation of any allowances or other forms of income from abroad.
If you intend to support yourselves using your family member’s assets, you must submit
bank statements showing your available funds
information on other sources of disposable income.
Please also use the Additional Information section to indicate how long you intend to reside in
If another person is supporting you in Sweden, you must enclose
a copy of the identity card for the person who supports you
a letter in which the person who supports you certifies that he or she will continue to support
you and states their relation to you (if you are not related, then close friends or similar)
details of the person’s income, assets and living circumstances. This must also state whether
the person has any family members or other persons who are dependent on him or her for their
12. Additional information
13. Power of attorney
If you would like a third party (a legal representative) to be able to represent you in your case for a residence
card, you must submit power of attorney form number 107011 to the Swedish Migration Agency.
14. Signature
I confirm that the information I have provided in my application documents are correct, and that I have not omitted any
information which may be of significant importance in the assessment of my case. I am aware that it is a criminal
offence to submit incorrect information or to knowingly omit information that may be of significant importance in the
assessment of my case.
Place and date
Signature (guardian’s signature if the applicant is a minor)