Creative Communities Scheme: Application form 12
> participate in any funding audit of my organisation or project conducted by the local
council if required
> contact the CCS administrator to let them know of any public event or presentation
that is funded by the scheme
> acknowledge CCS funding at event openings, presentations or performances
> use the CCS logo in all publicity (e.g. poster, flyers, e-newsletters) for the project
and follow the guidelines for use of the logo. Logo and guidelines can be
downloaded from
I understand that the Queenstown Lakes District Council
> is bound by the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
> I/we also consent to it recording the personal contact details provided in this
application, retaining and using these details, and disclosing them to Creative New
Zealand for the purpose of evaluating the Creative Communities Scheme
> I/we understand that my/our name and brief details about the project may be
released to the media or appear in publicity material
> I/we undertake that I/we have obtained the consent of all people involved to provide
these details. I/we understand that I/we have the right to have access to this
> this consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.
Name and signature of parent or guardian if applicant is under 16 years of age:
Position in organisation if applicable