Energy Production Equipment/Inverter Information:
Synchronous Induction Inverter Other _________
Rating: __________ kW Rating: __________ kVA
Rated Voltage: ________________Volts
Rated Current: ____________________Amps
System Type Tested (Total System): Yes No; attach product literature
For Synchronous Machines:
Note: Contact EDC to determine if all the information requested in this section is
required for the proposed Customer-Generator Facility.
Manufacturer: ____________________________________________
Model No. ________________ Version No. ____________________
Submit copies of the Saturation Curve and the Vee Curve
Salient Non-Salient
Torque: _____ lb-ft Rated RPM: _______ Field Amperes: ________ at rated generator
voltage and current and ________% PF over-excited
Type of Exciter: ________________________________________________
Output Power of Exciter: _________________________________________
Type of Voltage Regulator: _______________________________________
Locked Rotor Current: ________ Amps Synchronous Speed: ______RPM
Winding Connection: _________ Min. Operating Freq./Time: __________
Generator Connection: Delta Wye Wye Grounded
Direct-axis Synchronous Reactance (Xd) _______ohms
Direct-axis Transient Reactance (X'd) _______ohms
Direct-axis Sub-transient Reactance (X"d) _______ohms
Negative Sequence Reactance: _____________ ohms
Zero Sequence Reactance: ________________ ohms
Neutral Impedance or Grounding Resistor (if any): ___________ ohms
For Induction Machines:
Note: Contact EDC to determine if all the information requested in this section is
required for the proposed Customer-Generator Facility.
Manufacturer: ____________________________________________
Model No. ________________ Version No. ____________________
Locked Rotor Current: ________ Amps
Rotor Resistance (Rr) _____ohms Exciting Current ____Amps