For a Level 2 or 3 Interconnection Agreement
Legal Name and Mailing Address of Customer-Generator: (if an Individual, Individual’s Name)
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Contact Person (If other than above):
Mailing Address (If other than above):
Telephone (Daytime): (Evening):
Facsimile Number: E-Mail Address:
Alternative Contact Information: (if different from Customer-Generator above)
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Telephone (Daytime): (Evening):
Facsimile Number: E-Mail Address:
The Customer-Generator Facility’s Information:
Facility Address:
City: State: NJ Zip Code:
Account #: Meter #:
Do you plan to export power?
If Yes, Estimated Maximum: kW
, Estimated Gross Annual Energy Production: kWh
One-line Diagram Attached (Required): ________________ Site Plan Attached (Required): _______
Energy Source: Gross Generator Rating: ___ kW
Utility Accessible Disconnect or Lock Box:
Customers proposing to install generation greater than 2,000 kW are required to contact their EDC for the appropriate
application procedures.
Electric Distribution Company (EDC) serving Facility site: Rockland Electric Company
Electric Supplier (if different from EDC):_____________________________________
Electric Service Information for Customer Facility Where Generator Will Be Interconnected
Capacity: __________ (Amps) Voltage: __________ (Volts)
Type of Service: Single Phase Three Phase
If 3 Phase Transformer, Indicate Type
Primary Winding Wye Delta
Secondary Winding Wye Delta
Transformer Size: _____________________ Impedance: ______________________
Intent of Generation
Offset Load (Unit will operate in parallel, but will not export power to EDC)
Net Meter (Unit will operate in parallel and will export power pursuant to New Jersey Net
Metering or other filed tariff(s))
Wholesale Market Transaction (Unit will operate in parallel and participate in PJM market(s)
pursuant to a PJM Wholesale Market Participation Agreement)
Back-up Generation (Units that temporarily parallel for more than 100 milliseconds)
Note: Backup units that do not operate in parallel for more than 100 milliseconds do not
need an interconnection agreement.
Generator & Prime Mover Data
Energy Production Equipment/Inverter Information:
Synchronous Induction Inverter Other _________
Rating: __________ kW Rating: __________ kVA
Rated Voltage: ________________Volts
Rated Current: ____________________Amps
System Type Tested (Total System): Yes No; attach product literature
For Synchronous Machines:
Note: Contact EDC to determine if all the information requested in this section is
required for the proposed Customer-Generator Facility.
Manufacturer: ____________________________________________
Model No. ________________ Version No. ____________________
Submit copies of the Saturation Curve and the Vee Curve
Salient Non-Salient
Torque: _____ lb-ft Rated RPM: _______ Field Amperes: ________ at rated generator
voltage and current and ________% PF over-excited
Type of Exciter: ________________________________________________
Output Power of Exciter: _________________________________________
Type of Voltage Regulator: _______________________________________
Locked Rotor Current: ________ Amps Synchronous Speed: ______RPM
Winding Connection: _________ Min. Operating Freq./Time: __________
Generator Connection: Delta Wye Wye Grounded
Direct-axis Synchronous Reactance (Xd) _______ohms
Direct-axis Transient Reactance (X'd) _______ohms
Direct-axis Sub-transient Reactance (X"d) _______ohms
Negative Sequence Reactance: _____________ ohms
Zero Sequence Reactance: ________________ ohms
Neutral Impedance or Grounding Resistor (if any): ___________ ohms
For Induction Machines:
Note: Contact EDC to determine if all the information requested in this section is
required for the proposed Customer-Generator Facility.
Manufacturer: ____________________________________________
Model No. ________________ Version No. ____________________
Locked Rotor Current: ________ Amps
Rotor Resistance (Rr) _____ohms Exciting Current ____Amps
Rotor Reactance (Xr) _____ohms Reactive Power Required: ________
Magnetizing Reactance (Xm) _____ohms ___VARs (No Load)
Stator Resistance (Rs) _____ohms ___VARs (Full Load)
Stator Reactance (Xs) _____ohms
Short Circuit Reactance (X"d) _____ohms
Phases: Single Three-Phase
Frame Size: _________ Design Letter: ____ Temp. Rise: ___________
Additional Information for Inverter Based Facilities
Inverter Information:
Manufacturer: _______________________ Model: ____________________
Type: Forced Commutated Line Commutated
Rated Output _________ Watts ________ Volts
Efficiency ________% Power Factor ________%
Inverter UL1547 Listed: Yes No
DC Source / Prime Mover:
Rating: __________ kW Rating: __________ kVA
Rated Voltage: ________________Volts
Open Circuit Voltage (If applicable): ________________Volts
Rated Current: ____________________Amps
Short Circuit Current (If applicable): ____________________Amps
Other Facility Information:
One Line Diagram attached: Yes
Plot Plan attached: Yes
Customer Signature
I hereby certify that all of the information provided in this application request form
is true.
Interconnection Customer Signature: __________________________________
Title: Date: ____________________
E-mail Address:
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An application fee is required before the application can be processed. Please
verify that the appropriate fee is included with the application:
Application fee included
Application Fee for a Level 2 interconnection review is $50 plus $1 per kW of the
nameplate capacity rating.
Application Fee for a Level 3 interconnection review is $100 plus $2 per kW of the
nameplate capacity rating.
EDC Acknowledgement
Receipt of the application fee is acknowledged and the interconnection request is
EDC Signature: ____________ Date:
Rockland Electric Company
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