Financial Assistance Application
Narragansett Parks & Recreation Program Desired:________________________________________________
Head of Household:_________________________________________________________________________
City:______________________________________ State:_________________ Zip:______________________
Phone (day):____________________(Evening):__________________ M:___ F:___ Date of Birth:__________
List name and date of birth of all individuals living in the same household who share living expenses (including
yourself, spouse, children, etc.)
Name DOB Name DOB
___________________________ __________ ______________________________ __________
___________________________ __________ ______________________________ __________
___________________________ __________ ______________________________ __________
Monthly Income: Total amount of monthly income before deductions (including wages, salary, public
assistance, child support, alimony, social security, unemployment compensation, TDI, worker’s compensation,
pension, or retirement income) available to support household expenses from all sources and individuals living
in the household: $__________________________________________________________________________
Additional reasons which I feel are relevant to my application:_______________________________________
I hereby certify that I have completed all the information requested within this application form, and that all
information supplied is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that there is no misrepresentation by
omission. I further understand that this application does not constitute acceptance by the NPRD, and that I will
be notified as to whether my application for financial assistance has been approved or not.
______________ _____________________________________
Date Applicant Signature
______________ _____________________________________
Date Director or Designee Signature
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Percentage awarded ___________________
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