Many family law matters involve complex and valuable legal rights which cannot adequately be protected without the assistance
of an attorney. The information provided is basic, general information that does not fit all situations. It is the duty of each self-
represented individual to know what rules of court and law apply. For more information on the law, these forms, and free
classes, visit www.familylawselfhelpcenter.org or the Family Law Self Help Center at 601 N. Pecos Road.
Filing Fee: There is no fee to file this paperwork. There may be a fee to file your underlying motion.
This Packet is for:
A person who already has a hearing set (or is about to set a hearing); and
There is an emergency and you want the judge to hear the case quicker.
NOTE: If the judge grants the Order Shortening Time, the hearing date will be reset and the
opposing party will have to be personally served with all of your paperwork.
HEAR FASTER. If there is not a court date set, you must also file a motion that explains what
you want the judge to order and why. You will get a court date when you file that motion. This
packet asks the judge to move your hearing up to an emergency court setting.
You Must Normally Serve the Other Party With the Motion FIRST: If you have not served the
other party with the motion yet, you have to explain in these forms why the judge should set an
emergency hearing without waiting for the other party to be served. The judge may deny
your request until the other party is properly served first.
Use black ink and write clearly.
Ex Parte Motion for an Order Shortening Time
This form tells the judge why you want to have the hearing quicker. You have to explain the
emergency that cannot wait to be handled.
Order Shortening Time
The judge will sign this if the judge decides to give you a quicker hearing date. Fill out the
top and sign the bottom. The judge will fill in the new hearing date.
Mail: Send your forms to Clerk of Court, 601 N Pecos, Las Vegas, NV 89101.
Online: You can upload your documents at https://nevada.tylerhost.net/OfsWeb/. There is
a $3.50 fee to e-file your documents. The Order Shortening Time should not be efiled,
but it can be emailed after you efile the ex parte motion. See Step 3 for more
In person: Bring your forms to the Family Courthouse. File them at the Clerk’s Office on the
floor (you will need to get a ticket for filing when you arrive).