Faith Activities Report
Reporting Period April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020
______________________________ Council No. _________ Members on 4/1/2019 ________
Division ____ _________________________________, Grand Knight
A. Domestic Church Activities (25)
Did the Council Purchase a Domestic Church Kiosk during this Year: __ Yes ___ No (8)
If Council had purchase Kiosk before this year, did Council Purchase
Replacement Books during this Year? : __ Yes ___ No (7)
Number of Council Members involved in Faith Support Activities (unduplicated): (10)
Teaching or Assisting in CCD ___ Teaching or Assisting in RCIA ___
Family Ministries ____ Parish or Emmaus Retreats ____ Taking Eucharist to Home Bound ___
B. Holy Hour Programs (20)
Number of Holy Hour Programs ______
Dates: ___________ Attendance _________ Members Attending __________
___________ Attendance _________ Members Attending __________
___________ Attendance _________ Members Attending __________
___________ Attendance _________ Members Attending __________
Describe in Detail What was done in each Holy Hour Program:
C. “Into the Breach” Apostolic Exhortation (15)
Describe in Detail How the Exhortation is being carried out:
Number of Men Participating
Number of Discussion Meetings Held
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2. The fields “Council Name”, “Council Number” and “Grand Knight’s Name” a
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Council Number, click on the drop down arrow and move the slide down until you find your Council
Number and “click” on it to select it; “tab” to the “Members on 4/1/2019” and “Division” and the fields will
be filled in automatically.
3. You will be able to move through the Application by tapping the “TAB” Key.
4. You will be able to save your entries by renaming it to: “Faith Activities 2020 – Council XXXXX”; where
“XXXXX” represents your Council Number.
5. When you are ready to submit the Report, make sure that your email program is open.
6. Report must be submitted by April 10, 2020.