Revision 12/17/2018 Page 2 of 3 613
REQUIRED as materials with course information:
14. Timed content outline: of topics and subtopics to covered in increments of 20 minutes or less. Include
breaks and final exam times in the outline.
15. Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes: One or more statements of the measurable outcomes the course
developer or sponsor seeks to achieve, i.e. what applicable knowledge and/or skills students will gain from the
course that will prepare them to perform competently as real estate licensees and in a manner that will protect
the public interest.
16. Final exam: at the end of each module or session. The minimum pass grade must be 75%. Provide a copy
of the final exam with the answer key or correct answers marked.
Retention of Postlicensing Education records
Sponsor verifies that attendance records will be retained in accordance with NAC 645.4444 at Sponsor’s
location address given below.
Written notice of any change in location must be given to the Real Estate Division, Education Section.
17. Address of location at which records will be held:
(Printed Name of Authorized Records Custodian)
(Signature of Authorized Records Custodian)
Regulatory Compliance
18. By signing and submitting this form to the Division, Sponsor agrees to comply with all Sponsor duties
including, but not limited to, using:
a. Evaluation report form 612A or the information prescribed in the form;
b. Attendance report form 740 or the information prescribed in the form;
c. Certificate of completion provided with course approval notification or the information prescribed in it;
d. Evaluation summary report form 612C or the information prescribed in the form; and
Submitting completed class rosters on form 785A using instructions provided in form 785.
Course application fee is $100 per application. Total amount enclosed : $
“I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Nevada that the foregoing is true and correct.”
(Signature of person authorized to submit application)