43. Accounts Payable
44. Notes Payable - Bank, Schedule C
45. Notes Payable - Other, Schedule C
46. Customer deposits on motor vehicles
to be delivered, Attach itemized list
47. Dividends Declared - Not Paid
48. Accrued Payroll
49. Accrued Taxes or Rent
50. Social Security, U.C., Withholding
51. Sales Tax Owed
52. No. _____ New cars, cycles, RVs or
Mopeds, Floor-Planned *
53. No. _____ New trucks, Floor-Planned *
54. No. _____ Implements, Floor-Planned *
55. No. _____ Demonstrators, Floor-Planned *
56. No. _____ Used vehicles, Floor-Planned *
* List in Schedule D
57. Other Liabilities, including contingent liabilities
58. Total Lines 43-57 inclusive
Mortgages Payable On: Schedule B
59. Land and Buildings - Dealer Business
60. Land and Buildings - Other
61. Machinery, Tools and Equipment
62. OceFurnitureandFixtures
63. Leased Vehicles
64. Other ______________________________
65. Judgments Outstanding
Depreciation/Amoritzation Reserve, Sch. B
66. Land and Buildings - Dealer Business
67. Land and Buildings - Other
68. Amortization of Leaseholds
69. Machinery, Tools and Equipment
70. OceFurnitureandFixtures
71. Leased Vehicles
72. Other ______________________________
73. Total Liabilities & Reserves Lines 58-72 incl.
Net Worth
74. Capital Stock
75. Treasury Stock - if any
76. Partners' Investments - partnership
77. LLC Members' Contributions
78. Surplus beginning of year
79. Protthisyear
80. Total Lines 78-79 incl.
81. Less Div./Dist. Declared
82. Total Surplus
83. Net Worth
84. Total Lines 73+83 (Equals Total Assets)
MV2195 11/2000 s.345.17 or s.946.32 Wis. Stats.
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
1. Cash on Hand - Not cash in bank
2. Cash in ___________________
3. Cash in ___________________
4. Securities Owned - Complete Schedule A
5. Contracts in Transit - No. _____________
6. Time contracts dealer holds on MVs or RVs
7. Time contracts dealer holds on merchandise
8. Open Accounts less than 90 days
9. Open Accounts past due
10. Others - Describe
Inventories- At lower of cost or book
11. No. _____ New cars, cycles, RVs or Mopeds
12. No. _____ New trucks
13. No. _____ Implements
14. No. _____ Demonstrators
15. No. _____ Used vehicles
16. New Parts
17. Accessories
18. Gas, oil, grease
19. Other Inventory - Describe
20. ___________________________________
21. ___________________________________
Prepaid Expenses
22. Taxes and Interest
23. Rent and Insurance
24. Other Prepaid Expenses
25. Total Lines 1-24 inclusive
Fixed Assets- Complete Schedule B
26. Land and Buildings - Dealer Business
27. Land and Buildings - Other
28. Leasehold Improvements
29. Machinery, Tools and Equipment
30. OceFurnitureandFixtures
31. Leased Vehicles
Deferred Assets
32. Deposits on contracts
33. Factory reserve or bonus
34. Finance reserve including holdbacks
35. Ocersnotesandaccounts(corporation)
36. Advances to employes
37. Others _____________________________
Other Assets Not Listed Above
38. ___________________________________
39. ___________________________________
40. ___________________________________
41. ___________________________________
42. Total Assets (Lines 25-41 inclusive)
Show name
of bank
Legal Name
Area Code - Telephone Number
State Zip CodeCityPostOceBoxNumberBusiness Address
License Numbers of ALL Dealerships
Business Entity
Sole Proprietorship
Financial Statement Date