2018/2019 Dependency Override Appeal
Students who wish to request a Dependency Override Appeal must rst meet with a nancial aid counselor.
Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis by a committee made up of Financial Aid sta members.
Student’s Last Name Student’s First Name Student’s M.I. Student’s HCC ID Number
Step 1: Complete verication.
Before proceeding with the Dependency Override, you must complete 2018/2019 verication (if not already completed).
All required documents can be found in Self Service in myHCC. These include:
The 2018 Independent Verication Worksheet 2016 tax documentation
Step 2: Answer the following questions:
1. What is your mother and father’s current marital status? Never married to each other Married to each other
Separated or divorced from each other Father is widowed Mother is widowed
2. How often do you have contact with your parent(s), and when was the last time you had contact with them?
3. When was the last time you lived with either parent (include dates or your age at that time)?
4. Which parent did you live with most recently?
Both Father Mother Equally split time between both parents.
5. If you chose “Equally split time,” which parent provided more nancial support the last time you received nancial support?
6. When was the last time you received nancial support from either parent? (List the parent(s) and the date or your age.)
7. Please list any nancial support you received from your parent(s) in the last 2 years. Include the type of support and the
parent who provided it. (Financial support includes cash, housing, food, gifts, and payment of your bills or debts such as
health or car insurance, or car payments.)
8. Who owns the vehicle you drive?
Me Parent(s) Other person: I don’t drive
What is the year, make and model of the car you drive? (Example: 2010 Honda Civic)
Year Make Model
9. Do you have health insurance? Yes No When was the last time you received health
insurance through your parents or their employers?
List which parent and the approximate date or your age at the time
10. List your addresses since the age of 18 or since you moved out of your parent(s)’ home. Include your relationship to the people who owned
or rented the property (parents, aunt, self, friend, etc.) and the dates you lived at each address.
Your address:
Your relationship
to owner:
Step 3: Seven situations are described below. Please check the box that best describes your situation.
1. You are unable to obtain your parents’ nancial information due to physical or emotional abuse, drug/alcohol
abuse, or other extraordinary family situations.
Required Documentation:
Signed statement from an adult professional who is familiar with your situation and can verify your circumstances. This may include
teachers, school counselors, professors, clergy, social workers, medical professionals, employers, or any other adult who you know in
a professional capacity. The letter must be on agency letterhead, be signed, and include the professional title of the writer.
A letter from you explaining the situation in detail.
One or more of the following:
- A letter, from someone other than a relative or a friend (i.e. the parents of a friend of the student, a neighbor, an employer).
- Police or court reports.
- Documentation from a social agency.
2. Both of your parents are incarcerated or your custodial parent is incarcerated and the other parent meets
the circumstances described in section 1, above.
If the above applies to you, please provide the following to the nancial aid oce:
A signed statement in your own words describing your situation. Please include all relevant details including names, dates, and places.
Any available documentation that details the beginning date and length of incarceration. This might include court documents,
newspaper articles, or a statement from the incarcerating institution.
If one of your parents is incarcerated and the other parent meets the circumstances described in section 1, provide all the materials
requested in section 1 as they pertain to that parent.
3. Your custodial parent has died and the other natural parent is still living. You, however, have neither had contact
with nor received any nancial support from the living parent for a signicant period of time.
Required Documentation:
Letter from you explaining the situation in detail.
A copy of the death certicate for the deceased custodial parent.
A letter from an objective third party which supports your claim that you have neither lived with nor received nancial support
from the noncustodial parent for a signicant period of time.
A copy of your birth certificate
4. You are an unaccompanied homeless student.
Required Documentation:
A letter from you explaining your situation in detail – including clari cation of why you consider yourself homeless.
One or more of the following:
- Documentation of where you are living on a temporary basis.
- A letter from an objective party that explains and con rms your homeless status.
5. You became married after completing the FAFSA, which was led as dependent status.
Required Documentation:
A letter from you explaining your situation in detail – including how a dependency status change will aect your eligibility
Copy of marriage certicate.
6. You are legally divorced and maintained a residence apart from your parents while married and continue to do so.
If the above applies to you, please provide the following to the nancial aid oce:
A signed statement describing your situation. Please include all relevant details including names, dates, and places.
Copies of your marriage license and divorce or dissolution court documents.
Any other available documentation verifying that you are fully self-supporting.
7. Other
Required Documentation:
Please speak to a nancial aid counselor to determine eligibility for a dependency override appeal.
Step 4: Expenses and Income
Types of expenses are listed in the rst column. Enter your estimate of monthly amounts in the second column. In the third
column, give the name and relationship of the person(s) who pay(s) the expense or provides the item for you. If you pay the
cost, enter “Self” in the third column.
Who Pays or Provides It
Housing $
Utilities $
Food $
Clothing $
Transportation $
Medical $
Personal $
Describe your monthly income in the second column and name the source in the third column.
Income Type Amount Source
Wages/Salary $
Financial Aid $
Name of school(s):
Public Assistance $
Name of agency:
Cash Support $
Name of person(s):
Other $
Step 5: Sign and submit this form with all required documents.
Statement of Understanding
I certify that the supporting documentation submitted is true and accurate and represents
my situation as described in the letter submitted to the Dependency Override Request
Committee. Failure to submit the required documentation will result in an automatic denial
of my request.
I authorize the Dependency Override Request Committee to contact any third parties
whom I have requested to document my situation.
I understand that the Dependency Override Request Committee may require
additional documentation in order to clarify my situation.
I understand that I may be required to meet with the Dependency Override Request Com-
mittee for a personal interview in order to clarify my situation.
I understand that the decision of the Dependency Override Request Committee is nal.
Financial Aid Services
10901 Little Patuxent Pkwy
Columbia MD 21044
443-518-4576 (FAX)
Doc type: UG Finaid Miscellaneous
FA Doc Name: Dep Appeal
Work Flow
Main: FAS Document Processing
Sub-queue: Acaemic Year