Step 1: Complete verication.
Before proceeding with the Professional Judgment, you must complete 2018/2019 verication (if not already completed).
Complete the 2016 Independent Verication Worksheet and and submit your 2016 tax documentation as indicated on the
verication worksheet..
Step 2: Type an explanation.
On a separate sheet, explain your circumstances, including specic dates and details.
Step 3: Check the box that describes your circumstance and attach the required documentation.
Death of spouse after ling the 2018/2019 FAFSA.
Enter the date of death: AND attach a copy of the death certicate.
Separation or divorce after ling the 2018/2019 FAFSA.
1. Date of marital separation: 2. Submit 2016 W2s AND copy of separation agreement, divorce decree,
or substantial evidence (mortgage/lease/utility bill) proving you live in separate residences.
Student and/or spouse is unemployed or has an overall income reduction of at least 20% after January 1, 2017.
became unemployed or reduced work hours in
Is above-named student or spouse employed now? Yes No Date of new employment
For above-named student or spouse, check A or B and submit documents checked documents.
My 2017 tax return accurately reects my current nancial situation:
Submit 2017 tax return transcript from IRS and 2017 W2s or 1099s.
My 2017 tax return does not accurately reect my current nancial situation.
Submit the following supporting documentation, as determined by a nancial aid counselor.
Complete the 2018 Estimated Income worksheet on page 2.
Termination letter Last three pay stubs from former employer
All unemployment benets received in 2018. (Ex. Copy of severance/ benets/unemployment compensation)
If now employed, three pay stubs from current employment
For professional judgments processed after January 31, 2019, submit the following, as determined by counselor:
2018 W2s or 1099s 2018 Tax Return Transcript 2019 Estimated Income
Loss or reduction of untaxed income after January 1, 2017. (ex. IRA conversion, loss of child support, etc.)
1. Date of change: AND attach documentation. (Example: Ocial documentation of termination of benets)
Unusual medical and dental expenses (Expenses paid in 2018, not covered by health/dental insurance.)
1. Attach supporting documentation. (Example: Proof of payment, receipts).
Submit the following as determined by counselor:
2018/2019 Independent Professional Judgment Appeal
Students who wish to request a Professional Judgment Appeal must rst meet with a nancial aid counselor.
Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis by a committee made up of Financial Aid sta members.
Student’s Last Name Student’s First Name Student’s M.I. Student’s HCC ID Number
Report the income your family expects to receive from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. In sections A and B, report estimated
income before exemptions, adjustments, or deductions. If there will be no income in a category, enter “0.” This form must be typedhandwritten
forms will not be acceped.
A. 2018 Estimated Gross Taxable Income
(if married)
1. Wages, salaries, tips (include severance pay)
$ $
2. Pensions and annuities
$ $
3. Interest, dividends, and capital gains
$ $
4. Business or farm income
$ $
5. Social Security benets (taxable)
$ $
6. Income received from rents after expenses (mortgage interest, taxes, and insurance)
$ $
7. Alimony
$ $
8. Unemployment compensation
$ $
9. Any other taxed income
$ $
Total 2018 Estimated Taxed Income (1–9)
$ $ $
B. 2018 Estimated Untaxed Income
(if married)
1. Payment to tax-deferred pension and savings plans (paid directly or withheld from earnings), including,
but not limited to, amounts reported on the W-2 forms in Boxes 12a through 12d, codes D,E,F,G,H and S.
$ $
2. Deductible IRA and/or Keogh, SEP, and SIMPLE payments.
$ $
3. Child Support received for all children
$ $
4. Tax-exempt interest income.
$ $
5. Untaxed portions of IRA distributions.
$ $
7. Living and housing allowances for clergy, military and others. Include cash payments or cash value of
benets. Exclude rent subsidies for low-income housing. Members of the military should only report
their total BAS benets for 2018. Do not report any military housing benets (BAH, BAQ, or the value
of on-base military housing).
$ $
8. Veteran’s Non-educational benets such as Disability, Death Pension, or Dependency
& Indemnity Compensation (DIC) and /or VA Educational Work-Study allowances.
$ $
9. Any other untaxed income and benets not reported elsewhere on this form. Include untaxed income
such as workers’ compensation, disability benets, Black Lung Benets, untaxed portions of health
savings accounts, Railroad Retirement benets, etc.
$ $
10. Money received or paid on the student’s behalf e.g., cash, rent, books
Total 2018 Estimated Untaxed Income (1–10)
$ $ $
Step 5: Cerication and Signature
Each person signing below certies that all of the information reported is complete and correct. If student is
dependent, the student and one parent whose information was reported on the FAFSA must sign and date.
Student’s Signature
WARNING: If you purposely give false or misleading information, you may be ned, sent to prison, or both.
Financial Aid Services
10901 Little Patuxent Pkwy 443-518-1260
Columbia MD 21044 443-518-4576 (fax)
ImageNow Doc type: UG Finaid Verication
FA Doc Name: Professional
Work Flow Main: FAS Document Processing
Work Flow Sub-queue: Academic Year
C. 2018Other Resources
Type of Financial Support Name of Recipient
Yearly Amount
Expected in 2018
Provide information about any other
resources, benets, and other amounts
received by the student and any members
of the student’s household. This may include
items that were not required to be reported on the
FAFSA or other forms submitted to the nancial
aid oce, and includes such things as federal
veterans’ education benets, military housing,
SNAP, TANF, etc.
Legal Settlement
Medical Assistance
Step 4: Estimated IncomeJan. 1, 2018 through Dec. 31, 2018
NOTE: If you are submitting a 2017 tax return transcript, do not complete Step 4. Proceed to Step 5.
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