Attachment I: Credit Information Requirements
If the primary source of repayment for the transaction is a corporate guarantor provide only 1a), 1b) and 1 c)
on the borrower;
current information (within the last six months) as described below is on file at EXIM, indicate Guarantee
or Policy #_________________________________________________________
If the primary source of repayment is the borrower, provide the information noted in 1 a) – 1 g) below (note
optional information described in part 3):
a) Company description and ownership
Provide a concise description of the company origin, legal status, facilities, business activities and primary
Provide the name of each owner of at
least 10% of company shares and his/her ownership percent.
b) Related party information
Provide names and a brief description of subsidiaries, parent com
pany, and/or commonly owned companies
(“related parties”).
Indicate which, if any, of the related parties account for more than 25% of the borrower’s sales or purchases
during the last fiscal year.
Indicate which, if any, related parties extend loans to the borrower or to whom the borrower extends loans, if
loans are material to the borrower. Materiality is defined as 10% of the borrower’s total assets.
Provide details of guarantees given on behalf of related parties by the borrower, if loans are material to the
c) Credit agency report
Provide a credit agency report on the borrower not
older than six months from date of application,
Check if credit agency report is not applicable because the borrower is a financial institution
(bank), or a foreign government agency.
d) Creditor Bank or Supplier References
Provide a creditor bank reference prepared within six months of the application date. Report should include
bank name, address, and length
of relationship, amount, currency, and terms of secured and unsecured credit
and repayment experience.
If the borrower does not have any financial institution creditors, provide two supplier references.
Supplier references should be dated within six months of the application and include years of credit
experience, annual sales, the terms of sale, the amount of the last sale, the recent high credit, the amount
currently outstanding, details on any past due amounts, and repayment experience.
There are certain requirements for all financial statements, regardless of the amount of the transaction.
These are as follows:
Provide financial statements
for the previous three fiscal years, as well as interim statements if the latest
year end statements
are dated mo
re than
nine month
from the date of application. When interim
statements are provided, also provide interim statements for the same interim period for the previous year (for
comparative purposes).
Export-Import Bank of the United States
e) Financial Statements
OMB 3048-0014
Expires 08/31/2022