Title to this property is in the name of
If title holder is different from
the applicant, please explain
An unincorporated association/organization
Exact date title was acquired
Please attach copy of the deed.
Does the applicant have a lease or land contract for this property?
If yes, please attach a copy.
Amount paid by title holder for the property
Exact date the exempt use began
Under what section(s) of the Ohio Revised Code (R.C.) is exemption sought?
How is this property being used? Do not give conclusions such as charitable purpose, public worship, or public
purpose. Be specific about what is being done on the property and who uses it. If the property is not currently being
used, but there is an intent to use it later for an exempt purpose, describe the intended use and the date set for the
intended use.
During the years in question, was any part of this property (check one):
Leased or rented to anyone else?
If yes, please attach copy of lease agreement.
Used for the operation of any business?
Used for agricultural purposes?
Used to produce any income other than donations?
Note: If the answer to any part of question 15 is “yes,” enclose all details on a separate sheet of paper. If
money is received, submit profit and loss statements, income and expense data, balance sheets, or any other
financial statements.
Is anyone living or residing on any part of this property?
If yes, answer the following:
The person’s name and position
The resident’s duties (if any) in
connection with this property
The rent paid or other
financial arrangements
Is anyone using this property other than the applicant?
If yes, please enclose a complete, detailed explanation.
Does the applicant own property in this county which is already exempt from taxation?
Property used for charitable purposes.
Please provide articles of incorporation, constitution or by-laws, IRS determination letter and any other similar
relevant information.
Property used for senior citizens’ residences.
If the purpose of the property is to provide a place of residence for senior citizens, submit all information required
by R.C. section 5701.13.