Skill Statements
Once you have idened your transferable skills, you can develop them into transferable skill statements that you can
use in an interview to show employers that you meet the qualicaons of the job. A transferable skill statement gives a
descripon of the skill; an example of a me in your work, home or educaon when you used the skill; and a statement
that connects your skill to the job you are applying for. Review the examples below, and then get started developing your
own transferable skill statements.
Skill statement 1 — Budget money: “I can keep nancial records.”
Example: “As a full-me homemaker, I handled all of the family money, including savings and checking, without ever
bouncing a check or failing to pay a bill on me.”
Connecon: “If I could handle the family nances so well for twenty years while taking care of all of the other
household chores, I will be a good account clerk for you.”
Skill statement 2 — Organize tasks: “I am a well-organized person.”
Example: “At my last job I received assignments from mulple people, so I had to organize my me and priorize to
sasfy everyone.”
Connecon: “If I could handle that confusion, I can deal with the organizaonal demands of this job.”
Skill statement 3 — Explain: “I can explain informaon clearly.”
Example: “Whenever anyone at work had trouble understanding a procedure, they came to me for an explanaon.”
Connecon: “I learn quickly, train new workers and help others.”
Skill: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Statement: _________________________________________________________________________________
Example: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Connecon: ________________________________________________________________________________
Skill: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Statement: _________________________________________________________________________________
Example: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Connecon: ________________________________________________________________________________
Job Content Skills
Job content skills are related to job-specic cercaons, licenses, tools and tasks. Each industry tends to have its own
vocabulary of required skills. An example of a job content skill is a Class A CDL for a truck driver. Other examples include
prociency with QuickBooks, Microso Excel or OSHA or having a pharmacy technician license. List all job content skills
that apply to you: